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Casinos in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany closed until further notice, 2 days after Netherlands Casinos

Casinos in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany closed until further notice, 2 days after Netherlands Casinos submitted by Arteminis to Coronavirus [link] [comments]

Netherlands Casino

Netherlands Casino submitted by ZoeBelkin to u/ZoeBelkin [link] [comments]

Casino het Circus, Zandvoort, The Netherlands

Casino het Circus, Zandvoort, The Netherlands submitted by LaoBa to bizarrebuildings [link] [comments]


  1. Asia-Pacific - Not allowed
  2. Australia - As long as the Australia casino is a licensed. Operator registered with an appropriate Australian State. Or Territory and provides a valid license of Sports betting and Lotteries
  3. Austria - As long as the Austria casinos licensed by the Austrian Ministry of Finance. According to all applicable regulations in Austria and, in the case of sports betting. Also provides valid sports betting permit number issued by the state government. In at least one State of Austria according to all applicable regulations in Austria.
  4. Belgium - As long as the advertiser is a company registered in Belgium. And if the online gambling activity requires a license. the Belgium casino provides a valid license number. Online gambling, Online Bingo, Sports betting, Slots games, Online gambling comparison sites. As long as no online gambling takes place on the aggregator site.
  5. Brazil - As long as the Brazil casinos licensed by the Brazilian gambling authorities. Lotteries, Horse racing Sites that provide information. About or a comparison of other gambling services licensed in Brazil. But do not themselves provide gambling activities that must a license. These sites may provide links to gambling services. Not operated or controlled by the aggregator.
  6. Bulgaria - As long as the Bulgaria casinos licensed by the Bulgarian gambling authorities. Online gambling, Online Bingo, Slots games, Sports Betting.
  7. Canada - As long as the Canada casinos licensed by state-licensed entities. Online gambling, Online Bingo, Sports betting, Slots games.
  8. China - Not allowed
  9. Croatia - As long as the Croatia casinos licensed by the Croatian gambling authorities. Online gambling, Online Bingo, Slots games, Slots games, Sports Betting. Sites that provide information about or a comparison of other gambling services. But do not themselves provide gambling activities that must a license. These sites may provide links to gambling services. Not operated or controlled by the aggregator.
  10. Czechia - As long as the Czechia casinos licensed by the Czech gambling authorities. Online bingo, Lotteries, Slots games, Sports Betting
  11. Denmark - As long as the Denmark casinos licensed by the Danish Gambling Authority. Location-based gambling, Slots games, Online betting, Sports betting, Fantasy sports contests. Slot machines, Gambling-related information, such as tips, odds and handicapping. Gambling-related promotional products, such as gambling-related vouchers. Deposit bonus codes, etc. Gambling-related tutoring and educational materials. Such as books and e-books.
  12. Egypt - Not allowed
  13. Estonia - Not allowed
  14. Finland - As long as the Finland casinos licensed by state-licensed entities. Online gambling, Online Bingo, Sports betting, Slots games.
  15. France - As long as the France casinos registered with ARJEL (Autorité de Régulation des Jeux En Ligne). Provides a valid operating license number. Operates on a ".fr" domain and publishes a warning on the landing page. And also any image ads against excessive or pathological gaming. As well as a message referring to the help and information system as foreseen by the gambling laws. Online gambling, Online Bingo, Sports betting, Slots games, Lotteries.
  16. Germany - As long as the Germany casino is in possession of both a valid gambling operator license. Or an intermediary license. And advertisement permission, both issued by the competent German authorities. Sports betting, Horse racing betting, Lotteries.
  17. Greece - As long as the Greece casinos authorized by the Greek authorities. Casino games, Bingo, Sports betting, Lotteries.
  18. Hong Kong - As long as the Hong Kong casinos licensed by state-licensed entities. Lotteries, Sports Betting.
  19. Hungary - As long as the Hungary casinos registered. With the appropriate Hungarian Gambling Authority. Or the State Tax Authority and provides a valid license.
  20. India - Not allowed
  21. Indonesia - Not allowed
  22. Republic of Ireland - As long as the Ireland casinos registered. As a bookmaker with the Revenue Commissioners and provides a valid license number. Online gambling, Online Bingo, Sports betting, Slots games, Online gambling comparison sites. As long as no online gambling takes place on the aggregator site.
  23. Israel - As long as the Israel casinos licensed by state-licensed entities. Online gambling, Online Bingo, Sports betting, Slots games.
  24. Italy - As long as the Italy casinos registered. With the AASA (Amministrazione Autonoma dei Monopoli di Stato). And provides a valid operating license number. Online gambling, Online Bingo, Sports betting, Slots games.
  25. Japan - As long as the Japan casinos licensed by state-run entities. Horse, Motorboat, Bicycle and Auto Racing.
  26. Korea - As long as the Korean casinos licensed by state-run or state-licensed entities. Lotteries, Sports Betting.
  27. Latvia - As long as the Latvia casinos licensed by state-run entities: Lotteries.
  28. Lithuania - As long as the Lithuania casinos licensed. By the Lithuanian gambling authorities. Online gambling, Online Bingo, Slots games, Sports Betting, Lotteries.
  29. Malaysia - Not allowed
  30. Mexico - As long as the Mexico casino is an operator registered with the Secretaria de Gobernacion. And provides a valid license number. Slots games (slot machines), Bingo, Lotteries, Sports Betting.
  31. Morocco - Not allowed
  32. The Netherlands - As long as the Netherlands casinos licensed by state-licensed entities. Online gambling, Online Bingo, Sports Betting.
  33. New Zealand - As long as the New Zealand casinos licensed by state-licensed entities. Online gambling, Online Bingo, Sports betting, Slots games.
  34. Northern Ireland - Not allowed
  35. Norway - As long as the Norway casinos licensed by state-licensed entities. Online gambling, Online Bingo, Sports betting, Slots games
  36. Peru - Not allowed
  37. The Philippines - As long as the Philippines casinos licensed by state-run entities. Casino games, Lotteries.
  38. Portugal - As long as the Portugal casinos licensed by the Portuguese authorities. Online gambling, Online Bingo, Sports betting, Slots games. Sites that provide information about other gambling services licensed in Portugal. But do not themselves provide gambling activities that must a license. They may provide links to gambling services. Not operated or controlled by the aggregator.
  39. Romania - As long as the Romania casinos registered with the appropriate authority. And submits valid licensing. Casino games, Sports betting, Bingo, Lotteries. Sites that provide information about, or a comparison of other gambling services. But do not themselves provide gambling activities that must a license. They may provide links to gambling services. Not operated or controlled by the aggregator.
  40. Russia - Not allowed
  41. Serbia - As long as the Serbia casinos registered with the appropriate authority. And submits valid licensing. Casino games, Sports betting, Bingo, Lotteries. Sites that provide information about, or a comparison of other gambling services. But do not themselves provide gambling activities that must a license. They may provide links to gambling services. Not operated or controlled by the aggregator.
  42. Singapore - Not allowed
  43. Slovakia - As long as the Slovakia casinos licensed by the Slovakian authorities. Online gambling, Online Bingo, Slots games, Sports Betting.
  44. Slovenia - As long as the Slovenia casinos licensed by state-run entities: Lotteries.
  45. South Africa - Italy, Austria or Great Britain registered casinos may target South Africa. But must apply online through the specific application form for each country.
  46. Spain - As long as the Spain casinos registered with the Spanish gambling authority. And provides the relevant valid licenses. Casino games, Sports betting, Bingo, Raffles, Competitions or sweepstakes, Lotteries.
  47. Sweden - As long as the Sweden casinos licensed by state-licensed entities. Online gambling, Online Bingo, Sports betting, Slots games.
  48. Switzerland - As long as the Switzerland casinos licensed by state-run entities. Sports betting, Lotteries
  49. Taiwan - As long as the Taiwan casinos licensed by state-run entities: Lotteries.
  50. Thailand - As long as the Thailand casinos licensed by state-run entities. Sports betting (horse racing only), Lotteries.
  51. Turkey - As long as the Turkey casinos licensed by state-licensed entities. Lotteries, Sports Betting.
  52. Ukrainian - As long as the Ukrainian casinos licensed by state-run entities: Lotteries.
  53. United Arab Emirates - Not allowed
  54. United Kingdom - As long as the United Kingdom casinos registered. With the Gambling Commission and provides a valid operating license number. Online bingo, Sports betting, Slots games, Lotteries. Sites that provide information about, or a comparison of other gambling services. But do not themselves provide gambling activities that must a license. They may provide links to gambling services. Not operated or controlled by the aggregator.
  55. United States - As long as the USA online casinos licensed by state-run entities: Lotteries.
  56. Vietnam - Not allowed
Source: https://www.toponlinebestcasinos.com/
submitted by Interrupted_Cover to GrandCasino [link] [comments]

Casiplay Casino – your adventure starts here! Casiplay Casino - probably The Best new casino for players from the UK, Canada, Finland, Germany, Norway, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand and South Africa! You know what they say: “Nothing adventured, nothing attained”.

Casiplay Casino – your adventure starts here! Casiplay Casino - probably The Best new casino for players from the UK, Canada, Finland, Germany, Norway, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand and South Africa! You know what they say: “Nothing adventured, nothing attained”. submitted by PlayBest to promote [link] [comments]

I collect $5 poker chips from casinos I’ve been to throughout the world. Last week I collected my first European chip from Netherlands.

I collect $5 poker chips from casinos I’ve been to throughout the world. Last week I collected my first European chip from Netherlands. submitted by Art3sian to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

Megathread (40): Coronavirus COVID-19 in Nederland


Hi theNetherlands. This megathread will serve as a hub for all information regarding the corona virus. Please don't share rumours or unconfirmed information.
Keep 1.5 meters (5 feet) distance, wash your hands with soap often, cough and sneeze into the inside of your elbow, use disposable paper handkerchiefs and don't shake hands. Wear a face mask in public transport and publicly accessible spaces. A curfew is in effect from 9.00 pm to 4.30 am. If you exhibit symptoms, stay home and make an appointment for a test with the GGD at 0800-1202 (open daily from 8 am to 8 pm). If you have any other questions, call the RIVM at 0800-1351 (open daily from 8 am to 8 pm).


Dag theNetherlands. Deze hernieuwde post zal dienen als verzamelplaats voor alle informatie rondom het coronavirus. Deel hier alsjeblieft geen geruchten of informatie die niet officieel bevestigd is.

Belangrijke aandachtspunten

  • De lockdown blijft tot ten minste 1 maart actief. Op 23 februari vraagt het kabinet advies aan het OMT of het versoepelen mogelijk en verstandig is.
  • Het kabinet vraagt ook advies aan het OMT over het voortzetten of opschorten van de avondklok, die op 10 februari af zou lopen.
  • Twee derde van alle nieuwe besmettingen met het virus gebeuren door de Britse variant, die aanzienlijk besmettelijker is dan de bekende variant.
  • Er is een vernieuwde routekaart gemaakt.

Actuele maatregelen

De volgende maatregelen zijn geldig tot ten minste 1 maart 2021, tenzij anders vermeld.
  • Er geldt een avondklok van 21.00 uur ’s avonds tot 04.30 uur ’s ochtends tot 10 februari. Als het noodzakelijk is om naar buiten te gaan, moeten mensen een formulier ‘Eigen verklaring avondklok’ meenemen. Als dit voor werk is, moeten mensen ook een werkgeversverklaring tonen. Uitzonderingen:
    • In geval van een calamiteit;
    • Als uzelf, een hulpbehoevend persoon of een dier dringend (medische) hulp nodig heeft;
    • Als u van uw werkgever voor werk naar buiten moet;
    • Als u naar het buitenland reist of terugkeert naar Nederland;
    • Als u onderweg bent in verband met een uitvaart en dit kunt aantonen;
    • Als u onderweg bent in verband met een oproep van een rechter, officier van justitie of bezwaar- of beroepschriftenzitting en dit kunt aantonen;
    • Als u in uw eentje een aangelijnde hond uitlaat;
    • Maaltijdbezorgers.
  • De meeste locaties zijn gesloten:
    • Winkels (behalve voor essentiële zaken zoals levensmiddelen);
    • Locaties van contactberoepen zoals kappers, nagelstudio’s, seksinrichtingen;
    • Theaters, concertzalen, bioscopen, casino’s, etc.;
    • Dierenparken, pretparken, etc.;
    • Binnensportlocaties zoals sportscholen, zwembaden, sauna’s, wellness, etc.;
    • Restaurants en cafés.
    • Hotels zijn open, maar restaurants en roomservice in een hotel zijn gesloten.
  • Winkels mogen vanaf 10 februari wel klanten laten bestellen en afhalen. Er moet een tijdsslot gereserveerd worden en er moet minstens vier uur tussen bestellen en ophalen zitten om funshoppen te voorkomen. Winkels die hun deuren toch openen worden helemaal gesloten.
  • Onderwijsinstellingen bieden voornamelijk onderwijs op afstand tot en met ten minste 1 maart.
    • Basisonderwijs en de kinderopvang gaan open op 8 februari, met strenge voorwaarden. Zodra er één positieve test in de klas is, gaat de hele klas in quarantaine en laat zich testen. Er komen meer (snel)testen en intensiever bron- en contactonderzoek.
    • De buitenschoolse opvang en middelbare scholen blijven nog dicht tot 1 maart.
    • In het voortgezet onderwijs kunnen praktijkonderwijs, lessen voor examenleerlingen en het afnemen van schoolexamens in het (voor)examenjaar wel op locatie plaatsvinden.
    • In MBO, HBO en WO mogen examens en tentamens worden afgenomen en is praktijkonderwijs mogelijk.
    • In alle vormen van onderwijs mag er een uitzondering gemaakt worden voor het begeleiden van kwetsbare leerlingen en studenten.
    • Voor kinderen van ouders die een cruciaal beroep hebben, is er noodopvang op de basisschool of de kinderopvang en buitenschoolse opvang.
  • Alleen (para)medische contactberoepen zijn toegestaan.
  • Ontvang thuis niet meer dan 1 persoon van 13 jaar of ouder per dag. Uitgezonderd mantelzorgers.
  • Ga maximaal 1 keer per dag ergens op bezoek.
  • Werk thuis. Alleen mensen die essentieel zijn voor de voortgang van een bedrijfsproces en die hun werk niet thuis kunnen uitvoeren, mogen naar het werk komen.
  • Ga alleen naar buiten met leden van je huishouden of met een groepje dat bestaat uit maximaal 2 mensen. Uitgezonderd uitvaarten tot 50 mensen.
  • Volwassenen sporten alleen of met zijn tweeën, en alleen buiten. Kinderen t/m 17 jaar mogen sporten in teamverband en mogen wedstrijden onderling spelen, maar ook alleen buiten.
  • Maak alleen gebruik van het openbaar vervoer voor strikt noodzakelijke reizen.
  • Blijf in Nederland. Ga niet op reis naar het buitenland en boek geen buitenlandse reizen tot en met 31 maart. Er gelden reisbeperkingen. Een PCR-test én sneltest zijn verplicht en mensen moeten 10 dagen in quarantaine wanneer ze inreizen.

Hoe kun je verspreiding van het coronavirus voorkomen?

  • Blijf thuis bij klachten, laat je testen en ziek uit.
  • Was vaak je handen met water en zeep.
  • Hoest en nies in de binnenkant van je elleboog.
  • Gebruik papieren zakdoekjes om je neus te snuiten en gooi deze daarna weg.
  • Schud geen handen.
  • Houd 1,5 meter afstand (2 armlengtes) van anderen.
  • Vermijd drukte en draag een mond-neusmasker in openbare ruimten.
  • Werk zoveel mogelijk thuis.

Heb je meer vragen over het coronavirus?

Lees de Vragen en Achtergronden of neem telefonisch contact op met het RIVM via 0800-1351 (dagelijks geopend van 8:00 tot 20:00 uur).

Wil je laten testen of je het coronavirus hebt?

Neem contact op met de GGD via 0800-1202 (dagelijks geopend van 8:00 tot 20:00 uur). Hou je burgerservicenummer (BSN) bij de hand. De test is gratis. Lees ook de informatie van het RIVM.

Heb je verdere ondersteuning nodig?

  • Rode Kruis Hulplijn - 070 4455 888 - Hulp en advies bij quarantaine en een luisterend oor. Maandag t/m zondag bereikbaar tussen 9:00 en 21:00 uur.
  • Luisterlijn - 0900 0767 - Voor een luisterend oor. 24 uur per dag bereikbaar per telefoon, chat en e-mail.
  • Stichting MIND - 0900 1450 - Voor ondersteuning bij psychische klachten en lotgenotencontact. Elke werkdag bereikbaar tussen 9:00 en 18:00 uur.
  • 113 Zelfmoordpreventie - 0800 0113 - Voor hulp bij acute zelfmoordgedachten op anonieme basis. 24 uur per dag bereikbaar per telefoon en chat.
  • iPractice - 020 2444 889 - Voor een telefonisch consult door een psycholoog op donatiebasis. Bereikbaar op afspraak.
  • Mantelzorglijn - 030 760 6055 - Voor informatie over mantelzorg en het coronavirus via telefoon en WhatsApp. Bereikbaar op werkdagen van 9:00 tot 18:00 uur.
  • Coronahulp.nl - Verwijzingen naar websites voor praktische hulpvragen.
Alle vorige megathreads.
submitted by theNetherlandsBot to thenetherlands [link] [comments]

Megathread (39): Coronavirus COVID-19 in Nederland


Hi theNetherlands. This megathread will serve as a hub for all information regarding the corona virus. Please don't share rumours or unconfirmed information.
Keep 1.5 meters (5 feet) distance, wash your hands with soap often, cough and sneeze into the inside of your elbow, use disposable paper handkerchiefs and don't shake hands. Wear a face mask in public transport and publicly accessible spaces. A curfew is in effect from 9.00 pm to 4.30 am. If you exhibit symptoms, stay home and make an appointment for a test with the GGD at 0800-1202 (open daily from 8 am to 8 pm). If you have any other questions, call the RIVM at 0800-1351 (open daily from 8 am to 8 pm).


Dag theNetherlands. Deze hernieuwde post zal dienen als verzamelplaats voor alle informatie rondom het coronavirus. Deel hier alsjeblieft geen geruchten of informatie die niet officieel bevestigd is.

Actuele maatregelen

De volgende maatregelen zijn geldig vanaf zaterdag 23 januari, 21.00 uur tot ten minste 9 februari 2021.
  • Ontvang thuis niet meer dan 1 persoon van 13 jaar of ouder per dag. Uitgezonderd mantelzorgers.
  • Ga maximaal 1 keer per dag ergens op bezoek.
  • Werk thuis. Alleen mensen die essentieel zijn voor de voortgang van een bedrijfsproces en die hun werk niet thuis kunnen uitvoeren, mogen naar het werk komen.
  • Ga alleen naar buiten met leden van je huishouden of met een groepje dat bestaat uit maximaal 2 mensen. Uitgezonderd uitvaarten tot 50 mensen.
  • Er geldt een avondklok van 21.00 uur ’s avonds tot 04.30 uur ’s ochtends. Dat betekent dat je dan niet buiten mag zijn. Als toch het noodzakelijk is om naar buiten te gaan, moeten mensen een formulier ‘Eigen verklaring avondklok’ meenemen. Als dit voor werk is, moeten mensen ook een werkgeversverklaring tonen. Uitzonderingen:
    • In geval van een calamiteit;
    • Als uzelf, een hulpbehoevend persoon of een dier dringend (medische) hulp nodig heeft;
    • Als u van uw werkgever voor werk naar buiten moet;
    • Als u naar het buitenland reist of terugkeert naar Nederland;
    • Als u onderweg bent in verband met een uitvaart en dit kunt aantonen;
    • Als u onderweg bent in verband met een oproep van een rechter, officier van justitie of bezwaar- of beroepschriftenzitting en dit kunt aantonen;
    • Als u in uw eentje een aangelijnde hond uitlaat;
    • Maaltijdbezorgers.
  • De meeste locaties zijn gesloten:
    • Winkels (behalve voor essentiële zaken zoals levensmiddelen)
    • Locaties van contactberoepen zoals kappers, nagelstudio’s, seksinrichtingen
    • Theaters, concertzalen, bioscopen, casino’s, etc.
    • Dierenparken, pretparken, etc.
    • Binnensportlocaties zoals sportscholen, zwembaden, sauna’s, wellness, etc
    • Restaurants en cafés
    • Hotels zijn open, maar restaurants en roomservice in een hotel zijn gesloten.
  • Onderwijsinstellingen bieden voornamelijk onderwijs op afstand tot en met ten minste 7 februari. De kinderopvang en buitenschoolse opvang zijn in deze periode gesloten.
    • In het voortgezet onderwijs kunnen praktijkonderwijs, lessen voor examenleerlingen en het afnemen van schoolexamens in het (voor)examenjaar wel op locatie plaatsvinden.
    • In MBO, HBO en WO mogen examens en tentamens worden afgenomen en is praktijkonderwijs mogelijk.
    • In alle vormen van onderwijs mag er een uitzondering gemaakt worden voor het begeleiden van kwetsbare leerlingen en studenten.
  • Voor kinderen van ouders die een cruciaal beroep hebben, is er noodopvang op de basisschool of de kinderopvang en buitenschoolse opvang.
  • Alleen (para)medische contactberoepen zijn toegestaan.
  • Volwassenen sporten alleen of met zijn tweeën, en alleen buiten. Kinderen t/m 17 jaar mogen sporten in teamverband en mogen wedstrijden onderling spelen, maar ook alleen buiten.
  • Maak alleen gebruik van het openbaar vervoer voor strikt noodzakelijke reizen.
  • Blijf in Nederland. Ga niet op reis naar het buitenland en boek geen buitenlandse reizen tot en met 31 maart. Er gelden reisbeperkingen. Een PCR-test én sneltest zijn verplicht en mensen moeten 10 dagen in quarantaine wanneer ze inreizen.

Hoe kun je verspreiding van het coronavirus voorkomen?

  • Blijf thuis bij klachten, laat je testen en ziek uit.
  • Was vaak je handen met water en zeep.
  • Hoest en nies in de binnenkant van je elleboog.
  • Gebruik papieren zakdoekjes om je neus te snuiten en gooi deze daarna weg.
  • Schud geen handen.
  • Houd 1,5 meter afstand (2 armlengtes) van anderen.
  • Vermijd drukte en draag een mond-neusmasker in openbare ruimten.
  • Werk zoveel mogelijk thuis.

Heb je meer vragen over het coronavirus?

Lees de Vragen en Achtergronden of neem telefonisch contact op met het RIVM via 0800-1351 (dagelijks geopend van 8:00 tot 20:00 uur).

Wil je laten testen of je het coronavirus hebt?

Neem contact op met de GGD via 0800-1202 (dagelijks geopend van 8:00 tot 20:00 uur). Hou je burgerservicenummer (BSN) bij de hand. De test is gratis. Lees ook de informatie van het RIVM.

Heb je verdere ondersteuning nodig?

  • Rode Kruis Hulplijn - 070 4455 888 - Hulp en advies bij quarantaine en een luisterend oor. Maandag t/m zondag bereikbaar tussen 9:00 en 21:00 uur.
  • Luisterlijn - 0900 0767 - Voor een luisterend oor. 24 uur per dag bereikbaar per telefoon, chat en e-mail.
  • Stichting MIND - 0900 1450 - Voor ondersteuning bij psychische klachten en lotgenotencontact. Elke werkdag bereikbaar tussen 9:00 en 18:00 uur.
  • 113 Zelfmoordpreventie - 0800 0113 - Voor hulp bij acute zelfmoordgedachten op anonieme basis. 24 uur per dag bereikbaar per telefoon en chat.
  • iPractice - 020 2444 889 - Voor een telefonisch consult door een psycholoog op donatiebasis. Bereikbaar op afspraak.
  • Mantelzorglijn - 030 760 6055 - Voor informatie over mantelzorg en het coronavirus via telefoon en WhatsApp. Bereikbaar op werkdagen van 9:00 tot 18:00 uur.
  • Coronahulp.nl - Verwijzingen naar websites voor praktische hulpvragen.
Alle vorige megathreads.
submitted by theNetherlandsBot to thenetherlands [link] [comments]

Megathread (38): Coronavirus COVID-19 in Nederland


Hi theNetherlands. This megathread will serve as a hub for all information regarding the corona virus. Please don't share rumours or unconfirmed information.
Keep 1.5 meters (5 feet) distance, wash your hands with soap often, cough and sneeze into the inside of your elbow, use disposable paper handkerchiefs and don't shake hands. Wear a face mask in public transport and publicly accessible spaces. A curfew is in effect from 9.00 pm to 4.30 am. If you exhibit symptoms, stay home and make an appointment for a test with the GGD at 0800-1202 (open daily from 8 am to 8 pm). If you have any other questions, call the RIVM at 0800-1351 (open daily from 8 am to 8 pm).


Dag theNetherlands. Deze hernieuwde post zal dienen als verzamelplaats voor alle informatie rondom het coronavirus. Deel hier alsjeblieft geen geruchten of informatie die niet officieel bevestigd is.

Actuele maatregelen

De volgende maatregelen zijn geldig vanaf zaterdag 23 januari, 21.00 uur tot ten minste 9 februari 2021.
  • Ontvang thuis niet meer dan 1 persoon van 13 jaar of ouder per dag. Uitgezonderd mantelzorgers.
  • Ga maximaal 1 keer per dag ergens op bezoek.
  • Werk thuis. Alleen mensen die essentieel zijn voor de voortgang van een bedrijfsproces en die hun werk niet thuis kunnen uitvoeren, mogen naar het werk komen.
  • Ga alleen naar buiten met leden van je huishouden of met een groepje dat bestaat uit maximaal 2 mensen. Uitgezonderd uitvaarten tot 50 mensen.
  • Er geldt een avondklok van 21.00 uur ’s avonds tot 04.30 uur ’s ochtends. Dat betekent dat je dan niet buiten mag zijn. Als toch het noodzakelijk is om naar buiten te gaan, moeten mensen een formulier ‘Eigen verklaring avondklok’ meenemen. Als dit voor werk is, moeten mensen ook een werkgeversverklaring tonen. Uitzonderingen:
    • In geval van een calamiteit;
    • Als uzelf, een hulpbehoevend persoon of een dier dringend (medische) hulp nodig heeft;
    • Als u van uw werkgever voor werk naar buiten moet;
    • Als u naar het buitenland reist of terugkeert naar Nederland;
    • Als u onderweg bent in verband met een uitvaart en dit kunt aantonen;
    • Als u onderweg bent in verband met een oproep van een rechter, officier van justitie of bezwaar- of beroepschriftenzitting en dit kunt aantonen;
    • Als u in uw eentje een aangelijnde hond uitlaat;
    • Maaltijdbezorgers.
  • De meeste locaties zijn gesloten:
    • Winkels (behalve voor essentiële zaken zoals levensmiddelen)
    • Locaties van contactberoepen zoals kappers, nagelstudio’s, seksinrichtingen
    • Theaters, concertzalen, bioscopen, casino’s, etc.
    • Dierenparken, pretparken, etc.
    • Binnensportlocaties zoals sportscholen, zwembaden, sauna’s, wellness, etc
    • Restaurants en cafés
    • Hotels zijn open, maar restaurants en roomservice in een hotel zijn gesloten.
  • Onderwijsinstellingen bieden voornamelijk onderwijs op afstand tot en met ten minste 7 februari. De kinderopvang en buitenschoolse opvang zijn in deze periode gesloten.
    • In het voortgezet onderwijs kunnen praktijkonderwijs, lessen voor examenleerlingen en het afnemen van schoolexamens in het (voor)examenjaar wel op locatie plaatsvinden.
    • In MBO, HBO en WO mogen examens en tentamens worden afgenomen en is praktijkonderwijs mogelijk.
    • In alle vormen van onderwijs mag er een uitzondering gemaakt worden voor het begeleiden van kwetsbare leerlingen en studenten.
  • Voor kinderen van ouders die een cruciaal beroep hebben, is er noodopvang op de basisschool of de kinderopvang en buitenschoolse opvang.
  • Alleen (para)medische contactberoepen zijn toegestaan.
  • Volwassenen sporten alleen of met zijn tweeën, en alleen buiten. Kinderen t/m 17 jaar mogen sporten in teamverband en mogen wedstrijden onderling spelen, maar ook alleen buiten.
  • Maak alleen gebruik van het openbaar vervoer voor strikt noodzakelijke reizen.
  • Blijf in Nederland. Ga niet op reis naar het buitenland en boek geen buitenlandse reizen tot en met 31 maart. Er gelden reisbeperkingen. Een PCR-test én sneltest zijn verplicht en mensen moeten 10 dagen in quarantaine wanneer ze inreizen.

Hoe kun je verspreiding van het coronavirus voorkomen?

  • Blijf thuis bij klachten, laat je testen en ziek uit.
  • Was vaak je handen met water en zeep.
  • Hoest en nies in de binnenkant van je elleboog.
  • Gebruik papieren zakdoekjes om je neus te snuiten en gooi deze daarna weg.
  • Schud geen handen.
  • Houd 1,5 meter afstand (2 armlengtes) van anderen.
  • Vermijd drukte en draag een mond-neusmasker in openbare ruimten.
  • Werk zoveel mogelijk thuis.

Heb je meer vragen over het coronavirus?

Lees de Vragen en Achtergronden of neem telefonisch contact op met het RIVM via 0800-1351 (dagelijks geopend van 8:00 tot 20:00 uur).

Wil je laten testen of je het coronavirus hebt?

Neem contact op met de GGD via 0800-1202 (dagelijks geopend van 8:00 tot 20:00 uur). Hou je burgerservicenummer (BSN) bij de hand. De test is gratis. Lees ook de informatie van het RIVM.

Heb je verdere ondersteuning nodig?

  • Rode Kruis Hulplijn - 070 4455 888 - Hulp en advies bij quarantaine en een luisterend oor. Maandag t/m zondag bereikbaar tussen 9:00 en 21:00 uur.
  • Luisterlijn - 0900 0767 - Voor een luisterend oor. 24 uur per dag bereikbaar per telefoon, chat en e-mail.
  • Stichting MIND - 0900 1450 - Voor ondersteuning bij psychische klachten en lotgenotencontact. Elke werkdag bereikbaar tussen 9:00 en 18:00 uur.
  • 113 Zelfmoordpreventie - 0800 0113 - Voor hulp bij acute zelfmoordgedachten op anonieme basis. 24 uur per dag bereikbaar per telefoon en chat.
  • iPractice - 020 2444 889 - Voor een telefonisch consult door een psycholoog op donatiebasis. Bereikbaar op afspraak.
  • Mantelzorglijn - 030 760 6055 - Voor informatie over mantelzorg en het coronavirus via telefoon en WhatsApp. Bereikbaar op werkdagen van 9:00 tot 18:00 uur.
  • Coronahulp.nl - Verwijzingen naar websites voor praktische hulpvragen.
Alle vorige megathreads.
submitted by theNetherlandsBot to thenetherlands [link] [comments]

Megathread (41): Coronavirus COVID-19 in Nederland


Hi theNetherlands. This megathread will serve as a hub for all information regarding the corona virus. Please don't share rumours or unconfirmed information.
Keep 1.5 meters (5 feet) distance, wash your hands with soap often, cough and sneeze into the inside of your elbow, use disposable paper handkerchiefs and don't shake hands. Wear a face mask in public transport and publicly accessible spaces. A curfew is in effect from 9.00 pm to 4.30 am. If you exhibit symptoms, stay home and make an appointment for a test with the GGD at 0800-1202 (open daily from 8 am to 8 pm). If you have any other questions, call the RIVM at 0800-1351 (open daily from 8 am to 8 pm).


Dag theNetherlands. Deze hernieuwde post zal dienen als verzamelplaats voor alle informatie rondom het coronavirus. Deel hier alsjeblieft geen geruchten of informatie die niet officieel bevestigd is.

Actuele maatregelen

De volgende maatregelen zijn geldig tot ten minste 1 maart 2021, tenzij anders vermeld.
  • De avondklok is verlengd tot tenminste 3 maart, 4.30 uur.
  • De lockdown blijft tot ten minste 1 maart actief. Op 23 februari vraagt het kabinet advies aan het OMT of het versoepelen mogelijk en verstandig is.
  • Er geldt een avondklok van 21.00 uur ’s avonds tot 04.30 uur ’s ochtends tot 10 februari. Als het noodzakelijk is om naar buiten te gaan, moeten mensen een formulier ‘Eigen verklaring avondklok’ meenemen. Als dit voor werk is, moeten mensen ook een werkgeversverklaring tonen. Uitzonderingen:
    • In geval van een calamiteit;
    • Als uzelf, een hulpbehoevend persoon of een dier dringend (medische) hulp nodig heeft;
    • Als u van uw werkgever voor werk naar buiten moet;
    • Als u naar het buitenland reist of terugkeert naar Nederland;
    • Als u onderweg bent in verband met een uitvaart en dit kunt aantonen;
    • Als u onderweg bent in verband met een oproep van een rechter, officier van justitie of bezwaar- of beroepschriftenzitting en dit kunt aantonen;
    • Als u in uw eentje een aangelijnde hond uitlaat;
    • Maaltijdbezorgers.
  • De meeste locaties zijn gesloten:
    • Winkels (behalve voor essentiële zaken zoals levensmiddelen);
    • Locaties van contactberoepen zoals kappers, nagelstudio’s, seksinrichtingen;
    • Theaters, concertzalen, bioscopen, casino’s, etc.;
    • Dierenparken, pretparken, etc.;
    • Binnensportlocaties zoals sportscholen, zwembaden, sauna’s, wellness, etc.;
    • Restaurants en cafés.
    • Hotels zijn open, maar restaurants en roomservice in een hotel zijn gesloten.
  • Winkels mogen vanaf 10 februari wel klanten laten bestellen en afhalen. Er moet een tijdsslot gereserveerd worden en er moet minstens vier uur tussen bestellen en ophalen zitten om funshoppen te voorkomen. Winkels die hun deuren toch openen worden helemaal gesloten.
  • Onderwijsinstellingen bieden voornamelijk onderwijs op afstand tot en met ten minste 1 maart.
    • Basisonderwijs en de kinderopvang gaan open op 8 februari, met strenge voorwaarden. Zodra er één positieve test in de klas is, gaat de hele klas in quarantaine en laat zich testen. Er komen meer (snel)testen en intensiever bron- en contactonderzoek.
    • De buitenschoolse opvang en middelbare scholen blijven nog dicht tot 1 maart.
    • In het voortgezet onderwijs kunnen praktijkonderwijs, lessen voor examenleerlingen en het afnemen van schoolexamens in het (voor)examenjaar wel op locatie plaatsvinden.
    • In MBO, HBO en WO mogen examens en tentamens worden afgenomen en is praktijkonderwijs mogelijk.
    • In alle vormen van onderwijs mag er een uitzondering gemaakt worden voor het begeleiden van kwetsbare leerlingen en studenten.
    • Voor kinderen van ouders die een cruciaal beroep hebben, is er noodopvang op de basisschool of de kinderopvang en buitenschoolse opvang.
  • Alleen (para)medische contactberoepen zijn toegestaan.
  • Ontvang thuis niet meer dan 1 persoon van 13 jaar of ouder per dag. Uitgezonderd mantelzorgers.
  • Ga maximaal 1 keer per dag ergens op bezoek.
  • Werk thuis. Alleen mensen die essentieel zijn voor de voortgang van een bedrijfsproces en die hun werk niet thuis kunnen uitvoeren, mogen naar het werk komen.
  • Ga alleen naar buiten met leden van je huishouden of met een groepje dat bestaat uit maximaal 2 mensen. Uitgezonderd uitvaarten tot 50 mensen.
  • Volwassenen sporten alleen of met zijn tweeën, en alleen buiten. Kinderen t/m 17 jaar mogen sporten in teamverband en mogen wedstrijden onderling spelen, maar ook alleen buiten.
  • Maak alleen gebruik van het openbaar vervoer voor strikt noodzakelijke reizen.
  • Blijf in Nederland. Ga niet op reis naar het buitenland en boek geen buitenlandse reizen tot en met 31 maart. Er gelden reisbeperkingen. Een PCR-test én sneltest zijn verplicht en mensen moeten 10 dagen in quarantaine wanneer ze inreizen.

Hoe kun je verspreiding van het coronavirus voorkomen?

  • Blijf thuis bij klachten, laat je testen en ziek uit.
  • Was vaak je handen met water en zeep.
  • Hoest en nies in de binnenkant van je elleboog.
  • Gebruik papieren zakdoekjes om je neus te snuiten en gooi deze daarna weg.
  • Schud geen handen.
  • Houd 1,5 meter afstand (2 armlengtes) van anderen.
  • Vermijd drukte en draag een mond-neusmasker in openbare ruimten.
  • Werk zoveel mogelijk thuis.

Heb je meer vragen over het coronavirus?

Lees de Vragen en Achtergronden of neem telefonisch contact op met het RIVM via 0800-1351 (dagelijks geopend van 8:00 tot 20:00 uur).

Wil je laten testen of je het coronavirus hebt?

Neem contact op met de GGD via 0800-1202 (dagelijks geopend van 8:00 tot 20:00 uur). Hou je burgerservicenummer (BSN) bij de hand. De test is gratis. Lees ook de informatie van het RIVM.

Heb je verdere ondersteuning nodig?

  • Rode Kruis Hulplijn - 070 4455 888 - Hulp en advies bij quarantaine en een luisterend oor. Maandag t/m zondag bereikbaar tussen 9:00 en 21:00 uur.
  • Luisterlijn - 0900 0767 - Voor een luisterend oor. 24 uur per dag bereikbaar per telefoon, chat en e-mail.
  • Stichting MIND - 0900 1450 - Voor ondersteuning bij psychische klachten en lotgenotencontact. Elke werkdag bereikbaar tussen 9:00 en 18:00 uur.
  • 113 Zelfmoordpreventie - 0800 0113 - Voor hulp bij acute zelfmoordgedachten op anonieme basis. 24 uur per dag bereikbaar per telefoon en chat.
  • iPractice - 020 2444 889 - Voor een telefonisch consult door een psycholoog op donatiebasis. Bereikbaar op afspraak.
  • Mantelzorglijn - 030 760 6055 - Voor informatie over mantelzorg en het coronavirus via telefoon en WhatsApp. Bereikbaar op werkdagen van 9:00 tot 18:00 uur.
  • Coronahulp.nl - Verwijzingen naar websites voor praktische hulpvragen.
Alle vorige megathreads.
submitted by theNetherlandsBot to thenetherlands [link] [comments]

Megathread (37): Coronavirus COVID-19 in Nederland


Hi theNetherlands. This megathread will serve as a hub for all information regarding the corona virus. Please don't share rumours or unconfirmed information.
Keep 1.5 meters (5 feet) distance, wash your hands with soap often, cough and sneeze into the inside of your elbow, use disposable paper handkerchiefs and don't shake hands. Wear a face mask in public transport and publicly accessible spaces. A curfew is in effect from 8.30 pm to 4.30 am. If you exhibit symptoms, stay home and make an appointment for a test with the GGD at 0800-1202 (open daily from 8 am to 8 pm). If you have any other questions, call the RIVM at 0800-1351 (open daily from 8 am to 8 pm).


Dag theNetherlands. Deze hernieuwde post zal dienen als verzamelplaats voor alle informatie rondom het coronavirus. Deel hier alsjeblieft geen geruchten of informatie die niet officieel bevestigd is.

Actuele maatregelen

De volgende maatregelen zijn geldig vanaf zaterdag 23 januari, 21.00 uur tot ten minste 9 februari 2021.
  • Ontvang thuis niet meer dan 1 persoon van 13 jaar of ouder per dag. Uitgezonderd mantelzorgers.
  • Ga maximaal 1 keer per dag ergens op bezoek.
  • Werk thuis. Alleen mensen die essentieel zijn voor de voortgang van een bedrijfsproces en die hun werk niet thuis kunnen uitvoeren, mogen naar het werk komen.
  • Ga alleen naar buiten met leden van je huishouden of met een groepje dat bestaat uit maximaal 2 mensen. Uitgezonderd uitvaarten tot 50 mensen.
  • Er geldt een avondklok van 21.00 uur ’s avonds tot 04.30 uur ’s ochtends. Dat betekent dat je dan niet buiten mag zijn. Als toch het noodzakelijk is om naar buiten te gaan, moeten mensen een formulier ‘Eigen verklaring avondklok’ meenemen. Als dit voor werk is, moeten mensen ook een werkgeversverklaring tonen. Uitzonderingen:
    • In geval van een calamiteit;
    • Als uzelf, een hulpbehoevend persoon of een dier dringend (medische) hulp nodig heeft;
    • Als u van uw werkgever voor werk naar buiten moet;
    • Als u naar het buitenland reist of terugkeert naar Nederland;
    • Als u onderweg bent in verband met een uitvaart en dit kunt aantonen;
    • Als u onderweg bent in verband met een oproep van een rechter, officier van justitie of bezwaar- of beroepschriftenzitting en dit kunt aantonen;
    • Als u in uw eentje een aangelijnde hond uitlaat;
    • Maaltijdbezorgers.
  • De meeste locaties zijn gesloten:
    • Winkels (behalve voor essentiële zaken zoals levensmiddelen tot 20.00 uur)
    • Locaties van contactberoepen zoals kappers, nagelstudio’s, seksinrichtingen
    • Theaters, concertzalen, bioscopen, casino’s, etc.
    • Dierenparken, pretparken, etc.
    • Binnensportlocaties zoals sportscholen, zwembaden, sauna’s, wellness, etc
    • Restaurants en cafés
    • Hotels zijn open, maar restaurants en roomservice in een hotel zijn gesloten.
  • Onderwijsinstellingen bieden voornamelijk onderwijs op afstand tot en met ten minste 7 februari. De kinderopvang en buitenschoolse opvang zijn in deze periode gesloten.
    • In het voortgezet onderwijs kunnen praktijkonderwijs, lessen voor examenleerlingen en het afnemen van schoolexamens in het (voor)examenjaar wel op locatie plaatsvinden.
    • In MBO, HBO en WO mogen examens en tentamens worden afgenomen en is praktijkonderwijs mogelijk.
    • In alle vormen van onderwijs mag er een uitzondering gemaakt worden voor het begeleiden van kwetsbare leerlingen en studenten.
  • Voor kinderen van ouders die een cruciaal beroep hebben, is er noodopvang op de basisschool of de kinderopvang en buitenschoolse opvang.
  • Alleen (para)medische contactberoepen zijn toegestaan.
  • Volwassenen sporten alleen of met zijn tweeën, en alleen buiten. Kinderen t/m 17 jaar mogen sporten in teamverband en mogen wedstrijden onderling spelen, maar ook alleen buiten.
  • Maak alleen gebruik van het openbaar vervoer voor strikt noodzakelijke reizen.
  • Blijf in Nederland. Ga niet op reis naar het buitenland en boek geen buitenlandse reizen tot en met 31 maart. Er gelden reisbeperkingen. Een PCR-test én sneltest zijn verplicht en mensen moeten 10 dagen in quarantaine wanneer ze inreizen.

Hoe kun je verspreiding van het coronavirus voorkomen?

  • Blijf thuis bij klachten, laat je testen en ziek uit.
  • Was vaak je handen met water en zeep.
  • Hoest en nies in de binnenkant van je elleboog.
  • Gebruik papieren zakdoekjes om je neus te snuiten en gooi deze daarna weg.
  • Schud geen handen.
  • Houd 1,5 meter afstand (2 armlengtes) van anderen.
  • Vermijd drukte en draag een mond-neusmasker in openbare ruimten.
  • Werk zoveel mogelijk thuis.

Heb je meer vragen over het coronavirus?

Lees de Vragen en Achtergronden of neem telefonisch contact op met het RIVM via 0800-1351 (dagelijks geopend van 8:00 tot 20:00 uur).

Wil je laten testen of je het coronavirus hebt?

Neem contact op met de GGD via 0800-1202 (dagelijks geopend van 8:00 tot 20:00 uur). Hou je burgerservicenummer (BSN) bij de hand. De test is gratis. Lees ook de informatie van het RIVM.

Heb je verdere ondersteuning nodig?

  • Rode Kruis Hulplijn - 070 4455 888 - Hulp en advies bij quarantaine en een luisterend oor. Maandag t/m zondag bereikbaar tussen 9:00 en 21:00 uur.
  • Luisterlijn - 0900 0767 - Voor een luisterend oor. 24 uur per dag bereikbaar per telefoon, chat en e-mail.
  • Stichting MIND - 0900 1450 - Voor ondersteuning bij psychische klachten en lotgenotencontact. Elke werkdag bereikbaar tussen 9:00 en 18:00 uur.
  • 113 Zelfmoordpreventie - 0800 0113 - Voor hulp bij acute zelfmoordgedachten op anonieme basis. 24 uur per dag bereikbaar per telefoon en chat.
  • iPractice - 020 2444 889 - Voor een telefonisch consult door een psycholoog op donatiebasis. Bereikbaar op afspraak.
  • Mantelzorglijn - 030 760 6055 - Voor informatie over mantelzorg en het coronavirus via telefoon en WhatsApp. Bereikbaar op werkdagen van 9:00 tot 18:00 uur.
  • Coronahulp.nl - Verwijzingen naar websites voor praktische hulpvragen.
Alle vorige megathreads.
submitted by theNetherlandsBot to thenetherlands [link] [comments]

Top Gear in The Netherlands.. one day after diamond casino heist release.

Top Gear in The Netherlands.. one day after diamond casino heist release. submitted by ImJustKiddinDude to GTAV [link] [comments]

Is 15-25% rake fair and beatable? Holland Casino in the Netherlands.

I’m from the Netherlands and we have only one casino (Holland Casino, it’s from the state) that runs poker tournaments. They run 60 euro weekly tournaments that I play occasionally. This is the lowest possible buyin (besides the 40euro rebuy tournament) that you can play in The Netherlands. The problem is that f.e., from that 60 euro they take 10 euro for rake, 2,50 for tournament fee (whatever that might be, it’s always 5% of a buyin at Holland Casino) and 2,50 that goes to a ranking system (players that rank the most points after half a year or so can play a sng to win this pot). This means only 45 of the 60 euro’s goes into the prizepool. Which means 25% rake basically, because most people can’t play for the rankingsystem because they can’t play that often.
My question is first of all, is 25% even fair to ask? The tourney (60 euro buyin) always runs and always get the maximum amount of 30 players as far as I know. There are higher buyins at Holland casino but they also ask around 15% rake.
Secondly, is this amount of rake beatable on the longterm? I have to note that the tourneys are really soft because of the really soft player pool (talking about the 60euro buyin). My estimation is 15-25% of the field knows a thing or two about poker and 75-85% that are the “limp every hand and only go allin preflop with QQ+ and AK” kinda players. On the other hand the variance is really high. Levels are 20 minutes and startingstack is 10 big blinds after only 3 hours of play. Tournament usually takes 5 hours to finish. Not much room to play hands. You pretty much are in shoving modus the most part of the tournament.
submitted by CoBlaster to poker [link] [comments]

Megathread (29): Coronavirus COVID-19 in Nederland


Hi theNetherlands. This megathread will serve as a hub for all information regarding the corona virus. Please don't share rumours or unconfirmed information.
Keep 1.5 meters distance, wash your hands with soap often, cough and sneeze into the inside of your elbow, use disposable paper handkerchiefs and don't shake hands. Wear a face mask in public transport and publicly accessible spaces. If you exhibit symptoms, stay home and make an appointment for a test with the GGD at 0800-1202 (open daily from 8 am to 8 pm). If you have any other questions, call the RIVM at 0800-1351 (open daily from 8 am to 8 pm).


Dag theNetherlands. Deze hernieuwde post zal dienen als verzamelplaats voor alle informatie rondom het coronavirus. Deel hier alsjeblieft geen geruchten of informatie die niet officieel bevestigd is.

Tijdelijke actuele maatregelen

De volgende maatregelen zijn geldig vanaf 4 november, 22.00 uur tot en met 18 november.
  • Ontvang maximaal 2 mensen thuis, met uitzondering van kinderen tot en met 12 jaar. Bij uitvaarten geldt vanaf 9 november een maximum van 30 personen en bij huwelijken 20 personen.
  • Kom met maximaal 2 personen bij elkaar in de publieke ruimte.
  • Alle publiek toegankelijke locaties zijn gesloten, zoals musea, theaters, seksclubs, casino's, bioscopen, pretparken, dierenparken, zwembaden en bibliotheken. Onderwijsinstellingen en supermarkten blijven wel open.
  • Sporten blijft mogelijk met maximaal 2 mensen. Sportscholen blijven open.

Actuele maatregelen

De volgende maatregelen zijn geldig tot ten minste half december 2020.
  • Blijf 1,5 meter afstand houden.
  • Horeca, terrassen en coffeeshops zijn dicht, met uitzondering van eetgelegenheden voor hotelgasten. Afhalen bij restaurants en coffeeshops mag wel.
  • Er geldt een verbod op verkoop, nuttigen en bezit van alcoholische dranken en softdrugs na 20.00 uur in de publieke ruimte.
  • Winkels sluiten verplicht om 20.00 uur, met uitzondering van levensmiddelenwinkels zoals supermarkten. Supermarkten hebben twee uur per dag een boodschappenuurtje voor kwetsbare groepen. Koopavonden zijn niet toegestaan.
  • Draag een mond-neusmasker in het openbaar vervoer, taxi's en publieke ruimten. Op het vo, mbo en hbo buiten de les ook.
  • Werk thuis, tenzij het niet anders kan, en reis alleen wanneer noodzakelijk. Reis ook niet naar het buitenland tenzij strikt noodzakelijk.
  • Publiek is niet toegestaan bij sportwedstrijden en alle faciliteiten zijn dicht. Amateurcompetities worden stilgezet. Het betaald voetbal gaat zonder publiek door.
  • Evenementen gaan niet door, met uitzondering van betogingen.
  • Een registratie bij een bezoek aan mensen met contactberoepen, zoals kappers, is verplicht, in verband met brononderzoek.

Hoe kun je verspreiding van het coronavirus voorkomen?

  • Blijf thuis bij klachten, laat je testen en ziek uit.
  • Was vaak je handen met water en zeep.
  • Hoest en nies in de binnenkant van je elleboog.
  • Gebruik papieren zakdoekjes om je neus te snuiten en gooi deze daarna weg.
  • Schud geen handen.
  • Houd 1,5 meter afstand (2 armlengtes) van anderen.
  • Vermijd drukte en draag een mond-neusmasker in openbare ruimten.
  • Werk zoveel mogelijk thuis.

Heb je meer vragen over het coronavirus?

Lees de Vragen en Achtergronden of neem telefonisch contact op met het RIVM via 0800-1351 (dagelijks geopend van 8:00 tot 20:00 uur).

Wil je laten testen of je het coronavirus hebt?

Neem contact op met de GGD via 0800-1202 (dagelijks geopend van 8:00 tot 20:00 uur). Hou je burgerservicenummer (BSN) bij de hand. De test is gratis. Lees ook de informatie van het RIVM.

Heb je verdere ondersteuning nodig?

  • Rode Kruis Hulplijn - 070 4455 888 - Hulp en advies bij quarantaine en een luisterend oor. Maandag t/m zondag bereikbaar tussen 9:00 en 21:00 uur.
  • Luisterlijn - 0900 0767 - Voor een luisterend oor. 24 uur per dag bereikbaar per telefoon, chat en e-mail.
  • Stichting MIND - 0900 1450 - Voor ondersteuning bij psychische klachten en lotgenotencontact. Elke werkdag bereikbaar tussen 9:00 en 18:00 uur.
  • 113 Zelfmoordpreventie - 0900 0113 - Voor hulp bij acute zelfmoordgedachten op anonieme basis. 24 uur per dag bereikbaar per telefoon en chat.
  • iPractice - 020 2444 889 - Voor een telefonisch consult door een psycholoog op donatiebasis. Bereikbaar op afspraak.
  • Mantelzorglijn - 030 760 6055 - Voor informatie over mantelzorg en het coronavirus via telefoon en WhatsApp. Bereikbaar op werkdagen van 9:00 tot 18:00 uur.
  • Coronahulp.nl - Verwijzingen naar websites voor praktische hulpvragen.
Alle vorige megathreads.
submitted by theNetherlandsBot to thenetherlands [link] [comments]

[NJ] Bar purchases at a casino in the Netherlands marked as cash advances

I took a trip to the Netherlands and purchased drinks at the bar in a casino with my credit card. When I got home, I noticed that one of the transactions was marked as a cash advance, for which my CC company charges $10 each. I called, and they happily reversed the fee as I explained that I didn't use the card for gambling or ATM purposes. A few days later, I checked my statement online again to find that 5 transactions were actually cash advances, all at that casino, including the one that they already reversed. So I called again, but they explained that they couldn't reverse the remaining fees because they could only do it once every 6 months. I got a hold of a supervisor that was able to refund half ($20 out of the remaining $40), which I presume was only a gesture of goodwill, as he explained that they still gave the casino "cash," and that the casino could have done a better job at making me aware that drinks at a bar would be cash advances.
Is there anything I can do to get the remaining fees reversed? I know it's such a small amount, and it would cost more to file in small claims than the $20 anyway, so maybe I'll just have to eat it...
submitted by bionicrm_ to legaladvice [link] [comments]

[OC] The Best MLS Player from Each Country That's Fielded One: Part 1 (UEFA)

Throughout its first 25 years, Major League Soccer has seen players from all different corners of the globe, each with their own career story. Whether it be a guy like Tim Melia or Chris Wondolowski who were scrappy guys that came out of nowhere to be stars in this league, or world famous names such as Zlatan, Beckham, and Henry, the league's history of big names is as diverse as they come.
Let's take a look at the best player from each country around the globe. This will be based on national team allegiance. Today, we'll be leading with Europe!
Please note that this is my opinion, and in some cases the decisions were tough; I'll be sure to add in honorable mentions where I can, or add notes.
Albania: Shkëlzen Gashi ( COL 2016-18)
Short list to pick from here, as Gashi's only competition is Jahmir Hyka and Hamdi Salihi. Gashi gets the nod, if nothing else, for his huge 2016 season, where he scored 10 regular season goals (one of which was that year's Goal of the Year) as the Rapids damn near won the Shield. The madlad then went and one-upped that with his absurd equalizer in the playoffs against the Galaxy.
His last two years weren't as fruitful, but man, when he was on he could pull something out of nowhere.
Armenia: Yura Movsisyan ( KC 2006-07, RSL 2007-09 & 2016-18, CHI 2018)
Four choices here, although in the end it's Movsisyan winning out over Harut Karapetyan, who played a couple seasons in the 90s for the Galaxy, San Jose, and Tampa Bay. The fourth pick in a strong 2006 MLS SuperDraft out of Pasadena City College, Movsisyan is mostly associated with RSL, who acquired him in a 2007 trade. With the Claret and Cobalt, he would tally 15 goals in 53 regular season appearances, and in 2009 he'd hoist the club's first MLS Cup. That'd be his last game with RSL until 2016 after some time in Europe with Randers, Krasnodar, and Spartak Moscow (even sharing the Russian PL Golden Boot in 2012/13 with Wanderson). He'd put up a similar clip of 16 in 57 before being waived and finishing his MLS career with four scoreless games with Chicago.
Austria: Daniel Royer ( NYRB 2016-pres.)
The choice here was largely Royer vs. Andreas Ivanschitz, who was a regular starter for Seattle's first MLS Cup, but I can't say no to a man with over 100 MLS matches played and three straight 10-goal seasons. In all comps, the former Austria Vienna man is just two goals behind Thierry Henry for third on the Red Bulls' all time goal scoring list.
Belarus: Sasha Gotsmanov ( COL 2005)
Gotsmanov qualifies by default as the only Belarusian player in MLS history. The Minsk native (and son of former Soviet and Belarusian international Sergei Gotsmanov) played one (1) single game for Colorado in October 2005, against RSL.
Belgium: Laurent Ciman ( MTL 2015-17, LAFC 2018, TFC 2019-pres.)
Shouts to Roland Lamah, who had his moments in Dallas, and Jelle van Damme, who played a season and a half for the Galaxy, but Ciman is the obvious choice. While he's fallen off a cliff as he's gotten older, he's a three-time All-Star and won Defender of the Year in his first MLS season; in his second, he played for Belgium at Euro 2016. At 35, he's lost a step and probably should only be used in emergencies, but at his best he was an elite MLS center back that could also be deployed at right back.
Bosnia & Herzegovina: Haris Medunjanin ( PHI 2017-19, CIN 2020-pres.)
The first one where I'm not totally confident in my pick, as Baggio Hušidić made this tricky (and as a Union fan I'm afraid of bias). But at his best, Haris is an assist machine (30 in four MLS seasons so far), and a threat on set pieces; the madlad even scored an Olimpico this year. His left foot is probably the best the Union have ever had. While his commitment to defense was nonexistent, give him the ball and he could spray a pass anywhere.
Bulgaria: Hristo Stoichkov ( CHI 2000-02, DC 2003)
One of three former Ballon d'Or winners to play in MLS (the others being Lothar Matthaus and Kaka, although "playing" is generous for the former), Stoichkov spent the last four seasons of his career in MLS, scoring 22 goals in 72 regular season matches for Chicago and DC. In his first season, a 9 goal in 18 match outing for the Fire, he also won the US Open Cup, scoring the opening goal of the final, a 2-1 win over Miami. (The winning goal, by the way, was scored by our old friend Owen Goal.)
Croatia: Damir Kreilach ( RSL 2018-pres.)
Mr. Miyagi's favorite MLS player for his crane kick equalizer in the playoffs, the former Rijeka and Union Berlin man has proven to be an excellent utility piece and core part of RSL throughout his time there, scoring 26 goals and chipping in 14 assists in 86 regular season matches and playing all over the damn place (naturally a central midfielder, he's probably still RSL's best forward). At 31, he still has a lot to give.
MLS has seen a huge influx of Croats lately, though; before Kreilach's 2018 signing there had only been four Croatian players in MLS history, two of whom barely played. Currently, there are five on active rosters.
Czechia: Luboš Kubík ( CHI 1998-2001, DAL 2001)
Czech players have had a good hit rate in MLS. In his lone MLS season, Bořek Dočkal led the league in assists, and Zdeněk Ondrášek was a very solid piece for Dallas, albeit one whose MLS time was brief.
But no. We have to go with Kubik. The sweeper was Best XI twice, in 1998 and 1999, and won Defender of the Year in 1998 helping Chicago to a MLS Cup-Open Cup double. He'd win another Open Cup two years later, before being traded to Dallas in 2001 and retiring due to injury.
So many lethal counterattacks started on the foot of this man, and he is rightfully seen as one of the greatest defenders the league has ever seen.
Denmark: Jimmy Nielsen ( KC 2010-13)
I debated going WAYYYYYYY off the board here and throwing out Miklos Molnar. His time in MLS was brief, just the 2000 season before he retired, but the man was the best attacking piece on a Cup winner. He could have balled out if he didn't retire early.
But nah. We're going with Casino Jimmy, one of the keys towards Kansas City's early 2010s turnaround. A two time All-Star, Nielsen was Goalkeeper of the Year in 2012, a year that also saw him win the Open Cup with the Wiz (on penalties, because KC and penalties, name a more iconic duo at this point). In 2013, he capped off his career by winning MLS Cup, again on penalties, while playing with broken ribs.
England: Bradley Wright-Phillips ( 2013-2019, LAFC 2020)
This league, man.
The list of English players to have represented in MLS is a long one, full of iconic names. Ashley Cole. David Beckham. Frank Lampard. Steven Gerrard. Jermain Defoe. Wayne Rooney. Hell, even Bradley's brother Shaun.
But nope. Many of those guys are the butt of many MLS jokes. BWP, on the other hand, is one of the greatest goal scorers the league has ever seen, with two Golden Boots to his name and well over a century of league goals. He was a part of 3 Shield winning teams, and made CONCACAF's Best XI in 2018.
And it all started with a quiet trial in 2013 after Charlton dumped him. This. League.
And This. Man. Even as a fan of Philly who doesn't care much for the Red Bulls, I respect this dude and everything he's done. I hope he gets another year after winning Comeback Player of the Year this year.
Estonia: Joel Lindpere ( NYRB 2010-12, CHI 2013)
The only other option here was Erik Sorga, who could dethrone Lindpere as he came to MLS at a very young age. But it's unlikely, as Lindpere was quietly very solid for the Red Bulls during his time. The Tallinn native was a two-time All-Star, and in 2010 he was named the Red Bulls' team MVP.
Finland: Alex Ring ( NYC 2017-2020, AUS pres.)
There's a few fairly talented Finns in MLS right now that could make this interesting (I really like Robin Lod's game, and Lassi Lappelainen would be excellent for Montreal if he'd stop getting hurt). Ring however has proven his worth across 4 seasons, including time as NYC's captain. Over 10,000 MLS minutes, mostly for good teams, as a defensive anchor, he will be a fantastic tone-setter for the new Austin team.
France: Thierry Henry ( NYRB 2010-14)
Oh man, as an Ireland fan I wanted to give this to literally anyone else. I am still bitter, dammit.
His best competition is probably Aurelien Collin, who has a closetful of trophies (including a Best XI and MLS Cup MVP). But no...it's Henry.
When a big name comes to MLS, what people want to see is someone who treats the league with respect. Henry did that. Not only was he dominant on the pitch, a three-time Best XI nomination, he also respected the history of the club he played for and gave 100%, even though he was getting up there in the years. He's a Red Bulls and MLS legend...as much as I curse that godforsaken hand
Georgia: Valeri "Vako" Qazaishvili ( SJ 2017-20)
It looks like the San Jose chapter of Vako's career is done and dusted. While the former Vitesse man struggled for consistency, he did put up 26 goals and 13 assists across four MLS seasons for the Quakes, including 10 while being coached by Mikael Stahre, which should probably get him and Wondo some sort of award.
We'll see what's next for him, if he leaves MLS or goes back to Europe. His only competition was Quakes teammate Guram Kashia.
Germany: Bastian Schweinsteiger ( CHI 2017-19)
I'm...actually not sure about this one. I actually changed this while writing, as I very nearly chose Julian Gressel; the former Rookie of the Year has two 10-assist seasons under his belt, and Kai Wagner has also been one of the league's better fullbacks for Philadelphia; Schweinsteiger was solid enough for Chicago in his advanced age for some very frustrating teams (and even moved positions to center back!)...but man, I don't know.
Germany is weird. For a country with such a great footballing tradition, the pickings are fairly slim. Arne Friedrich had one good year for Chicago before injuries claimed his career. Lottar Matthaus was as committed to this league as Schalke are to winning football matches. Stefan Aigner was stifled by Anthony Hudson going galaxy brain. Torsten Frings...existed.
I dunno.
Greece: Alexandros Tabakis ( ATL 2017)
The only Greek in MLS history...and our second one game wonder. Atlanta's FOURTH string keeper in 2017, he managed to sneak into a game against Minnesota with Brad Guzan on international duty, Alec Kann injured, and Kyle Reynish sent off during the match.
Atlanta lost 3-2. He's now in USL.
Hungary: Nemanja Nikolić ( CHI 2017-19)
Dániel Sallói and Krisztián Németh had their moments, but the winner is Nikolić, who came to MLS from the Ekstraklasa and immediately won the Golden Boot. His totals diminished in the three seasons he spent with Chicago, but 51 goals in 96 appearances isn't too shabby at all - it's second in Fire history behind Ante Razov.
Iceland - Guðmundur Þórarinsson ( NYC 2020-pres.)
Not much choice, 3 guys, all of whom were mostly bench guys. I almost went with Kristinn Steindorsson here on the merits of "he didn't have a penalty saved by Rodrigo Schlegel."
Israel: Gadi Kinda ( SKC 2020-pres.)
It was either him or Dedi Ben Dayan, really. And I nearly went with the former Colorado left back, but nah, Kinda is very much the superior player. The midfielder born in Ethiopia, Kinda shone brightly in his first season in KC, with 6 goals and 4 assists in his debut season. He'll be a DP next season.
Italy: Sebastian Giovinco ( TOR 2015-18)
A signing that changed an entire club.
Before Giovinco, the Reds were a laughingstock. He came in, won a Golden Boot and MVP right away, led the league in assists, made Best XI three years in a row, led them to their first playoff game, their first MLS Cup final, their first MLS Cup win, and a historic treble. And they damn near won CCL too.
The Atomic Ant was must-see from Day 1. It's not just because of him that Toronto is now one of MLS's elite...but he was a huge part of changing that culture. 83 goals in 142 games in all comps. And he dished out his fair share of assists too, with a telepathic partnership with Jozy.
Latvia: Raivis Hščanovičs ( TOR 2010)
Not much to write about here. 14 games for a bad Reds team. Gets in by default with no other Latvian MLS players.
Liechtenstein: Nicholas Hasler ( TOR 2017-18, CHI 2018-19, SKC 2019)
Another one by default. 66 games as a utilityman. Won MLS Cup and the Shield, though.
Lithuania: Vytautas Andriuškevičius ( POR 2016-18, DC 2018)
Only other choice was Edgaras Jankauskas, a forward who played 14 games for the Revs. Vytas played 37 for Portland and zero for DC.
Luxembourg: Maxime Chanot ( NYC 2016-pres.)
Another one by default but this one's an actually really solid player that finished fourth in Defender of the Year voting in 2019. We take those.
Malta: Etienne Barbera ( VAN 2012)
2 games in 2012. Only Maltese player in MLS.
Montenegro: Branko Bošković ( DC 2010-12)
Pretty much every other Montenegrin player played less than 20 games in MLS. Bošković played 43 before returning to Europe for family reasons. 7 assists in his final season though, which is technically something.
Netherlands: Johan Kappelhof ( CHI 2016-pres.)
Much like Germany, bright footballing tradition, very shaky MLS history. Which is weird because the Eredivisie exports a lot of guys to MLS.
Also, I'm excluding Kelvin Leerdam, as he is probably changing his international allegiance to Suriname.
So I'm going with 2017 All-Star Kappelhof, who I think is still fairly solid.
But really the choices aren't great. Dave van den Burgh? Roland Alberg scored a hat trick once I guess? Danny Koevermans was decent but injured all the time?
Maybe it's a hot take. It probably is.
North Macedonia: Oka Nikolov ( PHI 2013)
Never actually played, only in a friendly. Watch this space though as North Macedonia is apparently courting LAFC's Danny Musovski.
Northern Ireland: Johnny Steele ( RSL 2012, NYRB 2013-14)
Another case of shaky opposition, it was either Steele or Steve Morrow, who played 41 games for Dallas in the aughts.
Steele played regularly for a Shield winner, the 2013 Red Bulls. Easy peasy.
Norway: Vadim Demidov Ola Kamara ( CLB 2016-17, LAG 2018, DC 2019-pres.)
Adama Diomande is the main competition here. Kamara's first stint in MLS was a smashing success, scoring 48 goals in 90 regular season matches for Columbus and the Galaxy (he was traded for Gyasi Zardes before 2018). A brief foray to China followed, and while he's back in MLS with DC he hasn't quite been the same.
Still a good player on his day, maybe just the Bennyball effect.
Poland: Piotr Nowak ( CHI 1998-2002)
When I think of early Chicago, Nowak and the earlier-mentioned Kubik are the first two names that come to mind. Kubik held down the back while Nowak was the chief creator in the midfield. Three-time best XI, three-time All-Star, and MLS Cup MVP.
...can I drink my water now?
Portugal: José Gonçalves ( NE 2013-16)
Gonçalves fell off a cliff in his latter years, but in his first MLS season he won Defender of the Year and in his second he was a key part of a team that made the MLS Cup final and damn near won the thing.
Runner up here is Nani who is probably closing in.
EDIT: I also forgot to mention Pedro Santos, thanks to the Crew fans who pointed that one out. I still think Gonçalves pips him for his 2013 if nothing else, but Santos is probably closer than Nani.
Republic of Ireland: Robbie Keane ( LAG 2011-16)
A LOT closer than you think; Time Person of the Century Juventus legend Ronnie O'Brien was two-time best XI himself.
But nonono. This is Robbie freaking Keane. When we see these big name Euro guys interested in MLS, this is the man we want them to be.
Hypercompetitive and holding guys accountable on and off the pitch, and scoring for fun. 83 goals in 125 MLS regular season appearances. Best XI four times. 2014 MVP. MLS Cup MVP in 2014. A closetful of team awards including 3 MLS Cups.
This man was a baller, and frankly his departure was the beginning of the Galaxy decline into irrelevance, but that's a story for another time.
Romania: Alexandru Mitriță ( NYC 2019-pres.?)
Question mark because he's on loan and I have no idea if it'll be permanent, but he was punted out by the Pigeons just as he was really starting to break out. He scored 12 goals in his debut season last year but filled in nicely this year while Maxi Moralez was injured. EDIT: NYC fans have informed me he wasn't punted out, but was loaned out to be closer to his pregnant wife. My apologies.
Honorable mention: Alex Zotincă, who played for the Wizards and Chivas USA in the aughts. Brave man.
Russia: Igor Simutenkov ( KC 2002-04)
Not a lot to pick from here either. 49 games, 12 goals for this forward from Moscow, who now serves as an assistant coach at Zenit.
Scotland: John Spencer ( COL, 2001-04)
Give Johnny Russell another few years and he'll pass Spencer, but for now I'm leaning the latter. Spencer as a coach was frustrating as hell, but as a player he was Best XI twice and an MVP finalist once. Dude could score goals despite battling injuries in his time in MLS.
Just don't let him sign Kris Boyd. Then you lose to Cal FC. No one wants that.
Serbia: Aleksandar Katai ( 2018-19, 2020)
And mostly due to a weak pool. Runner up was probably someone like Miloš Kocić.
18 goals in 62 games for Chicago before getting yeeted back to Serbia for Bad People Reasons
Slovakia: Albert Rusnák ( RSL 2017-pres.)
He has tenure on Ján Greguš, who's the closest competitor, but Rusnák is also good. He followed up a 14-assist debut season (4th in the league) with back to back 10 goal seasons before struggling this year with injury.
Slovenia: Robert Berić ( CHI 2020-pres.)
Once he got acclimated to MLS, the goals came, and Chicago has its successor to Nikolić up top. He finished with 12 goals in his debut season, tied for second in the league with Ruidiaz and Zardes.
Also, from what I saw early on, seems like he's a dark-arts type of guy that gets in your head. That's fun.
Spain: David Villa ( NYC 2015-18)
I really didn't want to put him here due to recent allegations, and the fact that Pozuelo has already matched his MVP and two Best XI performances....
77 goals in 117 games though, that's tough to pass on.
Sweden: Zlatan Ibrahimović ( LAG 2018-19)
It's Zlatan.
He pretty much dragged a sorry LA organization to something resembling competitiveness.
What the hell did you expect?
(Anton Tinnerholm made this hard, though)
EDIT: Forgot Gustav Svensson as well in my honorable mentions.
Switzerland: Stefan Frei ( TOR 2009-13, SEA 2014-pres.)
Pretty self-explanatory, one of the most accomplished keepers in MLS history and with a closetful of hardware. And all it took Seattle to get him was a late first round pick that pinged around so much that it was eventually traded for a coach.
Turkey: Sercan Güvenışık ( SJ 2012)
5 games that year. No one else has flown the Turkish flag in MLS.
Ukraine: Dema Kovalenko ( CHI 1999-2002, DC 2002-05, NYRB 2006-08, RSL 2008, LAG 2008-10)
I'm afraid he'd break my legs if I didn't. One of the most physical and downright dirty players the league has ever seen. Made nearly 300 appearances though, and has one each of the 3 major US trophies (MLS Cup, USOC, Shield), all with a different team.
Wales: Andy Dorman ( NE 2004-07, 2013-15)
Dorman was a key part of that real good Revs team from the mid-aughts, and just beats out Carl Robinson. He made 112 appearances in his first stint, and played in 3 MLS Cup finals, though they famously lost all three. The Revs brought him back in 2013 after some time in Scotland and England, and was playing semipro in the area as recently as 2018.
submitted by LocksTheFox to MLS [link] [comments]

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Rocket league is a casino game in the Netherlands now

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submitted by Gandalar to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

Black Nobility and the Vatican.

The black nobility is the base of the global crime syndicate that controls this planet. The black nobility or black aristocracy are the aristocratic families that sided with the papacy under Pope Pius IX after the army of the Kingdom of Italy led by the Savoy family entered Rome on September 20, 1870, overthrew the pope . and the Papal States, and took over the Quirinal Palace, and the nobles later ennobled by the Pope prior to the Lateran Treaty of 1929. Any family that produced popes for the Vatican is royalty. Most of the black nobility are Vatican royalty. The black nobility consider themselves sovereign princes. These families earned the title of "black" nobility for their relentless unscrupulousness. They used murder, rape, kidnapping, robbery and all kinds of deception on a large scale, without resisting the achievement of their objectives. The black nobility were the families that financed and created the holy corporation of the Vatican with the aim of imposing world slavery as a necessary institution, with the sole belief that some are born to rule and others to be ruled. The idea that certain families were born to rule as an arbitrary elite, while the vast majority of a given population is condemned to oppression, servitude, or slavery became the theological position of this elite. The "New World Order" is an attempt to take control of society by these fascist families with the purpose of the total slavery of humanity.
The Vatican is an imperial nation and is the largest empire in this world. The Vatican City, or the Holy Vatican Corporation, officially the Vatican City State, is a nation that operates as the largest intelligence network in the world. The Holy See is the "All-Seeing Eye" in society and a corporate entity connected to many other corporations and governments through papal and royal statutes. Archbishops and high-level bishops are the overseers of society within their districts and oversee politics, police, business, and organized crime. The same year that the professor of ecclesiastical law and practical philosophy at the University of Ingolstadt, Adam Weishaupt, created the Order of the Illuminati, was the same year that they created the United States as a corporation to run it as their private army and lead I dig the agenda of a "New World Order" for the elites, mainly, thanks to the infiltrated Freemasonry and directed by the Jesuits.
The New World Order is a conspiracy of lineage at the top. They are ancient and evil bloodlines that build and destroy empires for control through an order out of chaos. Royal and noble houses are corporate entities and claim to rule and own land, resources, and people. Landlords have always been the dominant owners of gold and precious metals. They empower and finance bankers and entrepreneurs to work for them through their corporate homes. They authorize and issue the creation of laws, agencies, the military, companies, and universities. They create and run religions and secret societies. They also finance and organize organized crime syndicates as if they were commercial enterprises. Some of the major royal bloodlines include Savoy, Bourbon, Medici, Glücksburg, Wittelsbach, Nassau-Weilberg, Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Romanov, Grimaldi, Orleans, Braganza, Habsburg, Hannover, Windsor, Saud, Thani, Khalifa, Alouwite , Zogu, Hohenzollern, Orange-Nassau, Bonaparte and Bernadotte. Many royal bloodlines still rule their nations as heads of state such as the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Monaco, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Morocco, Sweden, Norway, and Luxembourg. The Vatican City State is also a kingdom with the Pope of Rome as its monarch. The Black Nobility are the ancient bloodlines of the Papal States and they own the Holy See and the Vatican. They produced the first popes of Rome and held leadership positions in the Vatican from its inception. The Colonna and Torlonia still hold the hereditary positions of the Assistant Princes to the Papal Throne. The black nobility consider themselves sovereign princes. The Vatican is used as a central point of control and the Holy See is one of the oldest and most criminal corporate entities in existence. The Spanish Catholic Church is immensely rich, it has not suffered the crisis and also enjoys a true tax haven, being free to pay taxes, such as the IBI, works, companies, etc. The vast majority of the assets in their possession and on their accounts are completely opaque. This situation is illegitimate, unfair and presumably illegal, and this occurs with the complicity and consent of the public powers.
The Erlach and Brandi families are Swiss tax advisers who enable corruption, bribery, criminal financing, and money laundering. The Swiss Guard is the one that protects the Vatican City State. The Swiss cantons have been in contract with the Vatican for centuries and Switzerland is basically a papal state with the noble Roman saints claiming partial ownership. The German house of Baden-Zahringen founded Bern, in Switzerland. The House of Savoy ruled the regions of Switzerland for hundreds of years. Some of the most important bloodlines of the Black Nobility are: Massimo, Colonna, Pallavicini, Odescalchi, Ruspoli, Orsini, Aldobrandini, Sforza-Cesarini, Boncompagni-Ludovisi, Chigi-Albani-Della Rovere, Doria-Pamphilj, Rospigliosi, Giustiniani , Torlonia, Corsini, Borghese, Del Drago, Lucchesi-Palli, and Gaetani. The Pecci and Pacelli families are more recent bloodlines of the Black Nobility. The black nobility share ownership over the Holy See, which is a corporate entity based in the Vatican City State that was established as a nation in 1929 under Benito Mussolini, who was put in power by the House of Savoy. The Mussolini and Franco families became nobles after their fascist regimes. The Black Nobility also owns the Knights of Malta, the Jesuits, and the Cosa Nostra. The Black Nobility established branches in southern Italy and married Sicilian-Campanian nobles such as the Lanza di Scalea, Adragna, Sanseverino, Tomasi di Lampedusa, Paterno, Cattaneo, Serena di Lapigio and Rocco di Torrepadula families. Many Italian crime families were Sicilian nobles like the Bonanno and Bellomo families. Both the mafia bosses and the Italian and Spanish nobles call themselves Dons, which is the equivalent of Boos (boss) of crime. The Savoy, Savoy-Aosta, Medici, Borbon-Dos Sicilias, and Borbon-Parma families are members of Italian royalty and are married to various European royal bloodlines and Black Nobility. Most of the monarchs are members of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Prince Carlo Massimo has been overseeing the Sovereign Military Order of Malta as President of the Italian Association of SMOM. The Knights of Malta have an undercover operation at the Jesuit School of Foreign Service in Georgetown, run by Joel Hellman. The Jesuits and the Knights of Malta basically run the Defense Department alongside British Crown agents and high-level Freemasons. Prince Carlo de Borbón-Dos Sicilias is a high commander of the Society of Jesus through his Sacred Constantinian Military Order of Saint George. The Jesuits were authorized by Pope Paul III of the Farnese family. The Bourbon-Dos Sicilias and Borbon-Parma families are the continuation of the Farnese family, the name Farnesivs is engraved in the Jesuit headquarters called the Church of Gesu in Rome. The Farnese family lived in a pentagonal fortress called Farnese Villa Caprarola, which is the basis for the design of the American Pentagon. Jesuits are involved in education, politics, banking, science, law, and especially military intelligence. The Italian Bourbons have established residences all over the world, including Florida. Jesuits need to be investigated and banned, they have rightly been expelled from almost every country in the world, but they always end up coming back. In Spain three times, his last return was at the hands of General Franco.
The Holy See is a corporate body that issues laws and bills, such as the Golden Bull, which claims ownership of the Kingdom of England and identifies the emperor as the sovereign of the only legitimate universal empire, directly chosen by God. The Pope claims temporal power or ownership over the Earth and also claims Papal Supremacy or Papal Rule and Papal Infallibility. Infallibility means incapable of being wrong. The Roman Curia or Papal Court is the highest organized council in society and is directly supervised by the two “Assistants of the Prince to the Pontifical Throne”, these two positions are held by the princes of the Colonna and Torlonia families. They work with a higher level princely council of the Italian nobility that works with another council made up of the Roman nobility. The Italian and Austrian nobility are married to each other and work closely together leading the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, which is a sovereign entity equivalent to that of a sovereign nation. The Italian Nobility, La Cosa Nostra and the German and Austrian Nobles, run the Jewish Mafia. Royalty and nobles have massive amounts of wealth in private bank accounts in Switzerland. They use the Nazi-founded Bank for International Settlements to steal wealth from central banks through fraudulent tax contracts and then launder and hide the wealth in private bank accounts in Switzerland. The main Italian lineages still active include the Massimo, Colonna, Pallavicini, Torlonia, Aldobrandini, Ruspoli, Orsini, Gaetani-D'Aragona, Borbón-Parma, Odescalchi, Borghese, Adragni, Chigi, Medici, Borromeo, Doria-Pamphilj, Sacchetti, Savoy, Grimaldi and Bourbon. These bloodlines oversee the various specters of society. Outside of this power structure is the Committee of 300 with an inner circle made up of the leading monarchs and princes of Europe and the former Holy Roman Empire with members from Windsor, Spencer, Cecil, Percy, Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Habsburg, Bonaparte, Orleans, Bernadotte, Lagergren, Glucksburg, Hannover, Furstenberg, Austria-East, Hohenberg, Hesse, Nassau-Weilberg, Habsburg-Lorraine, Saxe Coburg and Gotha, Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach, Saxony-Meiningen, Braganza, Orange-Nassau, Hohenzollern , Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, Liechtenstein, Rothschild, FitzJames, Lobkowicz, Ligne, Merode, Romanov, Thurn and Taxis, Schwarzenberg, Orsini-Rosenberg, Windisch-Graetz, Esterhazy and other families. Many members who do not have noble status on the Committee of 300 are representatives of the royal families.
These families are all enemies of humanity and have conspired to enslave the world for centuries. They authorize and create corporations and billionaires, run religions, states, secret societies, the mafia, and organized crime syndicates. Royal families in Europe are mainly divided into two factions, and this dates back to the Guelph merchants and Ghibelline landowners. All other groups like Bilderberg, CFR, and the Trilateral Commission are lower-level organizations. All roads lead to Rome, which is the basis of its control system. The European Constitutional Monarchies are branches of the corporate empire of Rome. Constitutional Monarchies are ruled by blood-appointed heads of state and serve Rome through the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The Pope claims temporary or physical ownership of the Earth. The Pope claims to be infallible of error. The Pope claims ownership over all souls through the papal doctrine of "Papal Supremacy." The Pope is a leader for the Black Nobility of Italy.
The Jesuits are a military priesthood officially established by Pope Paul III A.K. to Alessandro Farnese of the Farnese family. The Jesuits were officially established under the Papal Bull called Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae, which means Military Regiment of the Church as the continuation of the Templars. The Black Nobles are the true owners and controllers of the Vatican and maintain their control throughout the centuries by installing their relatives as high-level popes and bishops. At present the Torlonia and Colonna families who have the hereditary positions of Prince Assistants to the Papal Throne are those who supervise the pope. In turn Pope Francis supervises all members of the Catholic Church and also supervises the various secret societies that are connected with the Church.
The Jesuits are also a Masonic order and were the continuation of the Templar orders when they were banned. The Roman Catholic Church mocks Christians by performing rituals where they pretend to drink blood and eat human flesh known as the Eucharist, also called Holy Sacrifice. The New Testament did not exist until about 1600 and the Old Testament is even more recent than the new. It was the Vatican and European monarchs who created both the New and the Old Testaments. The last official version of the bible was published in 1777.
The bishops and priests operate as supervisors and the Jesuits function as spies trained in deception and are infiltrated everywhere. The Pope claims temporal power or ownership over the Earth and also claims Papal Supremacy or Papal Rule and Papal Infallibility. Infallibility means incapable of being wrong. Archbishops are the overseers of society within their districts and oversee politics, police, business, and organized crime. The Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum means New Order of Ages (or Ages), or also "New World Order", and is on the US dollar bill and Great Seal of the United States.
The Vatican uses Latin as an official language and for documents. America is named after the Italian Americo Vespucci who worked for the Medici family of Florence and Rome. Vespucci created the term New World for America. The Bank of America was originally called the Bank of Italy and was founded by Amadeo Giannini, who was financed by Italians. Nations were formed as companies or corporations to exploit their citizens as merchandise. Corporations are fraudulent constructions because they are considered a person with rights under the law, and because the owners and controllers of the corporations can disregard responsibility for crimes committed by the corporation. That is fraudulent. Corporations are not people and therefore cannot have rights. Corporations are also monopolies that use subsidiaries to hide their dominance over industry. Private companies cannot compete fairly with corporations. Citizens are also classified as legal persons (companies), robbing them of all their human rights. Corporations shouldn't exist.
Royalty and nobles issue charters establishing representative covert property agents controlled by corporate households or crowns of royalty and nobles. They claim to own foreign governments in this way. Royalty and nobles claim to own the United States as a continuation of the Virginia Company. Roman royalty such as the Hanover, Hesses, Wurttembergs, Hohenzollerns, Glucksburgs, Orange-Nassaus and Saxe-Coburg and Gothas claim a share of ownership over the British Crown. This is why the British royal family has so much German ancestry. The United States is defined as a federal corporation under US code 3002. Section 15. Most of the founding fathers were Freemasons and worked for the British Crown and German royalty. American political families, such as the Bushs, Clintons, Romneys, and Kennedys, take their names from European noble families that still exist. The Von Dem Bussche family are German nobles and relatives of the Bush family. The Clintons and Romneys are also British nobles. The Kennedys are Scottish-Irish nobles and an American political family involved with the Democratic Party. Mars, Walton, Rockefeller, Guggenheim, Getty, Hearst, Sackler, Lauder, Sachs, Busche, Johnson, McMahon, Forbes, and Cox are some of the billionaire American families that work with royalty and nobles in Europe. The Mars family is worth about 70 billion and works with the Windsor, Savoy, Thurn and Taxis families. The Waltons are worth around 130 billion and work with German nobles like the Württemberg, Baden, Hohenzollern and Isenberg families. The various Johnson families in the United States are collectively worth tens of billions and serve as agents for the House of Hannover. They own Johnson and Johnson and Fidelity Investments. The Hanovers are powerful royals and merchants who established the Hanseatic League. The Hearst family is worth more than 25 billion and several members were educated at Harvard University of the British Crown. The McMahon family is a billionaire and owner of the WWE and works under the Bonapartes and Savoys as their noble ancestors who were served militarily by the MacMahons during the Second Italian War of Independence. Today there are MacMahons in France with Italian and French titles of nobility. The Lauder family works for the House of Esterhazy in Austria and the House of East in Austria and Italy. The Guggenheims have assets worth hundreds of billions and are married to the House of Stuart. The Getty family are billionaire American oil merchants and are married to the Italian House of Ruspoli. The Forbes family are billionaires and American descendants of Scottish nobles who still exist.
All gang stalking and cult organizations are owned and controlled by members of royalty and nobility. Criminal organizations such as Royalty itself, Royal Institutions, The Company of Jesus, The Black Monks, The Hellfire Club, The Templar Orders, Freemasonry, The Grand Orient of France, The York Rite, The Scottish Rite, Prince Masonry of Prince Hall, Shriners International, The Royal Order of Jesters, The Cabal Society, Chabad, Scientology, Skull & Bones, The Boulé Society, The 5% Nation, The Nation of Islam, Black Israelites, The Ordo Templi Orientis ( OTO), The Temple of Set, The Church of Satan, Rosicrucian, Golden Dawn, Opus Dei, Mormons, Knights of Columbus, The Bohemian Club, Knights of Phintias, Ancient Order of Druids, Wicca, Santeria, Obeah, Voodoo, Sufism , Greek Fraternities and Brotherhoods, New Age and Gnostic Cults, Nazi Cults, KKK, Mafias, Prison Gangs, Biker Gangs and Street Gangs. The Rockefeller family uses their charitable foundations to fund harassment gangs and bribery in the United States, as well as globalization agendas and vaccination programs. The Rockefeller Foundation funded Almighty Vice Lord Nation, which is an organized crime group, and also funded the Tavistock Institute.
Hollywood, the Church of Scientology, and Silicon Valley are military operations like the US DARPA agency and run by European royalty and nobles like the Oettingen-Spielbergs, Schaumburg-Lippes, Anhalts, Hanovers, Windsors, Passi di Preposulos, Ruspolis, Torlonias and Odescalchis. The Ferragamo family is also involved in the management and financing of corruption in Hollywood. The House of Nassau-Weilberg, which is married to the Torlonias, funds human trafficking and human sacrifice in Hollywood. Idols in the entertainment industry are a dangerous cult with leaders who have access to electronic weapons. Most of modern electronics is being broadcast covertly with GENISIS and NEURON bio-piracy software controlled by Kabbalists and Scientologists. European monarchies function as extensions of Rome and run secret societies that infiltrate government agencies and run corporations for monarchs. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is the main military council and works closely with the Orders of St. John administered by Protestant royalty such as the Windsors and the Hohenzollerns. The Order of Malta and the Order of Saint John are Masonic organizations with grand masters and titles for initiation. The royal and noble bloodlines are all working together as a global crime syndicate and part of a modernized Roman corporate empire. They also have several competing factions that create the illusion of division. The British crown and Scottish nobles such as the Bruce, Stewart, Sinclair, Campbell, Montagu, Scott, Hamilton, Percy, Boyle, Bowes-Lyon and Sutherland families administer a large part of Freemasonry. All of these families produced Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge of England. There are thousands of Masonic lodges in Europe and in the United States. Freemasonry must be investigated and outlawed. The Greek-German Royal House of Glucksburg directs the Greek fraternities and brotherhoods and uses initiates as its agents. Glucksburg nobles and Italians run the Boule Society, Boule is a Greek fraternal society for African Americans. Martin Luther King and Jesse Jackson have been members of Boule, among many other high-profile, successful, and wealthy blacks, including Barack Obama, Bill Cosby, Al Sharpton, and Thurgood Marshall. The Glucksburg family rules Denmark and Norway and recently ruled Greece. Among its members are the ex-queen Sofía of Spain and Duke Felipe de Edimburgo. Former Greek nobility and royal merchants such as the Mavroleon, Onassis, and Niarchos families are billionaires who have a monopoly in the shipping industry and work with British nobles. The Greek royal family currently lives in London from where many Greek consignment merchants operate. The British Crown authorized and controls universities such as Yale and Harvard which are used to recruit Crown agents through fraternal orders such as Skull & Bones and Book and Snake. Royal and noble families also do undercover business in the City of London Corporation, which dominates global markets. Some of the major London merchant families include the Goldsmith, Stuart, Rothschild, Grosvenor, Sassoon, Barclay, Sutherland, Montagu, Bailey and Guinness families. The Sutherland family created the HSBC bank that has a long history of financial scandals around the world (Emilio Botín, Fernando Alonso, Mohamed VI, Jorge Trías and Jordi Pujol Jr. had accounts at HSBC when it was chaired by Stephen Green, Baron Green of Hurstpierpoint). The Bailey family is co-founder of Janus Henderson through a merger. Janus Henderson manages around 190 billion in assets. The Stuart family owns the Hudson Bay Company and has an alliance with the Bavarian House of Wittelsbach, which is the covert owner of some of the Hudson's Bay Company subsidiaries, which were founded by Bavarian merchants. HBC has approximately $ 12 billion in assets and has had fiscal contracts with the United States through the Organic Law of the District of Columbia of 1871.
The Orange-Nassau family are influential traders through the Netherlands Trading Society and have a large number of shares in Royal Dutch Shell, Philips Electronics and ABN AMRO Bank. The Orange-Nassaus and their Dreyfus agents run the Rand Corporation, which has a contract with the US military. Rand's founder was a Dutch gentleman. The Orange-Nassau family also runs the Loyal Orange Institution in Ireland, which has infiltrated the police, justice and politics. The Luxembourg Nassau-Weilburg family are international bankers connected to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The royal families of Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands have shares in the European Investment Bank and all of these royals are recently married to Italian nobles. The Ligne family from Belgium are wealthy diamond and gold merchants. The Belgian Crown and its nobles are stealing wealth from the United States through fraudulent tax contracts established through the Organic Law of the District of Columbia of 1871 and continue to do so through the Bank for International Settlements. The Barons Strange heads the Masonic Order of Oddfellow. The Russell family are the Marquesses of Tavistock and they run the Tavistock Institute, which is an organization involved in mass mind control. The Russell family also co-founded the Yale University and Russell Trust Association, which is named after the New Haven, Connecticut company based on the Skull & Bones secret society.
Skull & Bones is a death cult military complex run by the Bush family from the USA who are like a European royal family in the USA. The Furstenberg family runs the Royal Order of Jesters who wear a jester on their coat of arms. The Clintons work closely with the House of Furstenberg, who have residences in the United States. The Italian Orsini family and the Holy Roman Rosenberg family lead the Rosicrucian Order of alchemists who infiltrate food and drug companies for chemical warfare. The Medici family, who have a statue of Hermes (Mercury) in their palace in Rome, administer the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an alchemical secret society. The Medici were architects of modern banking. The Pierleoni family of Rome and the Spanish House of Bourbon-Anjou run the Kabbalah Society, which uses the Spanish lion for its logo. The Pacelli family of Rome and the Crescenzi family of Italy administer the Wiccan witchcraft cults. The Bavarian Wittelsbach family from Bavaria created the Bavarian Illuminati and administers the Benedictine Monks and is also part of the Jewish Mafia in the United States who are white collar criminals. The Pecci family of Italy also owns the Jewish mafia in the United States through their marriage to the Blumenthal family. The House of Wittelsbach is involved with Zionism, Nazism, Freemasonry, and the Society of Jesus. The Jesuits function as Roman intelligence and infiltrators and use their universities to recruit and train agents for Rome. Jesuit agents dominate leadership positions in the United States military and intelligence and especially in the CIA. The Knights of Columbus are owned by the Casa de Colonna. Christopher Columbus was Pedro Madruga, the Count of Caminha, a relative of the Colonnas who settled in Pontevedra at the time of the Romans. Many Knights of Columbus are police officers, mayors, lawyers, and judges, protecting the Italian mob while targeting free-thinking people. The Knights of Columbus are heavily involved in gang harassment.
Court Jews such as the Rothschild, Warburg, Goldsmith, Oppenheimer, Walton, Sassoon, Kadoorie, Lewis, Javal, Lauder, Sackler and Dreyfus families work through the Roman Curia or royal courtrooms such as Buckingham Palace. The French Rothschilds work for the Black Nobility of Rome and the French House of Orleans. The British Rothschilds work for the British Crown. The Sassoon and Kadoorie families work for the British Crown and oversee banking and business in China and India. The Swiss Rothschilds work for the House of Habsburg and the House of Hesse. The Oppenheimers work for the German House of Wurttemberg and the Cologne Oppenheim branch. the Austrian House of Habsburg granted them titles of nobility. The Warburgs work for the Italian House of Borghese and the German House of Hesse and the House of Hannover. Warburg Pincus had a contract with Unicredit that merged with the Borghese Family's Bank of the Holy Spirit. The Warburgs were Venetian bankers and the Borghese family now hold Venetian titles of nobility. The Warburgs financed the Nazis. The Dreyfus family works for the Dutch House of Orange-Nassau and the French House of Bonaparte. Jewish banking families work for Christian nobles and royalty. These billionaire Jewish bloodlines run many rabbis who run a criminal intelligence network that works with Mossad. The French House of Bonaparte and the Swedish House of Bernadotte control many of the main European companies through their knights of the Order of Seraphim and the Legion of Honor, who are also members of the Round Table of Industrialists of Europe, which it has a great economic influence on the markets. The Wallenbergs run corporations worth hundreds of billions and work for the Swedish House of Bernadotte. The Wallenbergs and the Swedish Crown also work with the Jesuits and the Vatican. The Black Nobility and other royal families have been hiding billions in private banks in Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. The royal families of Luxembourg and Liechtenstein own and run their own national and private banks. Austrian and Eastern European royalty and nobles, such as the Habsburgs, Esterhazys and Schonberg, use private banks in Liechtenstein and also own Israeli and Jewish mafias. The Esterhazy family together with the Lucchesi-Palli family run a faction of the Russian mafia through the mob boss Semion Mogilevich from Budapest. The Torlonia family owns the Fucino Bank in Rome and functions as Vatican bankers and treasurers. The Torlonia family of Rome and the Hohenzollern family of Germany are the main owners and controllers of the Bank for International Settlements which was founded and administered by the Nazis during World War II. The Torlonias are architects of fascism and the Hohenzollerns are architects of Nazism.
The East, Rothschild and Hottinger families are some of the leading Swiss bankers. The Romanian Sturdza family also owns a private bank in Switzerland. The Casanova family of Italy and Spain is one of the leading political families in Switzerland. The East and Savoy families run the Bank for International Settlements, which has a contract with most of the major central banks and is embezzling the wealth of nations through fraudulent loans and contracts. The Savoys live in Switzerland and Prince Lorenz of Austria-Este works at the Gutzwiller bank. The Bank for International Settlements must be investigated and closed. The Gutzwiller family is one of the leading banking families in Switzerland, owning its own private bank and managing 35 other Swiss banks. The Swiss Guard is a military body in charge of the security of the Pope and the Holy See. The ceremonial head of the Swiss Guard is the Pope, sovereign of Vatican City. Italian mafias are Rome's enforcers involved in extortion, money laundering, murder and drug trafficking, and they pay their dues to the Sicilian mafia, which in turn pays them to the black nobility. The mafia channels its earnings and tributes to the Black Nobility through the Vatican charitable foundations and then from the Vatican bank they are transferred to the private accounts of the Swiss Bank. The Savoy’s Genovese crime family specializes in extorting Wall Street. The mafia is rigging professional sports for gambling and they also launder their criminal winnings through the casinos. The Torlonia family owns the Kansas City crime family and shares ownership of the Pittsburgh crime family with the Borghese family of Rome and the Rocco di Torrepadula family of Sicily. The French House of Orleans owns the New Orleans crime family and the Franco-British Beaufort family oversees and owns the Dixie Mafia factions along with other British peers who have French ancestry. Cox's billionaire family is involved in multimedia communications and is part of the owners of the Dixie mob, which is involved in tobacco and ginseng sales as well as arms, drug and human trafficking. The Goldsmith and Sassoon families own Pakistani and Hindu human trafficking networks operating in the United Kingdom. The Imperial House of Brazil, Orleans-Braganza and the Belgian House of Ligne are married and have shares in the Brazilian companies AmBev and Belgian Anheuser-Busch InBev. The House of Orleans-Braganza owns Brazilian drug cartels that are also involved in human trafficking. The Sforza family owns the Stidda Mafia clans operating in the Sforza-Visconti territory in Milan and the Sforza and Visconti families have greater control over the Italian Stock Exchange or the Milan Stock Exchange. Milanese billionaire Silvio Berlusconi works for the Sforza and Visconti families and has a monopoly on Italian media and politics. Berlusconi founded the Forza political party in Italy named after the Sforzas. Some northern Italian nobles such as the Visconti, Borromeo, Este, Gonzaga, Valenti, D’Adda, and Passi di Preposulo families are closely related to billionaire families such as the Rothschilds, Agnellis, Benettons, Armanis, and Ferreros. The Sforza and Visconti families own the Seattle crime family with the Gaetani family as partial owners. The Seattle crime family controls billionaires Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos through blackmail. In 2017, Microsoft and Amazon employees were caught in a sex trafficking scandal.
The Colonna family owns the Knights of Columbus and also owns the Colombo crime family and partially owns the Chicago Outfit along with the Capponi and Roselli families of the Florence Turk. Al Capone was an agent of the House of Capponi and John Roselli was an agent of the Roselli del Turco family. Roselli also worked for the CIA. Colonna means column like Colombo and Colón. The Knights of Columbus infiltrate police departments and work with the Italian mafia. The Massimo and Gaetani families own and run the Gambino crime family and the Philadelphia crime family. The Massimo-Brancaccio family also owns and runs the Magliana or Roman Mafia and the Armed Revolutionary Nuclei, as well as the Graviano de Brancaccio crime family in Palermo, Sicily, which is part of the Corleonisi mafia clan. The Massimo family receives tribute from most of the Italian crime families and even from the Russian mafia and Eastern European mafias. The Massimo de Roccasecca family, who live in London, own the Clerkenwell crime syndicate, also known as the Adams Family or the London A-team and are part owners of the Irish Mafia, including the Rathkeale Rovers. The Borghese family is also the main owner of the Sicilian Mafia and the Mafia Magliana. The Lucchesi-Palli and Pallavicini families own the Lucchese crime family to which the Russian mafia in Brighton Beach pays tribute. The Pallavicini family owns the Armenian mafia that operates in Hollywood and works closely with the Kardashian family. The Romanovs are partial owners of the Russian mafia and have established several residences in the United States. The Giustiniani family oversee the Philadelphia Greek Mafia along with some Greek merchants. Royal and noble families finance organized crime. The Jewish Mafia reorganized into a white collar crime and worked with the black hand of the Italian Mafia. The head of the Jewish mafia in the United States is billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Leon Black is another one of the leading Jewish mobsters in New York. The Jewish Mafia participates in professional sports with white-collar mobsters such as Daniel Gilbert, Robert Kraft, Joshua Harris, Tom Werner, Jerry Reinsdorf, George Kaiser, Peter Guber, Joe Lacob, Mark Cuban, and Micky Arison. The European Union is based on the Treaty of Rome that was signed at the Capitol in Rome. The president of the European Central Bank is Mario Draghi, born in Rome and educated by the Jesuits at the Massimo Institute. Mario Draghi is an undercover relative of the Borghese and Del Drago families. The Erba-Odescalchi family with ancestry from Cernobbio, Italy, runs CERN with the Roman Fabiola Gianotti as CERN Director General that is used to generate pressure in the lower atmosphere in order to oppress society. CERN, HAARP, The Church of Scientology, Chemtrails and electronic devices are being used to covertly oppress society. The US military administers a HAARP electronic harassment system in Puerto Rico that is controlled from Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, which is under the command of Captain David Culpepper. The CIA and the Italian Mafia have a large criminal operation in Cuba. The CIA and Cosa Nostra work closely to this day.
Islamic royal families were named after European royalty in the 19th and 20th centuries and especially after the First World War. Middle Eastern royalty run the oil industry and use their massive wealth to fund globalist agendas that allow them to rule their nations. The house of Saud is worth at least a billion. The House of Thani and the House of Al Khalifa work with the House of Saud and are also wealthy oil traders. Royals from the Middle East run the Muslim Brotherhood and the Five Percent and the Nation of Islam, which are violent mobs of cult and harassment. These organizations need to be investigated and banned. They also own an Arab mob that is based in New Jersey and Detroit. The royal family of Morocco are wealthy merchants and owners of the Abergil crime family of Israel and Morocco. The House of Bourbon and Spanish nobility such as the Osorio, Fitz James, Alvarez (Alba), Pignatelli, Arteaga, Borja, Zuniga, Ruspoli, and Aragon-Escobar families own the majority of the Mexican and South American drug cartels. The Osorio and Borja families own MS-13. The Borgia and Borja families are also partial owners of the Mongels motorcycle gang. The Bourbons own the Gulf Cartel and the Lating Kings. The Ruspolis are partial owners of the Sinaloa Cartel and the Primeiro Comando da Capital in Sao Paulo, where their Matarazzo cousins ​​reside. The FitzJames and Alvarez families own the Los Zetas Cartel. The Álvarez and Osorio families also own the Bandidos motorcycle gang. The House of Bourbons are the founders and owners of Banco Santander. The King of Spain has the official right to the throne as King of Jerusalem.
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Amsterdam, Netherlands – A woman brings a giant snake to a casino

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Shipping: I will charge you what it costs me for the USPS label rounded up to the nearest dollar. For First Class that is usually $4, for USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate Small Box it will be $9. I will get you a tracking number right after payment is received and will get your package scanned into the USPS system within 24 hours of receipt of payment. I will offer "Risky Shipping" (via stamped greeting card) at my discretion for $1 - for single, small coins ONLY. NOTE: These prices are for Continental US shipping only - if you live outside the continental US, shipping will be more expensive. I am still happy to do it under the same rules as above, but just keep in mind it's going to cost more.
What do YOU need to do to buy coins from this group: send me a list of which lots you want (for example, I want to buy lots # 51, 52, 53, 54, 55) and I will send you a total. There are too many coins here (plus there are duplicates) so I cannot look up the coins you want by description - just give me lot numbers and it will be much simpler.
I'd like to make a simple and polite request - if I have sent you my PayPal information (meaning we've agreed to a deal) please finish it up as soon as you can so I can check you off the list and move on to the next person. This helps make sure you get all the coins we discussed and no one else is in limbo.
I will do my absolute best to update the ad as soon as lots sell.
52 China (Republic) 10 Cash $5.00
57 China (Hu-Peh Province) 10 Cash $1.00
59 Hong Kong - 1866 1 Cent NICE $8.00
61 China (Republic) 10 Cash $3.00
62 China (Kiang-Nan Province) 10 Cash NICE $20.00
63 China (Republic) 20 Cash $5.00
64 1977 D Eisenhower Dollar UNC MINT CELLO $4.00
67 British West Africa - 1940 1/10 Penny NICE $5.00
70 France (Perpignan) 1917 A 10 Centimes $5.00
71 1976 Shelbyville Dam (Illinois) Elongated/Smashed Nickel Souvenir $3.00
76 France (Orleans/Lyon/Toulouse) 10 Centimes Transportation Token (good to 31 Dec 1918) $3.00
77 Papua New Guinea - 2008 2 Kina UNC $2.00
78 Missouri Insurance Company (St. Louis) Good Luck Token $3.00
79 1900 India (Rama-Laksmana) Type C #1 (Brotman) Temple Token NICE $40.00
80 1956 Roosevelt Dime UNC TONED $6.00
83 1955 General Motors "Motorama" Medal BU $15.00
86 Central States 70th Anniversary Convention Token Jerry Lebo Advertising $6.00
87 Consolidated Numismatic Advertising Token Good For $1 Edmundston, Canada $2.00
88 France (Perpignan) 1917 A 5 Centimes $5.00
91 France (Perpignan) 1921 A 25 Centimes Scalloped Edge $8.00
93 Ukraine - 2003 100 Hryvnia UNC $2.00
94 German East Africa (Tanzania) - 1916 T 20 Heller $10.00
95 Illinois Governer Otto Kerner Inauguration Medal $2.00
96 5 Cent Trade Token NICE $3.00
98 Germany (Schleswig-Holstein) - 1923 10 Mark Notgeld UNC $10.00
99 A. Phillips Co Cambridge, Maryland 20 Cent Trade Token NICE $8.00
100 EZ Park Courtesy Token $1.00
159 Great Britain - 1949 Penny NICE $2.00
163 1959 Type B Reverse Washington Quarter UNC TONED $12.00
165 Great Britain - 1932 1 Penny NICE $3.00
166 1960 Type B Reverse Washington Quarter UNC $10.00
167 1960 Type B Reverse Washington Quarter UNC $10.00
169 Portugal - 1921 10 Centavos NICE $10.00
170 Germany (Prussia) 1700's-1800's Jeton (Token) Wilhelm 3 "Neue Ehre Neues Gluck" $3.00
172 1963 Type B Reverse Washington Quarter UNC TONED $12.00
175 1964 D Washington Quarter UNC TONED $8.00
176 Canada - 1921 1 Cent NICE $4.00
179 Stag Beer Wooden Nickel "Fair on the Square" $1.00
180 The TV Shop Slidell, LA One Wooden Buck $1.00
181 Canada - 1929 1 Cent NICE $3.00
185 1962 Type B Reverse Washington Silver Quarter NICE $8.00
186 Canada - 1920 1 Cent NICE $4.00
188 1957 Type B Reverse Washington Quarter NICE $6.00
192 Canada - 1945 5 Cents NICE $2.00
193 State of Missouri Sesquicentennial Medal $2.00
194 State of Missouri Sesquicentennial Medal $2.00
195 Canada - 1945 5 Cents NICER $4.00
196 France - 1916 2 Centimes LOW MINTAGE $2.00
197 Germany (Empire) 1914 J 2 Pfennig NICE $8.00
198 Mexico - 1946 1 Centavo NICE $1.00
200 Mexico - 1924 2 Centavos BETTER DATE $6.00
259 1954 S Washington Quarter UNC $10.00
260 1957 Washington Quarter UNC TONED $10.00
261 1963 Type B Reverse Washington Quarter UNC TONED $20.00
262 1999 D Kennedy Half Dollar UNC from Mint Set GEM BU PROOFLIKE $3.00
263 1941 S "Large S" Lincoln Wheat Cent $1.00
264 1941 S "Large S" Lincoln Wheat Cent $1.00
266 1941 S "Large S" Lincoln Wheat Cent $1.00
267 1941 S "Large S" Lincoln Wheat Cent $1.00
269 Maybrook NY Golden Jubilee Good For 10 Cent Wooden Nickel $1.00
270 Maybrook NY 1975 Golden Jubilee 25 Cent Wooden Nickel $1.00
274 2009 P Lincoln Cent "Formative Years" Doubled Die Reverse 013 UNC $2.00
275 World Silver - Barbados 1973 Proof 5 Dollars LOW MINTAGE $20.00
276 2009 P Lincoln Cent "Formative Years" Doubled Die Reverse 013 UNC $2.00
277 2009 P Lincoln Cent "Formative Years" Doubled Die Reverse 013 UNC $2.00
279 2009 P Lincoln Cent "Formative Years" Doubled Die Reverse 012 UNC $2.00
280 2009 P Lincoln Cent "Formative Years" Doubled Die Reverse 012 UNC $2.00
281 2009 P Lincoln Cent "Formative Years" Doubled Die Reverse 012 UNC $2.00
282 2009 P Lincoln Cent "Formative Years" Doubled Die Reverse Book Low UNC $2.00
286 2009 P Lincoln Cent "Formative Years" Doubled Die Reverse 002 UNC $2.00
287 1983 Lincoln Cent DDO FS-101 $25.00
288 2009 P Lincoln Cent "Formative Years" Doubled Die Reverse 012 UNC $2.00
289 2009 P Lincoln Cent "Formative Years" Doubled Die Reverse 012 UNC $2.00
291 1964 D Washington Silver Quarter UNC TONED $8.00
293 1960's Terre Haute, IN Sesquicentennial Wooden Nickel $2.00
295 2009 P Lincoln Cent "Formative Years" Doubled Die Reverse 002 UNC $2.00
296 2009 P Lincoln Cent "Formative Years" Doubled Die Reverse 002 UNC $2.00
298 1982 Buffalo NY Sesquicentennial Wooden Nickel $1.00
352 Denmark - 1950 5 Ore KEY DATE $10.00
354 2009 P Lincoln Cent "Formative Years" Doubled Die Reverse 013 UNC $2.00
355 2009 P Lincoln Cent "Formative Years" Doubled Die Reverse 013 UNC $2.00
356 2009 P Lincoln Cent "Formative Years" Doubled Die Reverse 013 UNC $2.00
357 1990 Rappahannock Area Coin Club Wooden Nickel $1.00
359 Germany (Empire) - 1874 C 1 Pfennig $2.00
360 Old Time Wooden Nickel Co Support Our Troops Wooden Nickel $1.00
361 1941 S "Large S" Lincoln Wheat Cent $1.00
362 1941 S "Large S" Lincoln Wheat Cent $1.00
364 1980 D Jefferson Nickel Mint Error - Minor Curved Clip (@3:30) $3.00
365 1979 S "Type 2 - Clear S" Proof Jefferson Nickel $2.00
367 Germany (Empire) - 1895 F 1 Pfennig $3.00
368 Germany (Empire) - 1874 A 1 Pfennig $2.00
369 Germany (Empire) - 1900 F 1 Pfennig $2.00
370 Germany (Empire) - 1874 B 1 Pfennig $2.00
371 Australia - 1951 3 Pence $2.00
372 Great Britain - 1861 3 Pence $3.00
373 Germany (Empire) - 1875 J 5 Pfennig $2.00
375 50 Cents in Trade Token $1.00
376 Germany (Empire) - 1874 E 2 Pfennig $2.00
377 Clear Lake, IA Perkins Wooden Nickel $1.00
378 50 Cents in Trade Token $1.00
379 Medallic Art Co Grand Canyon National Park 50th Anniversary Medal Bronze $3.00
380 Great Britain - 1981 25 New Pence UNC $3.00
382 Pomona National Bridge / Jackson County 200 Year Anniversary Medal $3.00
383 Guyana - 1970 1 Dollar UNC $2.00
384 Germany (Empire) - 1875 J 2 Pfennig $4.00
385 Illawarrra Numismatic Association Membership Discount Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
386 San Juan Quality Royale Casino Token $1 Face Value $1.00
387 Canada - 1963 Prooflike 1 Cent Emerald Rainbow Toning $3.00
388 Artisan Silverworks Temecula, CA Wooden Nickel $1.00
389 Canada - 1966 1 Cent Emerald Toning $2.00
390 Germany (Empire) - 1875 E 2 Pfennig $2.00
391 Germany (Empire) - 1874 H 2 Pfennig $4.00
392 5 Cent Token $1.00
394 Germany (Empire) - 1894 F 1 Pfennig $3.00
395 Denmark - 1904/804 1 Ore NICE $8.00
396 Netherlands Antilles - 1965 2.5 Cents UNC TONED $6.00
397 Germany (Empire) - 1874 G 1 Pfennig $10.00
398 Netherlands - 1921 1/2 Cent BETTER DATE $2.00
399 Netherlands - 1922 1/2 Cent BETTER DATE $4.00
400 Germany (Empire) - 1874 D 10 Pfennig $3.00
451 Sweden - 1901 1 Ore $1.00
452 Norway - 1948 50 Ore Overdate 4/4 $5.00
453 Netherlands Antilles - 1959 1 Cent UNC $2.00
454 Germany (Empire) - 1899 A 1 Pfennig $1.00
455 Germany (Empire) - 1899 A 1 Pfennig $1.00
456 Germany (Empire) - 1898 A 5 Pfennig $1.00
457 Germany (Empire) - 1875 F 5 Pfennig $1.00
458 Canada - 1948 5 Cents $1.00
460 Denmark - 1951 10 Ore NICE $5.00
461 Barbados - 1973 Proof 5 Cents in OGP $1.00
462 Germany (Empire) - 1875 A 5 Pfennig $1.00
463 Barbados - 1973 Proof 25 Cents in OGP $1.00
464 Germany (Empire) - 1876 D 5 Pfennig $1.00
465 Hungary - 1965 2 Filler Key Date $5.00
466 Germany (Empire) - 1889 A 5 Pfennig $1.00
467 Germany (Empire) - 1889 A 5 Pfennig $1.00
468 Switzerland - 1968 5 Rappen UNC TONED $1.00
469 Germany (Empire) - 1875 A 5 Pfennig $1.00
470 Germany (Empire) - 1875 C 5 Pfennig $1.00
471 Trinidad & Tobago - 1973 Proof 1 Cent in OGP $1.00
473 Germany (Empire) - 1892 D 5 Pfennig $1.00
474 Germany (Empire) - 1897 A 5 Pfennig $1.00
475 Germany (Empire) - 1890 E 5 Pfennig $1.00
477 Germany (Empire) - 1890 D 5 Pfennig $1.00
478 Germany (Empire) - 1894 D 5 Pfennig $1.00
480 Barbados - 1980 Proof 25 Cents in OGP cello $1.00
481 World Silver - Switzerland 1975 1 Franc $6.00
482 Germany (Empire) - 1897 D 5 Pfennig $1.00
484 Canada (New Brunswick) - 1861 1 Cent $3.00
485 Canada (Nova Scotia) - 1861 1/2 Cent $2.00
486 Austria - 1893 10 Heller $1.00
488 Netherlands East Indies - 1921 1/2 Cent NICE KEY DATE $8.00
489 Austria - 1895 10 Heller $1.00
490 Austria - 1894 20 Heller $1.00
492 World Silver - Mexico - 1887 Do C 10 Centavos LOW MINTAGE $5.00
551 South Africa - 1965 Proof 1 Cent LOW MINTAGE 25,000 $2.00
553 Switzerland - 1902 2 Rappen KEY DATE FIRST YEAR $8.00
554 Panama - 1975 Proof 1 Centesimo in OGP $5.00
557 South Africa - 1965 Proof 5 Cents LOW MINTAGE 25,000 $2.00
560 South Africa - 1965 Proof 20 Cents LOW MINTAGE 25,000 $2.00
561 Panama - 1975 Proof 5 Centesimos in OGP $1.00
562 Panama - 1976 Proof 5 Centesimos in OGP $2.00
563 South Africa - 1965 Proof 50 Cents LOW MINTAGE 25,000 $5.00
564 South Africa - 1966 Proof 1 Cent LOW MINTAGE 25,000 $2.00
565 South Africa - 1966 Proof 2 Cents LOW MINTAGE 25,000 $2.00
566 South Africa - 1966 Proof 5 Cents LOW MINTAGE 25,000 $2.00
567 South Africa - 1966 Proof 10 Cents LOW MINTAGE 25,000 $2.00
568 Panama - 1974 Proof 5 Centesimos in OGP cello $1.00
569 South Africa - 1966 Proof 20 Cents LOW MINTAGE 25,000 $2.00
572 Panama - 1973 Proof 1/10 Balboa in OGP $1.00
573 South Africa - 1967 Proof 1 Cent LOW MINTAGE 25,000 $2.00
574 Barbados - 1973 Proof 1 Cent $1.00
575 Panama - 1973 Proof 1/4 Balboa in OGP $1.00
576 South Africa - 1967 Proof 2 Cents LOW MINTAGE 25,000 $2.00
577 South Africa - 1967 Proof 5 Cents LOW MINTAGE 25,000 $2.00
578 South Africa - 1967 Proof 10 Cents LOW MINTAGE 25,000 $2.00
579 South Africa - 1967 Proof 20 Cents LOW MINTAGE 25,000 $2.00
580 South Africa - 1967 Proof 50 Cents LOW MINTAGE 25,000 $4.00
584 Liberia - 1974 Proof 10 Cents in OGP $1.00
590 Mexico - 1923 1 Centavo NICE UNC TONED $8.00
593 Mexico - 1923 5 Centavos NICE $5.00
594 Bahamas - 1970 Proof 1 Cent in OGP $1.00
595 Mexico - 1935 20 Centavos NICE $30.00
596 Token "10" Unknown origin $1.00
652 Indiana Sesquicentennial Medal 1966 $3.00
654 Alleppey Dist Treasury 286 Token $3.00
655 Creotina Remedies Belleville, IL Token $3.00
657 Mexico - 2001 1 Peso UNC in original cello $1.00
658 Germany (Empire) - 1903 A 1 Pfennig $4.00
662 Germany (Weimar) - 1924 A 1 Pfennig NICE $6.00
664 Malaysia - 1977 50 Sen TONED UNC $3.00
665 Franklin D Roosevelt $2 Trade Token Union Maystern $3.00
666 Great Britain - 1953 5 Shillings UNC (Crown sized) $5.00
667 Russia - 1994 50 Roubles Blind Mole Rat LOW MINTAGE UNC $3.00
672 Mint of Romania Aluminum Token UNC $3.00
673 Bahamas - 1973 and 1974 Proof 1 Cents in OGP (two coins) $1.00
675 Canada - 1939 5 Cents UNC $20.00
676 Penny Press Mint 1 Dollar Token (Morgan Dollar Inspired Design) $2.00
677 Penny Press Mint 1 Dollar Token (Morgan Dollar Inspired Design) $2.00
678 France (Paris) Montmartre Auditing Firm "Good for one audition" Token $2.00
679 Thailand - Bangkok Institute of Accounting Token $1.00
680 Swedish Shooting Medal Double Pistols Design $3.00
681 1941 Mercury Dime Pin $4.00
682 Korea (Republic) - 1968 5 Won UNC $25.00
683 Korea (Republic) - 1973 50 Won NICE $5.00
684 Russia - 1994 50 Roubles Bison NICE LOW MINTAGE $2.00
685 Coca-Cola 1974 "It's the real thing" Silver Dollar City Token $5.00
686 State Mint of Romania Octagonal Token UNC $2.00
687 Canada - 1937 Dot 5 Cents UNC $10.00
688 France - 1977 10 Francs TONED $2.00
690 Saarland - 1954 10 Franken UNC $8.00
692 Mount Vernon, VA High School Token $1.00
693 Korea (Republic) - 1967 10 Won NICE $5.00
694 Korea (Republic) - 1967 10 Won UNC $40.00
695 Princes of Jerusalem - Cahokia Council A.A.S.RITE Valley of East St Louis Token $3.00
697 Magic Mountain Valencia California Souvenir Token $2.00
698 Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Driver's Association "good for one full fare" token $1.00
700 Downtown Granite City (Illinois) Shopping Center Token $3.00
751 Canada - 1957 House of Commons Medal $3.00
753 Mr. Pizza (World's Worst Pizza) Wooden Quarter Token $1.00
754 National Pony Express Centennial Medal So Called Dollar UNC TONED $5.00
755 Pulaski Bowling Center Free Game Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
756 Four Canada 1991 UNC Cents (4 coins) in OGP CELLO $1.00
757 Four Canada 1991 UNC 5 Cents (4 coins) in OGP CELLO $1.00
758 Pair of Two Thomas Jefferson 1 Cent Postal Stamps $1.00
761 Mexico - 2000 10 Pesos UNC in original cello $6.00
764 Ye Olde Curiosity Shop Seattle 25 Cent Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
765 Mexico - 2000 20 Pesos UNC in original cello $10.00
768 Morocco - AH1320 10 Mazunas $8.00
773 Diamond Dolls Pompano Beach, FL Free Hamburger Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
774 Nadine's Backwoods Bistro One Free Tap Beer Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
775 Ocean Springs Mini Golf One Free Game Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
777 Poland - 2014 2 Zlotych UNC $2.00
778 Lansing, Michigan University Quality Inn One Free Well Drink Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
780 San Jose, California Donut Delight One Small Drink 40 Cents Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
781 H.E.B. Hustle Chip Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
782 Two Mixed Tokens $1.00
784 South Gate, California Robby's Tepee 1 Glass Draft Beer Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
785 Macadoo's One Free Sara Lee Bagle (with butter!) Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
786 Canada - 1970 1 Cent TONED $1.00
788 State Penal Institution 5 Cent Good For Token $3.00
790 Fishing Equipment & Tackle 10% Discount Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
791 District Treasury Alleppey 1860 Token Government of Kerala $2.00
792 Russia (Empire) - 1881 1 Kopek $1.00
793 Black Duck Buck Good For One Premium Drink Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
794 Goodles, Michigan Cook's Cobblestone One Free Beer Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
796 San Diego, California My Yogurt Place One Free Frozen Yogurt Sundae Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
797 Canada - 1939 Coronation Medal $2.00
798 Ellsworth, Maine Bicentennial Headquarters Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
800 Suwanee River Attractions 25 Cent Admission Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
851 Sunnyvale, California Odyssey Room 1 Free Drink Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
852 Great Britain - Queen Victoria 60 Years of Rule Medal $3.00
854 Belgium - 1944 2 Franc NICE $1.00
855 Fredericksburg, Virginia Rappahannock Area Coin Club Wooden Nickel Token One free month $1.00
859 Monarch Automatic Co Northhampton Good For One Coupon in Trading Token $2.00
860 Netherlands - 1881 1 Cent $1.00
862 Mexico - 2000 20 Pesos UNC in original cello $10.00
863 Fredericksburg, Virginia Rappahannock Area Coin Club Wooden Nickel Token One free month $1.00
864 Tullahoma, Tennessee The Finish Line Free Drink Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
865 Here's Johnny's 25 Cents off Purchase Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
866 $1 Good For Token Large $3.00
867 Canada - 1939 Coronation Medal $3.00
868 Boise, Idaho Miller's Sewing Center 25 Cent Needle Package Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
869 San Antonio, Texas Dan's 10861 FM "Round TUIT" Wooden Token $1.00
870 Belgium - 1836 2 Centimes $1.00
871 Vandalia, Ohio Skipper's $3 off purchase Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
872 Roseville, California Onyx Club One Free Beer Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
873 Long Beach, California Fayette Cleaners Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
874 Beckett, Massachussetts 1965 Bicentennial Lee National Bank 5 Cent Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
875 Munhall, Pennsylvania 5 Cent Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
877 Washington, Indiana Sesquicentennial 1966 Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
878 1953 Queen Elizabeth Coronation Medal $3.00
881 Fredonia, New York Coyle's Pub One Free Drink Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
882 Monterey, California Wharfside Restaurant Complimentary Calimari Appetizer Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
883 Lyman, Wyoming Cecil Sanderson Military Token & Wooden Nickel Collector "Round TUIT" Token $1.00
884 Eastlake, Colorado Karl's Farm Dairy Inc 25 Cent Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
885 Elko, Nevada Ed's Coins & Currency "Cents of Humor" Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
887 Richmond Hot Stuff Deluxe Tattoo One Free Drink Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
888 Australia - 2014 1 Dollar 100 Years of ANZAC $1.00
889 Sacramento, California The Tides 1 Free Beer Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
890 Lancaster, Pennsylvania The Comic Store Free Comic Wooden Nickel Token RARE $1.00
891 Bennington, Vermont Bicentennial 1961 5 Cent Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
892 Torrance, California Old Towne Mall One Free Play Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
893 Duenweg, Missouri State Bank One Quart Token NICE $3.00
894 Rotary International Token $1.00
896 Canada - 1930 House of Commons Medal $3.00
897 Greenfield, Iowa Al's Shoe Service 5 Cents Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
900 France - 1944 C 2 Francs $1.00
951 France - 1944 C 2 Francs $1.00
952 Poland - 2006 2 Zlotych $3.00
953 Poland - 2003 2 Zlotych $3.00
954 Aurora, Illinois Dairy Queen Free Small Sundae Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
955 Mullan, Idaho Silver Dollar Bar 1 Free Drink Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
956 Poland - 2004 2 Zlotych $3.00
957 New Horizons Computer Learning Center Turkey Token 10 Auction Dollars Wooden $1.00
962 Lake of the Woods 40th Anniversary Token $2.00
963 The Travancore Bank Trivandrum #103 Token $1.00
964 Perryville, Wisconsin Good For 1 Glass Tap Beer Wooden (plastic) Nickel Token $1.00
966 1925 Larkin Dollar Medal BU $8.00
968 Palmolive Soap Chicago, Illinois Good For One Cake Token NICE $5.00
969 Duenweg State Bank Duenweg, Missouri Strawberry Token Good For 1 Crate $6.00
970 Dallas, Texas City Hall Token $1.00
971 California State Numismatic Association 1973 53rd Anniversary Token $2.00
972 Worldwide Bi-Metallic Collector's Club World Money Fair Encased Coin (Mexico 20 Centavos) $3.00
973 Worldwide Bi-Metallic Collector's Club World Money Fair Encased Coin (Mexico 20 Centavos) $3.00
977 Worldwide Bi-Metallic Collector's Club World Money Fair Encased Coin (New Zealand 5 Cents) $3.00
979 Worldwide Bi-Metallic Collector's Club World Money Fair Encased Coin (New Zealand 5 Cents) $3.00
981 Worldwide Bi-Metallic Collector's Club World Money Fair Encased Coin (New Zealand 5 Cents) $3.00
983 Worldwide Bi-Metallic Collector's Club World Money Fair Encased Coin (New Zealand 5 Cents) $3.00
984 Worldwide Bi-Metallic Collector's Club World Money Fair Encased Coin (New Zealand 5 Cents) $3.00
987 Harry S Truman US Mint Bronze Medal in OGP $3.00
988 John Wayne US Mint Bronze Medal in OGP $5.00
989 Vietnam Veterans National Bronze Medal in OGP $3.00
992 2010 Korea Money Fair Token with original Flip $3.00
993 Matchless Metal Polish Co Liverpool 1906 Token $5.00
995 Marissa, Illinois 1967 Centennial Wooden Nickel Token $1.00
996 Central States Numismatic Society 2005 Token Original AirTite $2.00
997 Central States Numismatic Society 2005 Token Original AirTite $2.00
998 Central States Numismatic Society 2005 Token Original AirTite $2.00
999 Rustler Silver Gas Token $1.00
1000 Worldwide Bi-Metallic Collector's Club World Money Fair Encased Coin (Euro 5 Cent) $3.00
submitted by stldanceartist to Coins4Sale [link] [comments]

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