Casinos Near Indianapolis, Indiana – Map & List

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Moving to Ohio, looking for a new casino

Got a promotion and being moved to another location in Ohio, near Ashland. My wife and I have enjoyed smaller casinos in SW Michigan. We've had the ability to bet low limits most of the time or drive an hour to Indiana were we can consistently find $5 tables.
I compiled a list of casinos within a 2 1/2 hour drive of us. Any information you can give would be helpful. If they don't have 5 dollar tables, do they have bubble craps? My wife mostly plays slots and carnival games.
MGM Northfield Park (slots only) - does this location have bubble craps? 1 hour drive
Jack Cleveland Casino. - Heard their minimums are $10, doesn't drop to 5. Do they have bubble craps? 1:05 drive.
Hollywood Casino Columbus - Heard their minimums are $10, doesn't drop to 5. Do they have bubble craps? 1:20 drive
Hollywood Casino Toldeo - I've been there on a weekday before 5 and seen $5 tables for poker and others. Wasn't a craps player then. What are their options? 1:47 drive
Mountaineer Casino - I haven't been to this place in 20 years. I don't remember much about it. 2:09 drive.
Wheeling Island Casino - I know they always have $5 craps with a firebet. I didn't get to look around much so I don't remember if there are bubble craps machines as well. 2:30 drive.
Greektown Casino - her parents live close to here. I think I've only been here to eat and play slots. Never played table games here. 2:38 drive.
Rivers Casino Pittsburgh - Heard their minimums are $10, doesn't drop to 5. Do they have bubble craps? 2:30 drive.
MGM Detroit - We thought about driving here to see her parents frequently and playing. We usually get offers from MGM to stay in Vegas (stayed at Luxor last time) and want to keep on their mailing list. I assume it's a $10 an up place. Maybe they have bubble craps? 2:30 drive.
Thanks for all of your help. I really enjoy craps, but my budget is usually $100, sometimes $200, so a $10 table doesn't work for me.
Thanks for all of the responses! Anything on Mountaineer Casino?
submitted by necrochaos to Craps [link] [comments]

I could use an opinion. Maybe some love. (Very Long Read)

I am not good at writing even though I am an American.... Bear with me.
How to start this? I will make this short as possible. Still it is a story of the abuse I went through. So grab a snack or a drink if you want to read this. Its long. Real long.
My father, mother and I never got along. I was the black sheep when it came to the family mentality. I was a rebel. An outsider. My father would think beating me would set me right but, really it didn't. This began in New York City when I lived around Avenue K.
My first time remembering his abusive ways was when I was a little kid, going to school (P.S 115.) I cried that I did not want to leave on my first day... This embarrassed my parents, so when I got home my father tied me up (Hands and feet), and placed a chair before me. He broke a broom in half. Not the aluminum ones. This is the end of the 80s and the start of the 90s when brooms sticks where still made of heavy wood. He would raise my tied up legs so I was in a L pose with my back on the floor. He sat in the chair and my legs are now between his legs. He used the stick to hit the soles of my feet, as hard as he can. I do not remember what happen after.
Also we had this dirty furnace room. It was tiny with a water heater and other things. I think a air central conditioning unit. He would throw me in there when I do something bad and the furnace would make sounds that I did not like. My father said there is a monster in there lurking and he hoped it eats me. This traumatized me as a kid.
I also remember him holding my head. He is a pretty big guy. His hand did wrap around half my head. He picked me up and smashed my cranium through the dry wall.
Another punishment he does that is a slightly passive was this. Imagine you are made to face a wall. You put your hands high over your head touching the wall and made to stand on one leg... for hours.
Last thing I remembered before we moved to another area was that my father took the same broom stick and beat me like a pinata on my right hip. There was massive bruising there. I was limping. My teacher noticed and suspected abuse when I showed it to her. I lied though. My father made me lie.
Then we moved to Sheepshead Bay. I kind of liked it there. On weekends my mom and I go out. She will check out the fish market, where fishermen sell their catches. However, the abused of course continued. My father slapped me around for playing with a worm. I was 10 at the time and I know now it is normal for boys around my age to play with creepy crawly things. When my father slapped it was not the ones that make your face turn. No. He does it as hard as he can knocking me to the floor.
I misbehaved at school again, and my father woke me up at 1 in the morning. This was my first time being awake this late at night. He asked "You know what time it is?" And I remember shaking my head. He replies. "Its 1 in the morning." and I was confused. As a kid I thought night meant darkness and morning means when the sun rises. I remembering replying. "Its not morning. Its still night." I am not sure what what said after that but I do remember my father made me do the hands up and stand on one leg on the wall thing for the rest of the morning until the sun rose. I was tired as a overworked mule when I went to school.
There were fights between my mother and my father. Sometimes the fights got so bad, he spends the night at a friend's place leaving my mother in tears. Sometimes he got physical. Rewind to when I was a child, before I went to school. I remember I saw my first fight between them. I had to be maybe 3 or 4 years old. My mother took scissors out to defend herself and I can tell now my father is holding her back from stabbing him. It was brutal. I was hiding in the shadows, the far side of the living room watching. I did not understand what was happening that time.
When the fight was over my father took her to the bed room and locked the door. I came out of hiding, and saw drops of blood for the first time. It was on the floor. I did not know what it was. I remember thinking it has to be rubies. Like the jewel on one my mother's rings I like to look at when she held me. She wears three rings. I touched it and it was water, and I thought to myself "Water rubies?"
Now fast forward back to me being 10. I was tied up a lot, beaten, punished for the slightest misbehavior. Children around my age love to explore things and touch. My father hated that. When I would go shopping with them I would touch things, to see how they worked. I had a knack for touching things, looking, exploring with my hands. Taking apart my toys and see the inner workings and understand how it worked. It was my way to explore the world. I understood engines and car maintenance at such a young age. My father would take me to the junk yards a lot to look for car parts. As he is busy I would mess around with things. My hands covered in rust and grease.
If I was caught touching things in stores, when I got home I got a beating. Another way, he would make me hold out my hands, palms up. Then use a spatula. He would hold the flat end and hit my hands as hard as he can with the handle end.
I had a hard time focusing, cause of ADHD. My father would give me assignments during summer vacation. Such assignments are like, memorize the capital cities of each country. Where each country is at in the world. Multiplication, division. Making me write everything in a book he highlighted and it was a lot. It was hard. I just couldn't focus. He beat me if I didn't get it done or properly memorized. He will not stop until I was broken in spirit and refuse to get up.
One time he spat in my face for not getting a chapter in a book written down on paper. The mucus was all over my face. When I went back to school new school year, math was getting harder. Words and literature was becoming advance. Cause of this I could not focus. I was placed in special ed for this reason. I was bullied a lot too.
I wanted to be normal. I wanted to be like the other kids. Have a normal life. I even begged my parents to put me on medication to help me... but they refused. Because of the abuse, and how empty I felt, and realizing I wasn't a normal kid at the age 11, I wanted to commit suicide. Some serious people got into this and I had to attend therapy and special classes to deal with this for awhile.
Also my father is a Muslim, and around this time forced me to memorized things in the Quran. He'd tortured me, like placing a pencil between fingers and squeeze down on my hand. I can feel the finger bones around the pencil bending causing a great surge of pain. He'd do this if I get one thing wrong. What is worse, I did not speak Arabic. So to me, I had to memorize gibberish.
Age 12, we moved from New York City to Columbus, Ohio. There is a strong Islamic presence there and my father wanted to be around that. Shortly after the move, my mother who is a Chinese Buddhist converted to Islam. My father got her tapes that talked about the Quran in Chinese, so she can understand.
I was failing at 5th grade, and I did my best, but it wasn't enough for my father ofc. I would hide my report cards and lied to them I lost it. I did not want to show him my failing grades. When he found them, oh I was in for a world of pain. He told my mother to get out of the apartment. She protested but demanded her and she relented. I forgot to mention my sister, she was 4-5 around that time. So my mother took her too with her.
My father went to town on me. Tied me up with rope and tape. Gagged my mouth so I could not yell and started wailing at me with fists. He even picked me up and threw me across the living room a couple of times. Cause my legs and hands are bound, I was like dice getting tossed at a casino. I landed whatever side was facing the ground. He knocked my bottom left canine tooth out.
Thankfully that was a baby tooth. A new one replaced it, and its longer than the others. A reminder where the tooth had broke.
Another time I am not sure what I did, but I remember him tying me up and placing a knife to my throat. Threatening me to slaughter me like a lamb. He has put a knife to my throat so many times. Even now as a adult if my neck and throat is touched by someone, I wig out. I go from 0 to angry and scared when touched there.
Still I got into trouble. Still I was a trouble maker.
Age 15, my parents moved to Florida. In New Port Richie my uncle convinced my father and mother to moved there. Also the Islamic presence there is strong too. So it convinced my parents to move and try to make it work there.
The beatings have almost stopped. Like literally almost stopped. My father worked long hours and only saw him at dinner before I did homework and went to bed. The first time I was able to focus in school better. I was much more well behaved. My self esteem shot through the roof. I made friends. The hot weather, I enjoyed it! My uncle took me almost every weekend fishing. He would even get me rental videos for VHS to watch. ((One video was a anime that show tits. Oh god my parents would have flipped if they saw that))
I was a happy teenager! The higher taxes there made my mother work too. Both my parents are too busy working. I was okay with this as I barely had to spend time with them when I got a loving uncle. I got to spend time with my friends. The only trouble I would get into was messing with fire ant hills as I love pissing those things off. I had awesome teachers at, Seven Springs Middle School. My grades shot up, as well as my mental and physical health was getting better and better. I was tan and lean and was a handsome young man. Everything was looking good for me.
However, it was not to last. We did not stay even for a year. Because how my parents had to work like dogs, they decided to move back to miserable Columbus Ohio. My uncle gave my parents a massive roll of paper to use as packaging for the frail items like dishes and vases. This thing was heavy. I brought this up as this is important later.
In the middle of cold autumn too. The sudden climate change screwed my body up. I got the chicken pox again. So literally I got the chicken pox twice! Once when I was a kid and then as a teenager.
Cause of the school I had to go to, it was in the ghetto. I was bullied a lot. My father is less busy so the beatings came back. I was very miserable. Suicidal. Reckless. What even crazier, my father was a trucker. How he supported the family since I was 11. He take me in the truck on weekends and lecture me and beat the crap out of me while I seated in the passenger seat.
Then this day I will never forget. It's the day that changed me forever and I know it. Big story short, the day I got in trouble for climbing the open cafeteria windows to flirt with some girls eating lunch. When my father got home and heard the news... He loses it. Remember that big roll of paper? Well he took that and threw it on my head. I had to be rushed to the E.R and get 13 stitches. So much blood. I was concussed. Confused.
My mother begged me to lie. So I did to the doctor saying a large china dish fell on my head as I was horsing around.

The beatings and punishment got worse and worse. My father would make me stand in the middle of the living room all night some days. If I fell asleep on the floor, he'd kick me on the sides like a dog. He prohibited me from moving that sometimes I would be asleep on the floor and I accidentally urinated on my myself. So I had to run to the bathroom to pee out the rest before I made a mess. I would then go back to standing in the middle of the living room in the dark until my body and mind is too tired.
I couldn't take it anymore. I was cutting myself. Shop lifting. Stealing bikes. Causing trouble for the neighbors. Smoking. I was venting my frustration, my anger, and my sadness out by doing crimes. When I steal, I did not steal cheap stuff. I stole gameboys and games. I stole from stores, friends and so on. Each time I did it, I got better at it. I felt hollow inside once again and doing these things made me felt alive. I bury my head in games I stole to drown the world out. Make me forget my problems. My mental problems decline real fast too. I was spiraling out of control.
I was bullied a lot at school, so as petty revenge some of the bullies played football. I would pretend to go home. Once most the students left I would return in different attire I had in my backpack. I would sneak into their locker rooms while they are at practice and my fingers got real sticky for their money. Most did not use locks on their lockers and I did this a handful of times. Cause of this, people wonder who the thief was and no one suspected it was me.
I started to run away from home too. The frequency picked up on the runaways. If I had $100 for every time I runaway from home, I could afford a house or a super car by the time I was 18. I was caught a lot by police and they would send me though different children services. One place I visited more times I care to count was called the, Huckleberry House. A short term living place for troubled children and teens. It was like a short stop so children services can figure out what to do with the children.
Another time I was caught I was sent into a mental ward for kids and teens. Where I was diagnosed with ADHD and bipolar. The medication help... but just barely.
Then I did the biggest crimes in my life.... I wanted to go back to Florida. I wanted to feel safe and free again. I needed money though. So, one morning I skipped school, and went to a supermarket. I set fire in the car isle where I know all the flammable stuff was... My goal was to rob the registers as people left the store for safety, and use the money to get to Florida.
I was caught.... Police took me home with a court date and everything as there was no substantial proof I did it. They had to look at evidence and footage. My father was at work, and he threaten to kill me as soon as he got home. I tried running away again but my mother blocked the door. I never touched my mother, but in desperation I had to. I pulled and dragged her from the door and ran out.
I was lost and confused and very scared for my life. Night settled, I was still determined to get to Florida. That is all on my mind. Get to Florida and be safe. I felt like I died inside. So night came, and I broke into a small collectibles store. Broke the door window with a log i found, I got in and took the register and got out quick. It was locked, so I took it to a feild and tossed it around and banged it with rocks till it opened. Nothing but change, but I took every penny, nickle, dime and quarter. Then I walked for an hour, and I went to Meijers when they started having those coin counters. I manage to get over 200 dollars. I tried shop lifting for supplies I needed on my trip but was caught.
I was sent to Juvenile jail in the Franklin County District in Columbus. I was let out a few weeks later, given probation for a year with some community service. It was to school, work and back home. Still, I did things if I knew I can get away with it, to feel alive. Stealing. Smoking. That kind of stuff. My father got more violent with me and tried to drill Islam into my head even harder. He thinks that it should help me with my problems. Beatings and abuse still continued and I was powerless.
Then the neighbors kids started to bully me. Beating me up and so on. On the last two weeks of my probation.... I made a Molotov cocktail. I was planning to threaten the bullies with it if they do not leave me alone. Well... they ran away to a cop that was rolling down the streets. Yep... busted. So I was given another year of probation and this time with an ankle monitor. Because I was still causing trouble in school, and I was bullied and I am violating my probation time to time, my lawyer stepped in. I was about to go to Juvenile detention once again, instead she manage to get me into a place called the, Buckeye Ranch.
A place for trouble kids to stay long term to see professionals for help and therapy. First day there, they cut the ankle monitor off. I stayed for about a year. There I learned to improve on my social skills and other things. I was taking my medication and making some strides. My behavior was improving. Because of the lack of abuse, I was happier. Not as happy as in Florida but never the less I felt safe and secure. I still caused trouble but, the stealing has stopped and I stopped smoking. I learn to grow plants, and take care of horses, and how to find a career.
I let out my feelings a lot more. A lot of pent up rage and sadness was in me. Later, time to time I get to visit home on the weekends before I had to return.
When I return I was 17, and my parents bought a house during my stay at the Buckeye Ranch. They promise not to hurt me anymore and things will be better. Boy was that a big lie.
Again the beatings did return and my father had to use more force as I was a bigger guy by then. Also, I drew a lot. And in Islam, drawing people and animals is prohibited. My father would find my drawings and burn them in front of me. So much art I had was lost. So, I kept them hidden. In my room's vent. The vent grill was coming out the floor and was not bolted down. Do I hid my drawings... and some naughty material in there..... What? I was a young man still going through puberty! Sue me!
My father had no idea. He would raid my room invading my private area randomly to search for things but never he looked in the vent. Then I would keep my drawings in a binder, in plastic sheets to protect them. I almost always leave that binder in my school locker.
The house was in Hilliard, Ohio and I went to Darby High School. I realize I was also bisexual around this time. I met my first guy crush there and he liked me back. He given me a necklace of a arrow head and a wolf to show his fodness for me.. My father found this necklace and thought it was offensive to Islam and took it away from me. He later admitted he took it with him on his long haul drives in his truck and threw it out the window somewhere in Indiana. I was devastated. It pissed me off to no end. Another chip on my shoulder I will never forgive him for.
I wanted to learn how to break dance, and I joined a club for that. My father did not approve and wanted me home on time. I defied his orders staying late at school to do activities. I wanted to do something with my life and in a more productive fashion! My stealing days was long behind me. Oh this did not set well with him.
Surprisingly, the day I came out the closet he did not do anything to me. I think the shock was too much for my father to do anything. Instead he tried to talk to me about it. It felt awkward. Strange. To be honest. I was expecting to be buried alive. That was short lived as my father would call me a faggot and other demeaning names cause of my sexuality.
I was a couple of months from my 18th birthday, and on this day was another event that turned me differently. I was practicing break dancing at school with my brothers (close friends at this point) and I called my mother to pick me up as usual. However my father was home early and she said he is coming to pick me up. I did not want to deal with my father because I know he will never approve of me staying after school and lecture me and smack me around. Instead I decided to walk home.
When I got home I wanted to just go upstairs and be in my room. No as soon the door closes my father attacked me. He punched me to the floor and dragged me across the hallway into the living room by my hair. He started to wail at me with his fists. He beat me until he was out of breath. He sent me upstairs, no dinner and after crying for a good hour, I slept it off. Next morning I ran away from home.
Another friend heard the news and told me he knows a family I can stay with a little bit until I turn 18. I took the chance. And for privacy I will say the husband is J and the mother is K. They had three children. Two twins and a young baby that was approaching toddler hood. They had a older daughter near my age we will name her R, who I thought was nice but was a bitch to me.
I took care of the young kids as payment for my stay. Fed them. Babysit. Put them to bed. I had to be careful though as they had a head lice problem and I was letting my hair grow out. I would comb and take care of my hair and check for any signs of lice in my hair. I did get infected with head lice only once and because I caught it early I was able to treat it right away. I was that careful. J kept his hair short as possible, so he can spend time with his girls without worry. The day when I turned 18.... I was free from abuse....
Oh I was so wrong on so many levels.
Living with J and K for awhile... about 6-8 months. I found a guy I liked online that lived in Dayton, Ohio. I went to go live with him and he WAS AN A$$HOLE!... The f%$#er forced sex on me a lot! Even when I was sick as a dog with the flu, he forced me! What is worse... he got another guy and tried to have a three way. This new challenger was even a bigger asshole... but you know what they say about guys with small dicks beings an asshole? It is very true with this new guy. My thumb is bigger than his "you know what!"
One day I had enough. Boyfriend tried to force his way on me, and tried hitting me. I upper cut him in the solar plexus and told him "No!" which made him cry like a little girl as he heaves in pain. Then I dumped him there. When he realize I wasn't going anywhere and I will fight back, he moved out. Leaving me with small dingle dong man.
Also the Landlord was gay with a boyfriend and they were Zoophiles. I walked in one day on him and his boyfriend having sex with a dog! It's. Still. Burned. Into. My. Brain. To. This. Day. God. Help. Me.
Also it was hard for me to land a job too. So I helped by looking after their dog and some other chores. Whatever... I needed a roof. One day the dog got loose when I went outside to do some yard work to earn my keep. The landlord came home and got furious. He started beating me up on the porch for everyone to see! Which later got him arrested.
His boyfriend got arrested too for harassing the police.
His mother later came to kick me out. A friend was helping me pack my things. We told her what her son (the landlord) has been doing with animals and she refused to believe it. Oh well...
I had a friend's mother come pick me up and take me back to Columbus, Ohio where I again lived with my parents. My father was sorry for everything and bought me new clothes and a cell phone. Because Social Media was becoming a thing around this time I had a lot of online friends. Two weeks living with my parents I was stupid to post my new number online and day and night I got texts. So 4 am I woke up to text chimes and I get up to go online to make a post to my friends not to text me on such and such hours.
Then my dad walked in. I am on a computer.... 4 am.... doing nothing wrong.... Yet he lost it. He went from 0 to psycho very fast. He grabs the keyboard and pulls it away from me so hard the cable snapped before my eyes. Time seem to slow down for me there as I witness this keyboard cord just snaps in front of me.
Then we had a shouting match. I realize... "He is not trying to hit me. Oh yeah! I am 18!" So I decided to shout back and we got into our first shouting match. He told me to get the F&@% out and never come back or else he'll call the police. I packed up my things and left him, calling him all sorts of obscenities. It felt gooooood. I was in tears but it felt good at the same time.
I stayed with a friend, until I manage to get a hold of some people I can stay with in Saint Louis, Missouri. They took me in, and lets just say.... their house.... should have been condemned as unlivable by the city ages ago. I am not joking. The basement floods, the house is falling apart. Bugs everywhere. Oh and they let a crazy cat lady live with them with dozens of cats and they were infested with fleas!
Summer is approaching and I am close to the age of 19. Then I met this man who later becomes the love of my life I am still with today. We dated and he shown me kindness and love. Honestly I wasn't use to this. I thought he was trying to butter me up and let my guard down. Sometimes in my head I am like "Okay what does he really want? There has to be something. This is not normal for this to happen to me." But, trust came slowly and I learned to love.
As for the situation I was in that time. I had a minimum paying job that barely covered my part of rent. I was behind. I need new shoes badly as I did not have a car or a bike. So everywhere I go was with my own two feet. When I bought new shoes and my own watch for the first time I earned with my money, she flipping lost it. I tried showing her my old shoes are falling apart. I had them for about 2 years give or take. No she wasn't having any of that. She kicked me out.
Around this time I was having a infection grow under my right armpit. It was getting bigger and bigger each day and turning all sorts of shades of red, blue and purple.
Also funny enough, the house I was kicked out of was condemned by the city three months later and everyone in that place had to move out.
After I got kicked out. My boyfriend got me to stay with a friend who was cool. He was out in Saint Charles, Missouri. Few months later we got our own home. We live together and happily.
However, my father would not let go of me in his clutches. My siblings would find me on social media and beg me to talk to him. I would cave and call and my father would try to guilt trip me into coming home. I would reject his offer and again would go from 0 to psycho that we have a shouting match over the phone. This would happen every two to three months as I tried my best to avoid talking to my family. Each time we talk, he would beckon me to come home and make many promises. When I reject he would mentally and verbally abuse me.
Age 24, my father really hit me in the heart. We got into another fight when I refuse to come home when I am already home with a man I love and treats me well. He knows I like guys and he used that against me with homophobic talk. Calling me all sorts of homophobic names. He finished it off with "I HOPE YOU GET AIDS AND DIE!"
Next two days it really impacted me. I felt shattered. This would go on and on. I would talk to him trying to set boundaries but he kept crossing them.
Also age 24 I got my first car. Even my father was critical, and verbally abusive. He told me I should have given him the money and he will find me a nice car. Now at this point in my life I knew something was amidst. He could have put the car under his name with mine and used it against me to come home. Nope. Not falling for it.
Also I denounced being a Muslim as I want to follow my own path in spirituality. My father and mother do not know this. I know they will both flip out. I tend to keep them in the dark about this.
Age 27, totaled said car in very bad and wet conditions. Got good insurance money out of it, and put it as a down payment for a Nissan 350Z. Again my father became critical saying I am too stupid to drive something that has so much horse power. Still have the Z to this day.
Also I was not being treated for my depression, and over the years I had no clue I was a ticking time bomb...
About 3 years ago, I had a mental break down. My depression got suddenly worse. Depression can not only make one suicidal but also homicidal too. That is what happen to me. I was terrified as I felt extremely suicidal and homicidal. It was not for attention. I felt it like the way I was starving for food or thirsty for water. I wanted to. The urges were powerful. I realize something is very wrong with me. I ask my spouse to hide my handgun. He did at his company he owned. Locked and hidden.
Also his company is protected by fencing and cameras and alarms. So I know there is no way I can find them in case I become more of a basket case.

I thought it was a phase and I tried to wade it out for 4 days. When I realize I wasn't going to win, I turn myself into the E.R and got into a mental ward. I felt shattered, broken, as if my true kind self is going to fade into the abyss forever.
The next 7 days they concluded I suffered PTSD, major depression and possibly boarderline personality disorder from my past of being abused badly. I was evaluated by 4 psychiatrist. A leader and three students. You know its bad when a psychiatrist (The leader) says "Because of your past Mr. *******, its not surprising you feel homicidal." I was taken back by this. Took me a moment to accept that... yeah it is possible I was feeling this way because of all the harsh abuse I've been through.
Also it did not help I turned myself in at the start of OCTOBER and people were watching HORROR FILMS with blood and people stabbing other people at that ward.
After I got out, I started to see a psychiatrist and take therapy for my BPD. I am taking a a pill to help with my symptoms and I am back to normal... mostly. Still get the urges to maim someone or jump off a building but its very much controllable.
Then my father called, and we get into yet another fight... I had it with him trying to guilt trip me home. When he got angry that I refuse to come home I stopped him. "I know why you are pissed I wouldn't come home! I left you like your father did!" And hung up the phone.
I mean it is true. His father bailed out on him shortly after he was born.
And here is the crazy part. Someone pinch me to make sure I am not dreaming. After that when we talked, he started to respect my boundaries and became more understanding. We do not fight any longer. I told him what I told you reader about my mental breakdown and he feels fully responsible for it. He even brought up Florida. He mentioned he noticed my sister and I were very happy to be there. We were healthier and flourishing. He mention regretting moving from there.
Reader, to me this is very strange. I am not sure if its old age or something with my old man. I am 32 and going to be 33 this summer. There is a little peace and a hint of solace in knowing my father realizes the damage he has done to me. Still, somethings he did I can never forgive him for. I know I given him WAY more chances he deserves. I still do not trust him at all, and I am keeping very cautious. I do however have slight optimism that he maybe changing just a little for the better.
Ah reader, my journey has been hell, but I am happy. Still with the man I fell in love with when I was 19. I have my own car, and trying to open my own small business thanks to the enormous help from my spouse.
To be honest, I want to cut all connections to my father. I want nothing to do with him anymore. Reader, what do you think about all this?
submitted by SilverlonewolfX to abuse [link] [comments]

Week 39: Experts in authoritarianism advise to keep a list of things subtly changing around you, so you’ll remember.

Despite Congress being out of session and Trump on vacation, this was one of the most alarming weeks so far. Without provocation, Trump made aggressive statements towards three countries, and escalated the possibility of nuclear war with N. Korea. The country continued to burn in hate as violence surrounding a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville led to a state of emergency in Virginia. Other troubling trends continued this week including: an increase of media controlled by Trump and his allies, an unstaffed and unprepared executive branch, and steps taken to suppress the vote in future elections. Even with his new chief of staff, it is apparent Trump is consolidating power and answering to no one. He is also stepping up his attacks on the legislative branch.
  1. On Sunday, reminiscent of state-owned propaganda, Trump launched the first broadcast of “real” Trump TV featuring Kayleigh McEnany, formerly a commentator on CNN.
  2. On Monday, the RNC named McEnany to be its national spokesperson, meaning she will get paid by the RNC for her Trump TV work.
  3. Lara Trump will run Trump TV as part of her job with consulting group Giles-Parscale. Per Week 31, Parscale has been called by Congressional investigators to testify on his role in the Trump campaign and Russia.
  4. Trump’s FCC chair, Ajit Pai, revived a regulatory loophole allowing Sinclair Broadcasting to vastly exceed federal limits on media ownership. When a pending deal closes, Sinclair will reach 72% of US households.
  5. VOX analyzed 17 months of Fox & Friends transcripts and found a symbiotic relationship between Trump and the show. Since the election, data reveals the show’s primary goal is talk to Trump, not their audience.
  6. On Fox News Sunday, Rosenstein said he has not been directed by Trump to investigate Hillary’s email, as suggested by Trump. Rosenstein added, “That wouldn’t be right. That’s not the way we operate.”
  7. Rosenstein also dismissed that the Russia probe is a “total fabrication” — the reference by Trump. He also said Mueller can investigate any crimes he discovers within the scope of his probe.
  8. Conway suggested WH staffers may be required to take lie-detector tests as part of the regime’s efforts to find leakers.
  9. WAPO Editorial Board wrote Trump’s DOJ is joining the GOP’s crusade to suppress voting, citing an Ohio case of culling voters before the SCOTUS. The Obama administration found this unlawful, Trump’s does not.
  10. Indiana NCAAP and Priorities USA are suing the state over a law which results in closing voting precincts in black and Latino areas.
  11. A WAPO survey found 52% of Republicans believe Trump won the popular vote, and would support postponing the 2020 election to make sure that only eligible American citizens could vote if Trump proposed it.
  12. AP reported Ivy League schools are bracing for scrutiny from the Trump regime for their efforts to make their campuses diverse.
  13. A bomb was tossed through the window of a Mosque in Bloomington, MN. Minnesota’s governor declared the bombing “an act of terrorism.”
  14. Trump did not acknowledge the bombing. Tuesday, Gorka said the WH would “wait and see” in case the blast turned out to be a hoax. By week end, Trump still had no comment.
  15. On Wednesday, Trump tweeted out a Fox News story about a vehicle ramming into soldiers in France, which the news agency insinuated, without having evidence yet, was carried out by Islamic terrorists.
  16. The NAACP Legal Defense Fund will appeal a federal judge’s ruling allowing a white Alabama town to secede from a racially-mixed county school district and start its own system.
  17. CNN fired conservative pundit Jeffrey Lord after he tweeted the Nazi salute, “Sieg Heil!” at a prominent liberal activist.
  18. A study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found Trump’s moves to undermine Obamacare have already triggered double-digit premium increases on individual health insurance policies in many states.
  19. NYT reported government scientists are concerned that a report by scientists in 13 federal agencies, which finds a drastic impact of climate change in the US, will be suppressed by Trump.
  20. In a series of emails obtained by The Guardian, the Trump regime advised staff at the USDA not to use certain terms like “climate change” and “climate change adaption.”
  21. Karina Brown, an Asian American woman who attended a Bon Jovi concert in Columbus, OH was told by a fellow concert-goer, “You don’t belong in this country.”
  22. Five transgender troops sued Trump over his tweet to instate a transgender military ban.
  23. The Canadian military is building a refugee camp in Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle near Plattsburgh, NY to house up to 500 US asylum seekers. This is in addition to a shelter at Montreal Olympic Stadium in Week 38.
  24. CNN reported Sam Clovis, Trump’s nominee to be chief scientist at the USDA, had on his conservative radio show stoked the birther conspiracy, called Eric Holder a “a racist black,” and Tom Perez “a racist Latino.”
  25. More than 75 consumer, health and advocacy groups came together to stop the Trump regime from stripping nursing home residents and their families of rights to take facilities to court over alleged abuse or neglect.
  26. As the Trump Organization tweeted about the launch of The Trump Estates and golf in Dubai, concerns continued to surface about ways US foreign policy has been impacted by the Trump family’s investments.
  27. WAPO reported on how Trump hotel DC has become a center of influence, where members of industry and others seeking access meet with Trump regime members. And Trump financially benefits.
  28. Trump Hotel DC turned a $2mm profit for the first four months of 2017, far exceeding the Trump Organization’s projected loss of $2.1mm. Driving profits were sky-high room prices and spending on food and beverages.
  29. WSJ reported rooms at Trump Hotel DC’s average daily room rate was $660 compared with $496 for comparable hotels. The room rates are 60% higher than the hotel’s original budget.
  30. The 18 Democrats on the House Oversight Comm sent letters to 15 cabinet departments and nine executive branch agencies requesting information on their spending at Trump Organization businesses.
  31. POLITICO reported Trump’s slow pace in filling vacancies at FERC has caused $13bn of infrastructure projects, expected to create 23k new jobs, to be indefinitely delayed.
  32. NYT and ProPublica continued to track Trump appointees put in charge of dismantling government regulations. 85 appointees have been identified, many with industry or legal ties, or other conflicts of interest.
  33. A US District Court judge in NY will hear arguments in the Trump foreign emoluments lawsuit starting on October 18.
  34. According to a letter to the Senate, the OGE has rejected retroactive waivers for the Trump regime.
  35. Trump ally Robert Mercer donated $300k to Flake’s Republican primary challenger after Flake spoke out against Trump. Among other benefits, the Mercers’ hedge fund has avoided $6.8bn of back taxes under Trump.
  36. AP reported Trump companies applied to a casino trademark in Macau, the world’s largest gambling market. Past applications by Trump had been rejected. Trump had pledged no new foreign deals while in office.
  37. Two top aides for UN ambassador Haley — her chief of staff and communications director — resigned. Haley said on Twitter it was because of “family concerns.”
  38. Four top cybersecurity officials resigned from their posts, including the chief information security officer for the EPA and the CIO for the DHS, both of whom had been in their jobs for just a few months.
  39. FORTUNE reported vegetable prices may be going up soon as Trump’s immigration policies have led to a farmworker shortage, and crops are rotting in the fields.
  40. The Toronto Star reported Trump has made 500 false claims in his first 200 days in office.
  41. A CNN poll taken at 200 days found just 24% of Americans trust most of what they hear from the WH.
  42. In another sign of Trump’s waning popularity, Democrat Phil Miller won a special election (+10) in a Iowa district Trump had won by 22 in 2016.
  43. AP reported Pence has been quietly carving out his own political foot-print, noting Republicans privately admit Trump could be the first president since Nixon to leave office or not to seek re-election.
  44. After Sen Blumenthal appeared on CNN to discuss the Russian probe, Trump attacked him on Twitter for 2 days, calling him a “phony Vietnam con artist,” and saying he “should take a nice long vacation in Vietnam.”
  45. Trump tweeted, “Thank you Nicole!” to an account @ProTrump45. The account, under the name Nicole Mincey, was deleted and appears to have been a bot, part of the Russia-backed disinformation campaign.
  46. VICE reported that since taking office, Trump receives a folder full of positive news about himself twice a day. Some in the WH refer to the folder as “the propaganda document.”
  47. Bloomberg reported Manafort and Donald Jr. turned over thousands of documents in August to the Senate Judiciary Comm in the Russia probe.
  48. Bloomberg also reported Fusion GPS, a company linked to the dossier, and its CEO have yet to turn over requested documents. Senate Judiciary Comm chair Grassley wants to know if Russians paid for the dossier.
  49. Page Six reported Trump’s story about a renovation at the 21 Club, which Trump told the generals while berating them about losing in Afghanistan (Week 38), was “completely wrong in every detail.”
  50. On Wednesday, WAPO reported the FBI conducted a predawn raid on Manafort’s home in Alexandria, VA, seizing documents and other materials related to Mueller’s Russia probe.
  51. The raid occurred on July 26, the day Manafort was scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Comm and a day after he met with the Senate Intel Comm.
  52. The FBI search warrant was for documents relating to tax, banking and other matters. Sources said the FBI agents left with a “trove of material.”
  53. ABC reported Manafort was awoken in the predawn hours by a group of armed FBI agents knocking on his bedroom door.
  54. On July 26 Trump called for acting FBI director McCabe to be fired. Also, that morning he inexplicably tweeted his transgender military ban without notifying the DoD or having a strategy in place.
  55. Bloomberg reported Manafort alerted Congressional investigators about the June 9 Trump Tower meeting three months ago.
  56. Trump ally the National Enquirer posted a story, “Trump Advisor Sex Scandal — Paul Manafort’s Sick Affair,” shortly after the WAPO article hit.
  57. POLITICO reported Federal investigators sought cooperation from Jeffrey Yohai, Manafort’s son-in-law, early in the summer, in an effort to increase pressure on Manafort.
  58. On Thursday, Manafort fired WilmerHale and switched to Miller and Chevalier, a boutique firm in Washington that specializes in complicated financial crimes.
  59. A story in The New Yorker noted that with Manafort’s sophistication and links to Russia oligarchs, he was in a good position to “understand what Vladimir Putin wanted from the Trump campaign.”
  60. ABC reported Congressional investigators want to question Rhona Graff, Trump’s assistant for 30 years, on the email exchange and meeting at Trump Tower on June 9 with Russians.
  61. The bipartisan Sen Judiciary Comm asked the WH to respond to questions about changes to Kushner’s security clearance forms related to undisclosed meetings with Russians. The deadline to reply was July 6.
  62. On Tuesday afternoon, WAPO reported that analysis by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) concluded N. Korea has passed the key threshold of producing missile-ready nuclear weapons.
  63. Later Tuesday, from his golf course in Bedminster, Trump warned N. Korea against threatening US cities, saying threats “will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen.”
  64. Late Tuesday, in reaction to Trump’s ‘red line’ of N. Korea threatening US cities, Kim Jong-un’s regime said it may strike Guam.
  65. Trump’s “fire and fury” comments broke the Dow’s 10-day winning streak.
  66. Trump’s comments were condemned by Democrats, Republicans and nuclear weapons experts, saying his incendiary rhetoric would make things worse.
  67. The Toronto Star reported on the numerous time Trump has used varieties of the hyperbolic phrase, “like the world has never seen,” to make a point, including while a businessman and running for office.
  68. Wednesday, NYT reported Trump’s “fire and fury” threat to N. Korea was improvised. The sheet of paper in front of him was about the opioid crisis, and he ad-libbed without input from his team on wording.
  69. As the N. Korea crisis unfolds, Trump has yet to appoint an ambassador to S. Korea. As per Week 38, 22 of 24 assistant secretary positions in the State Dept are either unfilled or staffed by Obama holdovers.
  70. Blumenthal told MSNBC the Sen Armed Services Comm has been informed as N. Koreans moved from milestone to milestone, indicating Trump also should have known progress and not been alarmist.
  71. A 30-foot inflatable chicken with Trump-like hair floated next to the WH on Wednesday. The balloon was set up by documentary filmmaker Taran Singh Brar to protest Trump “being a weak and ineffective leader.”
  72. Foreign Policy reported on a 7-page memo written by Rich Higgins about the “deep state” targeting Trump, thought to be behind the recent NSC shake-up, including McMaster firing Higgins.
  73. On Thursday, Trump escalated the rhetoric on N. Korea further, saying his “fire and fury” comment may not have been “tough enough.” Asked how he could of been tougher, Trump replied, “You’ll see. You’ll see.”
  74. Shortly after, flanked by Pence and McMaster in Bedminster, Trump did a 20 minute lie-ridden press conference. A historian described Trump’s bizarre outpouring as “he was a dam that had suddenly burst free.”
  75. Trump called it a “disgrace” that the Senate didn’t pass a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare, placing blame on McConnell and saying he wants him to get back to work and get it done.
  76. Trump also twice tweeted about McConnell’s failure to repeal and replace Obamacare, and retweeted a Fox & Friends story Friday saying Trump was leaving the door open on whether McConnell should step down.
  77. On the other hand, Trump said he was “very thankful” to Putin for expelling hundreds of US diplomats “because now we have a smaller payroll.” This is a false statement: diplomats remain on the payroll.
  78. Reuters reported the State Dept was “horrified and rattled,” by Trump’s remarks on expelling diplomats. The third ranking State member under W. Bush called the remarks, “grotesque.”
  79. Also at the press conference, in contrast to what his regime said days earlier, Trump seemingly impromptu declared the opioids a federal emergency: “I’m saying officially, right now, it is an emergency.”
  80. Also, on the transgender military ban, Trump said “I think I’m doing the military a great favor.” and on the transgender community: “I think I have great support…I got a lot of votes."
  81. On Kim Jong-un, Trump said, “He got away with it for a long time…He’s not getting away with it. This is a whole new ballgame.” Adding, “And nobody, including N. Korea, is going to be threatening us with anything.”
  82. Also at the press conference, Trump said “I don’t think Iran is in compliance,” on the 2015 deal to curtail nuclear weapons.
  83. Trump also said there was “no collusion between us and Russia. In fact, the opposite. Russia spent a lot of money on fighting me.”
  84. Gordon Humphrey, a former GOP senator, suggested Congress should use the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office, saying of Trump “He is sick of mind, impetuous, arrogant, belligerent and dangerous.”
  85. Tillerson sought calm on N Korea, saying Wednesday “Americans should sleep well at night.” Gorka told BBC radio, “the idea that Secretary Tillerson is going to discuss military matters is simply nonsensical.”
  86. On Friday, Trump escalated tensions further, tweeting the US military is “locked and loaded” should N. Korea “act unwisely.”
  87. As tensions rose, US allies and adversaries urged caution. Germany PM Merkel said, “verbal escalation will not contribute to a resolution,” and Russia foreign minister Lavrov said rhetoric was “over the top.”
  88. In a phone call Friday night, China’s President Xi Jinping also urged Trump to exercise restraint according to Chinese state media.
  89. As tensions heightened with N Korea, former Defense Secretary Panetta told CNN “we’re dealing with probably the most serious crisis involving a potential nuclear war since the Cuban Missile Crisis.”
  90. In Hawaii, emergency management officials are working on reinstating alarm sirens to warn of a nuclear attack, last used during the Cold War.
  91. On Friday evening, Trump spoke to reporters with Tillerson, McMaster and Haley by his side. Speculation was this was to assure Americans that diplomacy was also being used with N. Korea.
  92. Instead, Trump escalated the rhetoric yet again, saying Jong-un “will not get away with” what he’s doing, and if he attacks Guam, or American territory or ally, “he will truly regret it and he will regret it fast.”
  93. When asked about Venezuela, Trump said we have many options, “including a possible military option if necessary.”
  94. His threat played into Maduro’s hands. Venezuelan officials have long said the US is planning an invasion. Maduro requested a phone call with Trump on Friday, which was rejected.
  95. A DoD spokesperson said Friday evening the US is not planning to invade Venezuela, and “any insinuations by the Maduro regime that we are planning an invasion are baseless.”
  96. Trump called the governor of Guam Friday night to reassure him of US protection. He also joked that Governor Calvo has become “extremely famous,” and offered, “your tourism [is] going to go up like tenfold.”
  97. On Friday night, hundreds of white supremacists marched on University of Virginia’s campus carrying torches and chanting “White lives matter,” and “You will not replace us,” and “Jew will not replace us.”
  98. On Saturday morning, white supremacists in Charlottesville to attend the Unite the Right rally carried Confederate flags and flag with the Nazi Swastikas. Militia groups carrying guns also attended.
  99. Violent clashes between white supremacists and protestors broke out. Local police declared a state of emergency.
  100. Later Saturday, the Virginia governor declared a state of emergency in response to the Unite the Right white nationalist rally. White supremacists were ordered to vacate the park before the rally.
  101. Trump addressed Charlottesville hours later, but failed to condemn white supremacists, many of whom were wearing Trump gear, instead tweeting, “We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for.”
submitted by 1000000students to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

Schedule announced for Hollywood Poker Open

Hollywood has a reputation for producing blockbuster movies, but over the next couple of weeks another type of event is expected to take place here. Poker players are enthusiastic about the prospect of spending a couple of days participating in the Hollywood Poker Open. In 2014, the number of American players expected to attend this tournament is significantly higher than one year ago, which means that the competition will be more intense. Some of them have honed their skills over the Internet and poker rooms such as Sky Poker, but only those who reside within the borders of New Jersey, Delaware and Nevada can play legally. Things will probably change in 2015 and beyond, but for the time being live tournaments represent the highlight of the month for poker players. Season three will begin this November, in Indiana and players should jump on the bandwagon because the next stop is scheduled for February. Those who miss out on the opening event will have to wait three months, which is a long time for those who appreciate the thrills of live poker tournaments. Last season, the Hollywood Poker Open sent many players to the championship event, with a total of 200 competing for real money. Both amateurs and poker professionals are expected to attend the opening event and even more will probably participate in the tournaments scheduled for 2015. Hollywood Casino Lawrenceburg in Indiana will be the gracious host for the first tournament and the registration has already begun. The number of players who announced their intention to participate is on par with the expectations, but their numbers will probably soar as kickoff draws near. There are a couple of professionals who signed up and Chris Moneymaker will be one of them, as a tournament ambassador for season three. To get a better idea about what awaits poker players in 2015 and to make sure that your schedule doesn't conflict with the tournament's program, check out the dates and locations below: Dates Location Nov. 13-23, 2014 Hollywood Casino Lawrenceburg, IndianaFeb. 5-16, 2015 Hollywood Casino Toledo, OhioFeb. 26-March 8, 2015 Hollywood Casino Tunica, MississippiMarch 26-April 5, 2015 Hollywood Casino at Penn National Race Course, Grantville, PAApril 16-26, 2015 Hollywood Casino St. Louis, MissouriApril 30 - May 10, 2015 Hollywood Casino at Charles Town Races, West VirginiaMay 14-24, 2015 Hollywood Casino Columbus, OhioJune (TBD) Championship Event — M Resort Casino Spa, Las Vegas
via Casinoreviews
submitted by Casinobonuscode to CasinoNewsDaily [link] [comments]

Week 39: Experts in authoritarianism advise to keep a list of things subtly changing around you, so you’ll remember.

Despite Congress being out of session and Trump on vacation, this was one of the most alarming weeks so far. Without provocation, Trump made aggressive statements towards three countries, and escalated the possibility of nuclear war with N. Korea. The country continued to burn in hate as violence surrounding a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville led to a state of emergency in Virginia. Other troubling trends continued this week including: an increase of media controlled by Trump and his allies, an unstaffed and unprepared executive branch, and steps taken to suppress the vote in future elections. Even with his new chief of staff, it is apparent Trump is consolidating power and answering to no one. He is also stepping up his attacks on the legislative branch.
  1. On Sunday, reminiscent of state-owned propaganda, Trump launched the first broadcast of “real” Trump TV featuring Kayleigh McEnany, formerly a commentator on CNN.
  2. On Monday, the RNC named McEnany to be its national spokesperson, meaning she will get paid by the RNC for her Trump TV work.
  3. Lara Trump will run Trump TV as part of her job with consulting group Giles-Parscale. Per Week 31, Parscale has been called by Congressional investigators to testify on his role in the Trump campaign and Russia.
  4. Trump’s FCC chair, Ajit Pai, revived a regulatory loophole allowing Sinclair Broadcasting to vastly exceed federal limits on media ownership. When a pending deal closes, Sinclair will reach 72% of US households.
  5. VOX analyzed 17 months of Fox & Friends transcripts and found a symbiotic relationship between Trump and the show. Since the election, data reveals the show’s primary goal is talk to Trump, not their audience.
  6. On Fox News Sunday, Rosenstein said he has not been directed by Trump to investigate Hillary’s email, as suggested by Trump. Rosenstein added, “That wouldn’t be right. That’s not the way we operate.”
  7. Rosenstein also dismissed that the Russia probe is a “total fabrication” — the reference by Trump. He also said Mueller can investigate any crimes he discovers within the scope of his probe.
  8. Conway suggested WH staffers may be required to take lie-detector tests as part of the regime’s efforts to find leakers.
  9. WAPO Editorial Board wrote Trump’s DOJ is joining the GOP’s crusade to suppress voting, citing an Ohio case of culling voters before the SCOTUS. The Obama administration found this unlawful, Trump’s does not.
  10. Indiana NCAAP and Priorities USA are suing the state over a law which results in closing voting precincts in black and Latino areas.
  11. A WAPO survey found 52% of Republicans believe Trump won the popular vote, and would support postponing the 2020 election to make sure that only eligible American citizens could vote if Trump proposed it.
  12. AP reported Ivy League schools are bracing for scrutiny from the Trump regime for their efforts to make their campuses diverse.
  13. A bomb was tossed through the window of a Mosque in Bloomington, MN. Minnesota’s governor declared the bombing “an act of terrorism.”
  14. Trump did not acknowledge the bombing. Tuesday, Gorka said the WH would “wait and see” in case the blast turned out to be a hoax. By week end, Trump still had no comment.
  15. On Wednesday, Trump tweeted out a Fox News story about a vehicle ramming into soldiers in France, which the news agency insinuated, without having evidence yet, was carried out by Islamic terrorists.
  16. The NAACP Legal Defense Fund will appeal a federal judge’s ruling allowing a white Alabama town to secede from a racially-mixed county school district and start its own system.
  17. CNN fired conservative pundit Jeffrey Lord after he tweeted the Nazi salute, “Sieg Heil!” at a prominent liberal activist.
  18. A study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found Trump’s moves to undermine Obamacare have already triggered double-digit premium increases on individual health insurance policies in many states.
  19. NYT reported government scientists are concerned that a report by scientists in 13 federal agencies, which finds a drastic impact of climate change in the US, will be suppressed by Trump.
  20. In a series of emails obtained by The Guardian, the Trump regime advised staff at the USDA not to use certain terms like “climate change” and “climate change adaption.”
  21. Karina Brown, an Asian American woman who attended a Bon Jovi concert in Columbus, OH was told by a fellow concert-goer, “You don’t belong in this country.”
  22. Five transgender troops sued Trump over his tweet to instate a transgender military ban.
  23. The Canadian military is building a refugee camp in Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle near Plattsburgh, NY to house up to 500 US asylum seekers. This is in addition to a shelter at Montreal Olympic Stadium in Week 38.
  24. CNN reported Sam Clovis, Trump’s nominee to be chief scientist at the USDA, had on his conservative radio show stoked the birther conspiracy, called Eric Holder a “a racist black,” and Tom Perez “a racist Latino.”
  25. More than 75 consumer, health and advocacy groups came together to stop the Trump regime from stripping nursing home residents and their families of rights to take facilities to court over alleged abuse or neglect.
  26. As the Trump Organization tweeted about the launch of The Trump Estates and golf in Dubai, concerns continued to surface about ways US foreign policy has been impacted by the Trump family’s investments.
  27. WAPO reported on how Trump hotel DC has become a center of influence, where members of industry and others seeking access meet with Trump regime members. And Trump financially benefits.
  28. Trump Hotel DC turned a $2mm profit for the first four months of 2017, far exceeding the Trump Organization’s projected loss of $2.1mm. Driving profits were sky-high room prices and spending on food and beverages.
  29. WSJ reported rooms at Trump Hotel DC’s average daily room rate was $660 compared with $496 for comparable hotels. The room rates are 60% higher than the hotel’s original budget.
  30. The 18 Democrats on the House Oversight Comm sent letters to 15 cabinet departments and nine executive branch agencies requesting information on their spending at Trump Organization businesses.
  31. POLITICO reported Trump’s slow pace in filling vacancies at FERC has caused $13bn of infrastructure projects, expected to create 23k new jobs, to be indefinitely delayed.
  32. NYT and ProPublica continued to track Trump appointees put in charge of dismantling government regulations. 85 appointees have been identified, many with industry or legal ties, or other conflicts of interest.
  33. A US District Court judge in NY will hear arguments in the Trump foreign emoluments lawsuit starting on October 18.
  34. According to a letter to the Senate, the OGE has rejected retroactive waivers for the Trump regime.
  35. Trump ally Robert Mercer donated $300k to Flake’s Republican primary challenger after Flake spoke out against Trump. Among other benefits, the Mercers’ hedge fund has avoided $6.8bn of back taxes under Trump.
  36. AP reported Trump companies applied to a casino trademark in Macau, the world’s largest gambling market. Past applications by Trump had been rejected. Trump had pledged no new foreign deals while in office.
  37. Two top aides for UN ambassador Haley — her chief of staff and communications director — resigned. Haley said on Twitter it was because of “family concerns.”
  38. Four top cybersecurity officials resigned from their posts, including the chief information security officer for the EPA and the CIO for the DHS, both of whom had been in their jobs for just a few months.
  39. FORTUNE reported vegetable prices may be going up soon as Trump’s immigration policies have led to a farmworker shortage, and crops are rotting in the fields.
  40. The Toronto Star reported Trump has made 500 false claims in his first 200 days in office.
  41. A CNN poll taken at 200 days found just 24% of Americans trust most of what they hear from the WH.
  42. In another sign of Trump’s waning popularity, Democrat Phil Miller won a special election (+10) in a Iowa district Trump had won by 22 in 2016.
  43. AP reported Pence has been quietly carving out his own political foot-print, noting Republicans privately admit Trump could be the first president since Nixon to leave office or not to seek re-election.
  44. After Sen Blumenthal appeared on CNN to discuss the Russian probe, Trump attacked him on Twitter for 2 days, calling him a “phony Vietnam con artist,” and saying he “should take a nice long vacation in Vietnam.”
  45. Trump tweeted, “Thank you Nicole!” to an account @ProTrump45. The account, under the name Nicole Mincey, was deleted and appears to have been a bot, part of the Russia-backed disinformation campaign.
  46. VICE reported that since taking office, Trump receives a folder full of positive news about himself twice a day. Some in the WH refer to the folder as “the propaganda document.”
  47. Bloomberg reported Manafort and Donald Jr. turned over thousands of documents in August to the Senate Judiciary Comm in the Russia probe.
  48. Bloomberg also reported Fusion GPS, a company linked to the dossier, and its CEO have yet to turn over requested documents. Senate Judiciary Comm chair Grassley wants to know if Russians paid for the dossier.
  49. Page Six reported Trump’s story about a renovation at the 21 Club, which Trump told the generals while berating them about losing in Afghanistan (Week 38), was “completely wrong in every detail.”
  50. On Wednesday, WAPO reported the FBI conducted a predawn raid on Manafort’s home in Alexandria, VA, seizing documents and other materials related to Mueller’s Russia probe.
  51. The raid occurred on July 26, the day Manafort was scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Comm and a day after he met with the Senate Intel Comm.
  52. The FBI search warrant was for documents relating to tax, banking and other matters. Sources said the FBI agents left with a “trove of material.”
  53. ABC reported Manafort was awoken in the predawn hours by a group of armed FBI agents knocking on his bedroom door.
  54. On July 26 Trump called for acting FBI director McCabe to be fired. Also, that morning he inexplicably tweeted his transgender military ban without notifying the DoD or having a strategy in place.
  55. Bloomberg reported Manafort alerted Congressional investigators about the June 9 Trump Tower meeting three months ago.
  56. Trump ally the National Enquirer posted a story, “Trump Advisor Sex Scandal — Paul Manafort’s Sick Affair,” shortly after the WAPO article hit.
  57. POLITICO reported Federal investigators sought cooperation from Jeffrey Yohai, Manafort’s son-in-law, early in the summer, in an effort to increase pressure on Manafort.
  58. On Thursday, Manafort fired WilmerHale and switched to Miller and Chevalier, a boutique firm in Washington that specializes in complicated financial crimes.
  59. A story in The New Yorker noted that with Manafort’s sophistication and links to Russia oligarchs, he was in a good position to “understand what Vladimir Putin wanted from the Trump campaign.”
  60. ABC reported Congressional investigators want to question Rhona Graff, Trump’s assistant for 30 years, on the email exchange and meeting at Trump Tower on June 9 with Russians.
  61. The bipartisan Sen Judiciary Comm asked the WH to respond to questions about changes to Kushner’s security clearance forms related to undisclosed meetings with Russians. The deadline to reply was July 6.
  62. On Tuesday afternoon, WAPO reported that analysis by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) concluded N. Korea has passed the key threshold of producing missile-ready nuclear weapons.
  63. Later Tuesday, from his golf course in Bedminster, Trump warned N. Korea against threatening US cities, saying threats “will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen.”
  64. Late Tuesday, in reaction to Trump’s ‘red line’ of N. Korea threatening US cities, Kim Jong-un’s regime said it may strike Guam.
  65. Trump’s “fire and fury” comments broke the Dow’s 10-day winning streak.
  66. Trump’s comments were condemned by Democrats, Republicans and nuclear weapons experts, saying his incendiary rhetoric would make things worse.
  67. The Toronto Star reported on the numerous time Trump has used varieties of the hyperbolic phrase, “like the world has never seen,” to make a point, including while a businessman and running for office.
  68. Wednesday, NYT reported Trump’s “fire and fury” threat to N. Korea was improvised. The sheet of paper in front of him was about the opioid crisis, and he ad-libbed without input from his team on wording.
  69. As the N. Korea crisis unfolds, Trump has yet to appoint an ambassador to S. Korea. As per Week 38, 22 of 24 assistant secretary positions in the State Dept are either unfilled or staffed by Obama holdovers.
  70. Blumenthal told MSNBC the Sen Armed Services Comm has been informed as N. Koreans moved from milestone to milestone, indicating Trump also should have known progress and not been alarmist.
  71. A 30-foot inflatable chicken with Trump-like hair floated next to the WH on Wednesday. The balloon was set up by documentary filmmaker Taran Singh Brar to protest Trump “being a weak and ineffective leader.”
  72. Foreign Policy reported on a 7-page memo written by Rich Higgins about the “deep state” targeting Trump, thought to be behind the recent NSC shake-up, including McMaster firing Higgins.
  73. On Thursday, Trump escalated the rhetoric on N. Korea further, saying his “fire and fury” comment may not have been “tough enough.” Asked how he could of been tougher, Trump replied, “You’ll see. You’ll see.”
  74. Shortly after, flanked by Pence and McMaster in Bedminster, Trump did a 20 minute lie-ridden press conference. A historian described Trump’s bizarre outpouring as “he was a dam that had suddenly burst free.”
  75. Trump called it a “disgrace” that the Senate didn’t pass a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare, placing blame on McConnell and saying he wants him to get back to work and get it done.
  76. Trump also twice tweeted about McConnell’s failure to repeal and replace Obamacare, and retweeted a Fox & Friends story Friday saying Trump was leaving the door open on whether McConnell should step down.
  77. On the other hand, Trump said he was “very thankful” to Putin for expelling hundreds of US diplomats “because now we have a smaller payroll.” This is a false statement: diplomats remain on the payroll.
  78. Reuters reported the State Dept was “horrified and rattled,” by Trump’s remarks on expelling diplomats. The third ranking State member under W. Bush called the remarks, “grotesque.”
  79. Also at the press conference, in contrast to what his regime said days earlier, Trump seemingly impromptu declared the opioids a federal emergency: “I’m saying officially, right now, it is an emergency.”
  80. Also, on the transgender military ban, Trump said “I think I’m doing the military a great favor.” and on the transgender community: “I think I have great support…I got a lot of votes."
  81. On Kim Jong-un, Trump said, “He got away with it for a long time…He’s not getting away with it. This is a whole new ballgame.” Adding, “And nobody, including N. Korea, is going to be threatening us with anything.”
  82. Also at the press conference, Trump said “I don’t think Iran is in compliance,” on the 2015 deal to curtail nuclear weapons.
  83. Trump also said there was “no collusion between us and Russia. In fact, the opposite. Russia spent a lot of money on fighting me.”
  84. Gordon Humphrey, a former GOP senator, suggested Congress should use the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office, saying of Trump “He is sick of mind, impetuous, arrogant, belligerent and dangerous.”
  85. Tillerson sought calm on N Korea, saying Wednesday “Americans should sleep well at night.” Gorka told BBC radio, “the idea that Secretary Tillerson is going to discuss military matters is simply nonsensical.”
  86. On Friday, Trump escalated tensions further, tweeting the US military is “locked and loaded” should N. Korea “act unwisely.”
  87. As tensions rose, US allies and adversaries urged caution. Germany PM Merkel said, “verbal escalation will not contribute to a resolution,” and Russia foreign minister Lavrov said rhetoric was “over the top.”
  88. In a phone call Friday night, China’s President Xi Jinping also urged Trump to exercise restraint according to Chinese state media.
  89. As tensions heightened with N Korea, former Defense Secretary Panetta told CNN “we’re dealing with probably the most serious crisis involving a potential nuclear war since the Cuban Missile Crisis.”
  90. In Hawaii, emergency management officials are working on reinstating alarm sirens to warn of a nuclear attack, last used during the Cold War.
  91. On Friday evening, Trump spoke to reporters with Tillerson, McMaster and Haley by his side. Speculation was this was to assure Americans that diplomacy was also being used with N. Korea.
  92. Instead, Trump escalated the rhetoric yet again, saying Jong-un “will not get away with” what he’s doing, and if he attacks Guam, or American territory or ally, “he will truly regret it and he will regret it fast.”
  93. When asked about Venezuela, Trump said we have many options, “including a possible military option if necessary.”
  94. His threat played into Maduro’s hands. Venezuelan officials have long said the US is planning an invasion. Maduro requested a phone call with Trump on Friday, which was rejected.
  95. A DoD spokesperson said Friday evening the US is not planning to invade Venezuela, and “any insinuations by the Maduro regime that we are planning an invasion are baseless.”
  96. Trump called the governor of Guam Friday night to reassure him of US protection. He also joked that Governor Calvo has become “extremely famous,” and offered, “your tourism [is] going to go up like tenfold.”
  97. On Friday night, hundreds of white supremacists marched on University of Virginia’s campus carrying torches and chanting “White lives matter,” and “You will not replace us,” and “Jew will not replace us.”
  98. On Saturday morning, white supremacists in Charlottesville to attend the Unite the Right rally carried Confederate flags and flag with the Nazi Swastikas. Militia groups carrying guns also attended.
  99. Violent clashes between white supremacists and protestors broke out. Local police declared a state of emergency.
  100. Later Saturday, the Virginia governor declared a state of emergency in response to the Unite the Right white nationalist rally. White supremacists were ordered to vacate the park before the rally.
  101. Trump addressed Charlottesville hours later, but failed to condemn white supremacists, many of whom were wearing Trump gear, instead tweeting, “We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for.”
submitted by 1000000students to TheConstitution [link] [comments]

The Week In Review: Suburban News of the Past Week (5/1/16)

Wheeling High School student's artwork to be on display in U.S. Capitol for one year (Daily Herald)
Elgin computer programmer gets break, becomes Neil Diamond tribute artist in Las Vegas (Daily Herald)
DuPage spends about twice what other collar counties do on courthouse security because they use sworn sheriff's officers, whereas others use lower-paid security officers (Daily Herald)
Growth at Gary Chicago International Airport offers hope for city hurt by economic downturn (Chicago Tribune)
Activists protest outside Zion gun store located on Sheridan Road (Chicago Tribune/Lake County Sun-News)
Morton Arboretum leader, drumming up support for Arbor Day, talks about how important trees are to urbanized areas (WBBM AM 780)
Ex-boyfriend charged in murder of Merrillville woman, he and his current girlfriend charged with felony fraud for using dead woman's food-assistance benefits and selling her car (CBS 2)
Three-car accident at Arlington Heights Road and Euclid Avenue sends two people to hospital (Daily Herald)
Ground broken for Pepper Road Pathway in Lake Barrington (Daily Herald)
Race at McHenry County College brings out superheroes to benefit variety of charities (Daily Herald)
Bishop of Diocese of Gary says St. Mary of the Lake Church, once threatened with closure, to remain open (Chicago Tribune/Post-Tribune)
DuPage, Will coroners: Naperville fentanyl death forebodes potentially 'catastrophic' year (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
Bartlett Village Board approves $53.6 million budget (Daily Herald)
Opinions split over effectiveness of slate of candidates elected to Long Grove Village Board (Daily Herald)
Indian Prairie Unit School District 204, whose three high schools have won 16 Grammy Awards, places a focus on the arts; other suburban districts have won awards since 1999 (Daily Herald)
Elgin, Barrington students aim to log 5 million minutes of physical activity in the classroom (Daily Herald)
Communities work to replace trees lost in battle with emerald ash borer (Chicago Tribune)
Palatine-based Community Consolidated School District 15 approves 10-year teachers contract (Chicago Tribune)
Drunken driver from Chicago also arrested for punching, spitting on Riverside officer (Chicago Sun-Times)
Suburban Cook County still seeing depressed house prices; Blue Island home prices down an average of 47.2 percent since housing bubble burst (Crain's Chicago Business)
Will County holds community summit about the threat heroin poses (WBBM AM 780)
Gary man released from jail after DNA evidence clears him of 1989 rape (CBS 2)
Two people sent to hospital after vehicle they were in crashed into a wall outside Libertyville Starbucks (Daily Herald)
Handful of visitors turn out for wreath-laying in honor of 45 people killed in 1946 train crash in Naperville (Daily Herald)
A first for Illinois Supreme Court: Hearing oral arguments at a school, Benedictine University in Lisle, on May 19 (Daily Herald)
Naperville woman's defense team to claim insanity in murder of son, another child (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
Alleged sex-abuse victim sues Hastert, claiming breech of contract for failing to pay in full $3.5 million promised to keep deal quiet (Chicago Tribune)
Developer plans new hotel near former Purple Hotel property in Lincolnwood while another developer struggles with finances to redevelop land (Chicago Tribune/Lincolnwood Review)
Woodstock police trying to determine who put a weeks-old puppy in a pillow case, taped it shut, then abandoned it near a busy road (Chicago Tribune)
Two men shot at Aurora gas station; police suspect shooting was gang-related (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
Stone Park man shot to death in Melrose Park; case under investigation (Chicago Tribune)
Elmhurst fifth-grader recognized for saving young sister from drowning (Chicago Tribune)
Two Round Lake teens arrested for allegedly burglarizing neighbor's house, taking jewelry, alcohol and tobacco products (Chicago Tribune/Lake County Sun-News)
Shorewood man charged in late-night motorcycle accident that killed pedestrian, another biker on Illinois Route 59 (Chicago Sun-Times)
Sauk Village treasurer charged with embezzling money from village's police pension fund by issuing fraudulent checks to himself (Chicago Sun-Times)
Police investigate two separate drive-by shootings at same house in Plainfield (CBS 2)
Crete native on his way to NFL draft visits elementary school which he attended (WGN TV)
Geneva School District 304 schedules forum for May 3 to discuss objections to proposed TIF district (Daily Herald)
Mundelein Village Board OKs one-year extension to firefighters' contract, $54.9 million budget (Daily Herald)
Lightning strike damages Vernon Hills townhouse building, displaces four families (Daily Herald)
Yorkville man killed in two-truck crash on I-88 near Naperville during evening rush hour (Daily Herald)
Man killed when his car is struck while stopped unexpectedly on Illinois Route 173 outside Van Patten Forest Preserve near Zion (Daily Herald)
Task force recommends Glen Ellyn Elementary School District 41 build permanent addition to Hadley Junior High (Daily Herald)
Police seek man who robbed Oswego convenience store at gunpoint on Saturday (Chicago Sun-Times)
Illinois, Indiana reach deal that will fund revamped environmental study for controversial Illiana Expressway (Crain's Chicago Business)
Oak Park police issue warning after attempted child abduction at Fox Park (ABC 7)
Two men posing as utility workers steal jewelry from Palatine home (Daily Herald)
Naperville City Council approves 39-unit apartment building near 5th Avenue Metra station (Daily Herald)
Vernon Hills-based Hawthorn Elementary District 73 formulating facilities plan as enrollment continues to grow (Daily Herald)
DuPage County Board considering raises for board members, some countywide elected officials (Daily Herald)
Board chairman announces plans to consolidate DuPage Election Commission, DuPage County Clerk's Office (Daily Herald)
Roselle man sentenced to 2 months in jail, 2 years of probation for head-butting Metra conductor (Daily Herald)
Evanston Township High School District 65 commits to change how system treats minorities (Chicago Tribune)
[Debate over whether two aldermen were in Harvey City Council meeting leaves officials wondering whether they passed ordinance giving city ability to collect property taxes]( (Chicago Tribune)
Owner of Evanston's Dave's Italian Kitchen close to signing lease to open new restaurant in town (Chicago Tribune/Evanston Review)
Federal Reserve Chairman speaks at Northwestern University; says reforms following Great Recession are improving things, but doesn't address whether they will prevent future financial crises (Chicago Tribune)
Teacher from Joliet elementary school competes on 'Jeopardy!' (Chicago Tribune)
I-55 crash near Bolingbrook claims life of Coal City man (Chicago Sun-Times)
Hebron man dead after his car crashes into tree (Chicago Sun-Times)
Cook County jury awards $22.7 million to widow of man killed by allegedly drugged driver on I-294 near Roosevelt Road four years ago (Chicago Sun-Times)
Springfield man, a convicted murderer, arrested for failing to register his address following tip that he was staying at PADS facilities in Kendall County (Chicago Sun-Times)
Driver, passenger taken to hospital after car they were in hit a pole, a building in Oak Lawn (Chicago Sun-Times)
DuPage County acknowledges its roll in African-American history, notably Graue Mill's participation in the Underground Railroad (WBBM AM 780)
Neighbor charged in stabbing deaths of two people in Lyons assisted-living facility, following argument over allegedly property taken by one of the victims (ABC 7)
Harvard announces the sale of former Motorola plant (Chicago Tribune)
Forest View woman charged with intentionally crashing her car into ex-boyfriend's in Riverside in order to make him talk to her (Chicago Sun-Times)
FBI: West Chicago bank robbed at gunpoint (Chicago Sun-Times)
Gary teen charged with battery after hitting mother during argument (Chicago Sun-Times)
Event planner proposes banquet hall for former Cubby Bear North sports bar in Lincolnshire (Daily Herald)
Rolling Meadows City Council rejects rezoning, meaning mosque can't move to proposed location (Daily Herald)
Woodland Elementary School District 50 board fires lunch monitor accused of shoving student to floor (Daily Herald)
Some legislators wary of governor's proposal to allow private company to build lanes on Stevenson Expressway (I-55) between I-355 and I-90/94 interchanges (Crain's Chicago Business)
Three Chicago-area Congressmen pen letter to city of Chicago urging the reopening of a diagonal runway at O'Hare Airport; state Senator, leader of O'Hare watchdog group say the letter is a first step to addressing Wood Dale residents' concerns (WBBM AM 780)
Customers turn out to support owner of Schaumburg hobby store, where a burglar stole $5,000 worth of merchandise (NBC 5)
Overturned semi blocks northbound lanes of Indiana State Road 49 near Chesterton, causing backup on I-94 (ABC 7)
Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert sentenced to 15 months in prison for violating bank laws; judge calls him a 'serial child molester' for actions that led to hush-money case (Chicago Tribune)
Former Wheaton College president passes away at 89 from complications of lung cancer (Chicago Tribune)
U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton touts need for American manufacturing jobs during visit to Munster Steel plant (Chicago Tribune/Post-Tribune)
DuPage County treasurer says property owners can expect 2.52 percent increase in taxes (Daily Herald)
Metra hires architect to start on remodel of Libertyville station (Daily Herald)
New liquor-license category will allow three Aurora restaurants to reduce late-night kitchen operations while still selling alcohol (Daily Herald)
Algonquin's Founders' Days festival (July 28-31) to return to Towne Park downtown, after three years at a neighborhood park (Daily Herald)
Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police names Batavia detective Most Outstanding Officer of the Year (Daily Herald)
Arlington Heights man charged with residential burglary, unlawful videotaping after installing a video camera in neighbors' apartment (Daily Herald)
Deadline for Miss, Junior Miss and Little Miss Libertyville pageants is May 12 (Daily Herald)
Carpentersville man reels in estimated 50-inch muskie on Fox River below the Algonquin dam (WBBM AM 780)
Calumet Park man shot in chest, dies at the corner of 125th and South Paulina in Calumet City (Chicago Sun-Times)
Ex-Addison, ex-Elk Grove Village police officer, now living in Ohio, charged with wife's shooting death (Chicago Sun-Times)
LaSalle County man wanted in Kendall County for disorderly conduct, retail theft, failure to appear in court arrested in San Diego, Calif. (Chicago Sun-Times)
Johnsburg couple's plan to renew their vows in Las Vegas hits turbulence; calling a purported Spirit Airlines representative, not the carrier itself, and rebooking flight costs them $840 (NBC 5)
Hampshire resident opens specialty grocery store in East Dundee (Daily Herald)
Tensions between Rolling Meadows police officers, former chief appear to be behind his earlier-than-planned retirement (Daily Herald)
Students from Youth Leadership Academy urge Elgin to change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples' Day (Daily Herald)
Evanston, Mitchell Museum of the American Indian team up to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples' Day on the city's calendar (Chicago Tribune/Evanston Review)
Richton Park couple to appear on Spike TV's 'Life or Debt' show on Sunday (Chicago Tribune)
State administrative appeals judge finds that former College of DuPage controller didn't engage in misconduct or intentionally violate school policy (Chicago Tribune)
Police: Evanston Township High School student brought unloaded semi-automatic gun to school (Chicago Tribune)
Elgin man arrested for robbing a person at knifepoint in Elgin, using stolen credit card (Chicago Sun-Times)
Cicero minister sentenced to 5 years in prison for bilking federal program for child care out of $900,000 (Chicago Sun-Times)
Lake Bluff-based Abbott Labs acquires St. Jude Medical Inc. for $25 million (Crain's Chicago Business)
Sons of Union Veterans to install markers on Civil War graves in Oswego cemetery; dedication scheduled for May 7 (WBBM AM 780)
Man found dead inside bathroom at North Riverside Kohl's store (WGN TV)
Learn how to create an edible forest garden on May 7 at Resiliency Institute in Naperville (Daily Herald)
Glen Ellyn Village Board approves bringing back Intelligentsia Cup cycling race (Daily Herald)
Round Lake church volunteer sentenced to 10 years in prison for sexual abuse of teen boy (Daily Herald)
Disbarred Naperville attorney given nearly 5-year sentence, has to pay $240,000 for her part in mortgage scheme that cost lenders, homeowners $725,000 (Daily Herald)
Former Cubs, Sox players — including Ozzie Guillen — to participate in charity softball game on Sept. 10 at Boomers Stadium in Schaumburg (Daily Herald)
Man sent to prison for 20 years after abusing boys at Mooseheart School fighting state's attempt to have him committed indefinitely as sexually dangerous person (Daily Herald)
Allegations made of Evanston Township High School staff stealing from students' lockers; video surfaces online (Chicago Tribune/Evanston Review)
Body found down embankment at Cline and 5th avenues in Gary ID'd as that of uncle of murdered Burbank man; uncle was shot to death (Chicago Tribune/Post-Tribune)
Lincoln-Way High School District 210 releases capital-projects list, enumerating $4.65 million in work that needs to be done (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
Naperville residents demand changing name of 'Hassert Boulevard,' mistaking street's appellation for former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert; Bolingbrook posts explanation on its website differentiating names (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
Crystal Lake man arrested for providing morphine pills to woman who died of an overdose in March (Chicago Sun-Times)
Woman reports attempted kidnapping after man helped change a car tire in the parking lot at Home Depot on Randall Road in South Elgin (Chicago Sun-Times)
Judge approves sale of Ameristar Casino in East Chicago to trust, which will lease the building back to owner's subsidiary (Times of Northwest Indiana)
Rest of litter related to puppy found inside taped-up pillow case turned over to Gilberts animal-rescue center (WBBM AM 780)
Wood Dale Bank and Trust robbed (CBS 2)
Driver, two students from Homer Glen school bus taken to hospital following accident in which a car pulled out in front of the bus in Lockport; driver, passenger in car also hospitalized (CBS 2)
Illinois attorney general calls to eliminate statute of limitations on felony sexual assaults and sex crimes against children (NBC 5)
Major construction projects in Indiana include Interstate 94 from Illinois to Michigan; state police plan extra patrols for work zones and won't issue warnings (WGN TV)
Police/fire pensions eat into Mount Prospect's budget surplus, prompting the village to examine proposed tax increase (Daily Herald)
Glenbard High School District 87, Glen Ellyn police investigate threat made against Glenbard West on social media, despite it being declared 'unfounded' (Daily Herald)
West Chicago Community High School basketball player a finalist for U.S. Army and Pro Football Hall of Fame's award of excellence (Daily Herald)
Des Plaines Elementary School District 62 expecting loss of 250 students over the next eight years, then enrollment expected to stabilize (Daily Herald)
18-year-old Naperville man already facing charges of battery and misuse of a weapon now accused of sexual abuse of a teenage girl (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
Two youth-home workers in Lake Villa indicted in 'choke-hold' death of boy (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
Zion man charged with robbing Northbrook store at knifepoint while he was wearing women's clothing (Chicago Sun-Times)
Switching delays cause delays on four Metra lines on Friday morning (Chicago Sun-Times)
Arlington Heights Elementary School District 25 begins planning for Thomas Middle School addition (Daily Herald)
Sugar Ray, Everclear, Lit and Sponge to appear on stage at Naperville's Last Fling as part of Summerland Tour (Daily Herald)
Village sets up Go Gurnee campaign to encourage residents to walk 30 minutes a day during May (Daily Herald)
Zion police arrest four people for beating a man and two women, shooting a woman in Wadsworth (Daily Herald)
Palatine-Schaumburg High School District 211 policy group recommends against creating written regarding transgender students' bathroom acesss (Daily Herald)
Coombs Road bridge north of Elgin to remain closed as result of 'age-related damage' (Daily Herald)
Lake County state's attorney says no charges will be filed against Zion police officer in shooting of mentally-ill man (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
Former Wheaton College student pleas guilty to secretly videotaping three coeds in college-owned apartment (Chicago Tribune)
Man robs Ben Franklin Bank branch in Arlington Heights (Chicago Sun-Times)
La Crosse, Ind., man dies after being shot in Chicago Heights (Chicago Sun-Times)
Yorkville man charged with stealing credit cards from Plano YMCA locker last year (Chicago Sun-Times)
Cook County clerk to let stand disputed Harvey vote on property-tax ordinance (Chicago Tribune)
Arlington International Racecourse, Illinois Thoroughbred Horsemen's Association reach deal, just days before facility set to reopen for season (Chicago Tribune/Arlington Heights Post)
Former Barrington High School football player, college student from Elgin cast on MTV matchmaking series (Chicago Tribune)
Operator of Downers Grove charity charged with falsely reporting that a woman did community service, accepted $300 in exchange (Chicago Sun-Times)
Preservationist questions Lake County Forest Preserve District's plan to move Discovery Museum from Wauconda to Libertyville (Daily Herald)
Ivy Hill Elementary School in Arlington Heights celebrates 50th anniversary (Daily Herald)
GrubHub has expanded service to Evanston, Northbrook, Park Ridge and Skokie; plans to add Naperville and Schaumburg in coming week (Crain's Chicago Business)
1,216-student Calumet City School District 155 paying superintendent $413,219 annually (CBS 2)
Elderly driver makes turn, crashes into a bakery and a salon in Bridgeview, then drives off; he later turned himself into police (CBS 2)
Former Roman Catholic priest who once served in Naperville found guilty of sexual abuse of students while he taught at a Michigan high school (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
Former Bear Desmond Clark claims Vernon Hills school has 'racist culture' (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
Couple from unincorporated Homer Township (Will County) dead in apparent murder-suicide (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
Huntley police searching for man who held up a 7-Eleven with a handgun (Daily Herald)
Elgin teen facing felony residential burglary charge for entering a house by tearing open a window screen (Daily Herald)
Des Plaines man struck, killed by semi truck after getting out of his car, which had been involved in a multi-vehicle crash (Daily Herald)
Lake Zurich Fire Rescue Department rescues ducklings from storm drain (Daily Herald)
submitted by emememaker73 to ChicagoSuburbs [link] [comments]

The Week In Review: Suburban News of the Past Week (1/31/16)

Two joggers hit, injured by classic car in Porter County (Chicago Sun-Times)
Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie in Will County seeing more visitors since arrival of bison (Chicago Sun-Times)
Ballot issues in Lake County to include sales tax, fire service in Fox Lake, Green Oaks roads, appointed-vs-elected clerk in Mundelein (Daily Herald)
Wauconda reduces catch limits on bluegills, sunfish, perch in Bangs Lake (Daily Herald)
One person killed, four hospitalized after crash on LaGrange Road in Palos Park (CBS 2)
100 people estimated to have been part of fatal brawl outside Aurora restaurant (NBC 5)
Students return to Griffith, Ind., after charter bus was stuck in snowstorm in Pennsylvania (WBBM AM 780)
Indiana DNR, Valparaiso police remove coyote from Kohl's entryway (CBS 2)
Cook County sheriff blames Gov. Rauner for reduced funding for social-service programs (WBBM AM 780)
Gary man charged with six counts of criminal recklessness after firing gun inside house with children present (CBS 2)
City of Gary seeking more federal funds to demolish 200 vacant and/or blighted buildings (ABC 7)
18-year-old woman found fatally death in Lansing apartment she shared with boyfriend (ABC 7)
Lansing man charged with possession of endangered animal after 6-foot, 200-pound alligator removed from his house (ABC 7)
Wisconsin man sentenced to two years in prison for crash that killed Illinois State Trooper in 2013 (FOX 32)
Volo Auto Museum puts on display of snowmobiling history (Daily Herald)
Gas leak forces temporary closure of Des Plaines Jewel-Osco (Daily Herald)
Fire caused by electric meters forces 18 families out of Schaumburg condominiums (Daily Herald)
Lutheran Services of Illinois to cut 750 positions, shut down 30 programs because of state budget impasse (Chicago Tribune)
Skokie police discover Chicago cop had outfitted his personal car with police equipment; cop reassigned to desk duty (Chicago Tribune)
Worker with outgoing personality at McDonald's drive-through in Wheaton catches Facebook mom's group's, corporate's eye (Daily Herald)
Gurnee turns to crowdsourcing site for new logo, chooses Indonsian's design (Daily Herald)
Buffalo Grove considers tougher restrictions on use of vaping equipment, e-cigarettes (Daily Herald)
Two cases of whooping cough reported at Evanston preschool (NBC 5)
Man shot during armed-robbery-gone-wrong in Waukegan (Chicago Sun-Times)
Cook Memorial Public Library District considering expansion at Vernon Hills branch (Daily Herald)
Government Finance Officers Association recognizes Mount Prospect for 2014 financial report (Daily Herald)
Algonquin-based Community Unit District 300 aims to have digital devices for every student by 2020 (Daily Herald)
Centegra care facility to anchor new West Dundee shopping center (Daily Herald)
Brother turns in suspect who robbed Schererville bank (CBS 2)
Friend keeping up search for Bolingbrook girl who disappeared 20 years ago (WBBM AM 780)
Calumet City pawn-shop owner shoots, wounds would-be robber (ABC 7)
Teacher struck by classic car in Porter County dies (WGN TV)
Richton Park police seek suspect in cell-phone store robbery (WGN TV)
Chicago landlord buys Glen Ellyn apartment complex for $32 million (Crain's Chicago Business)
Plane to pick up organ donor slides off runway at Wheeling airport (Chicago Tribune)
Document: Indiana lost at least $60 million in revenues after passing religious-objections law (Chicago Tribune)
Oakton Community College honors former leader with status as president emerita (Daily Herald)
Rosemont eyeing parking lot at MB Financial Park as site for future building (Daily Herald)
Gasoline from Barrington station leaks into village's sanitary sewer (Daily Herald)
Palatine restaurant shuttered indefinitely following fire (Daily Herald)
Waukegan native's YouTube videos led to his opening for comedian George Carlin (Daily Herald)
Task force to present study to Glen Ellyn Elementary School District 41 on how to eliminate portable classrooms at junior high (Daily Herald)
Tilted Kilt franchisees suing Rolling Meadows-based developer, claiming it misrepresented financial performance (NBC 5)
Chicago police find car of 18-year-old woman murdered in Lansing (NBC 5)
Price Is Right to conduct contestant search at Majestic Star Casino in Gary on Feb. 21 (CBS 2)
Stone Park's home-rule status trumps state law in religious order's lawsuit against strip club, for now (NBC 5)
Binny's Beverage Depot joins grocery-delivery app to bring alcohol to you within the hour (FOX 32)
Security guard at Gary phone store seriously wounded in shooting (Chicago Sun-Times)
St. Charles considering cancelling electronics recycling dropoff contract with Kane County (Daily Herald)
Bar near Lake Bluff loses liquor license in wake of December shooting, other violations cited (Daily Herald)
New Fox Lake police chief sworn in (Daily Herald)
Calumet Photo closes last three stores (Crain's Chicago Business)
Columbus, Ohio-based Huntingdon National Bank buys FirstMerit Corp. (Crain's Chicago Business)
Naperville Crime Stoppers offering reward for information leading to arrest in arson case (Chicago Sun-Times)
Aurora singer roasted on 'The Tonight Show's' 'Do Not Listen' segment (Chicago Sun-Times)
Magazine: Wheaton College debate over Islam-Christian connection 'threatens to undo' institution (Daily Herald/The Washington Post)
Huntley police report two women trying to lure girl into their car (Daily Herald)
Morton Arboretum removing hundreds of non-native trees, shrubs from property (Daily Herald)
Wheeling accuses business annexed into village in 1988 of violating zoning code (Daily Herald)
Indian Prairie Unit School District 204 proposes redrawing elementary school boundaries (Daily Herald)
Batavia School District 101 board chooses artificial turf to replace football field at high school, will replace track also (Daily Herald)
West Chicago woman ordered to repay $44,085 she misappropriated from blood-cancer charity (Chicago Sun-Times)
Trustee's resignation from Glen Ellyn Park Board leaves vacancy to be filled (Daily Herald)
Founder of Woodfield Area Children's Organization passes away (Daily Herald)
Schaumburg settles 11th lawsuit over undercover cops charged with conspiracy in drug cases (Daily Herald)
FTC sues DeVry University, alleges misrepresentation about students' job prospects, income (Crain's Chicago Business)
Berwyn South School District 100 considers closing two school to help get it out of debt (WBBM AM 780)
Melrose Park man convicted of stealing 1,868 cases of beer from McHenry warehouse (NBC 5)
South Holland police catch, arrest five people who committed armed robberies, other crimes in Chicago, Gary (NBC 5)
One person dead in afternoon crash that closed Harlem Avenue in Stickney (ABC 7)
$400,000 renovations to West Chicago Public Library include improved wireless Internet access, new furniture, new study room (Daily Herald)
Elk Grove Township Elementary District 59 eliminates $35-$65 instructional fee (Daily Herald)
Committee recommends pushing back Barrington High School start time to 9 a.m.; elementary schools' start to remain at 8 a.m. (Daily Herald)
Wheaton man participates in 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin's 'Broken Skull Challenge' (Daily Herald)
State representative to host Lake County economic-development forum on Feb. 24 in Grayslake (Daily Herald)
Eight-bedroom Evanston mansion designed by Mayo & Mayo on market for $3.3 million (Crain's Chicago Business)
Wisconsin man found guilty of posting threats on Facebook against North Central College in Naperville (Chicago Sun-Times)
Vehicle fire closes lanes on northbound Tri-State Tollway near Mount Prospect (Chicago Sun-Times)
Lincoln-Way District 210 board president resigns, claiming personal attacks motivated decision (Joliet Herald-News)
Elgin renews contract for diversity consultant (Daily Herald)
Man arrested for breaking into buildings in Wadsworth (Daily Herald)
Elgin public services director: There will be road projects everywhere in 2016 (Daily Herald)
Elk Grove Village abandons 'outdated' pet-tag program (Daily Herald)
Woodstock space center honors 30th anniversary of Challenger explosion (WBBM AM 780)
Substitute teacher charged with inappropriately touching 10-year-old student at La Grange school (NBC 5)
FBI employee from Crown Point charged with rape, suspended from job (CBS 2)
Cook County Jail sued over Norridge woman's suicide; father says officers failed to take into account mental health, heroin withdrawal (CBS 2)
Wonder Lake man held on $750,000 bond in 16 counts of child-sex assault, abuse (CBS 2)
Cicero man arrested in Oak Park charged with last year's robbery of Elmwood Park gas station (CBS 2)
Allegations of child-sex abuse made against Hammond Catholic school (ABC 7)
Geneva police conducting death investigation; man's body found six hours after well-being check conducted (ABC 7)
Car crashes into Merrillville house shortly after woman, granddaughter had left living room where car came to rest (WGN TV)
Teen, two men charged for armed robberies in Waukegan (Chicago Sun-Times)
Horses at Bartlett farm quarantined after testing positive for EHV-1 (Daily Herald)
West Dundee entrepreneurs to open world's first 'hoverboard' park (Daily Herald)
Addison man sentenced to 12 years in jail for heroin trafficking (Chicago Sun-Times)
Rolling Meadows police chief, deputy chief to retire later this year (Daily Herald)
ComEd to bring 'smart meters' to Libertyville (Daily Herald)
Mundelein businesses give money to buy body armor for police dog (Daily Herald)
Former Illinois Senate President Phil Rock, of Oak Park, passes away (CBS 2)
Brookfield man killed in car had just testified in a criminal court case (ABC 7)
Man shot on Bishop Ford Expressway near Blue Island (Chicago Tribune)
River Forest girl wins 'MasterChef Junior' (Chicago Tribune)
$1.3 billion deal reached on last new runway in O'Hare Modernization Project (Chicago Sun-Times)
Owner of St. Charles' Arcada Theatre found to have violated deceptive practices law by not paying former manager for now-closed dinner club (Daily Herald)
Romeoville man arrested on charges of juvenile prostitution (Daily Herald)
Two men arrested for burglary also charged for possession of stolen vehicle in Skokie (CBS 2)
Man claims ATM at Maywood bank took $800 cash, produced receipt saying it couldn't count the money (CBS 2)
Two Lake County Circuit Clerk's Office employees charged with official misconduct for changing records, reportedly dating back to 2010 (FOX 32)
Two Stevenson High School students facing charges after police find stun gun, knife following fight (Daily Herald)
Longtime Warren Township High School track coach to be inducted into Lake County High Schools Sports Hall of Fame (Daily Herald)
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